Brandon’s Revenge (Hearts On Fire Trilogy, Book 1) Sample/Kindle
Brandon’s Revenge (Hearts On Fire Trilogy, Book 1) Sample/Kindle
5 4606 5  ( Completed )


Genelia Mitchell frowned at the investment agreement in her hand, reading it for the hundredth time since the courier service delivered it to her this morning. She massaged her temples as her eyes took in the illogical terms and conditions specified there. If she had a choice, she would never sell her soul and accept help from a stranger, but the circumstances were dreary and she had no choice other than to agree. It was the only way to save Synergist Trading, her dad’s dream, his business from the brink of insolvency. 

She stared at the name of the investor on the document. 

Zander Reid.

He was a successful entrepreneur whose company, Reid Miller International Trading (RMIT), made headlines in the world of international trade. However, Gia wouldn’t have known of his existence had her grandfather, Dan Mitchell, not suggested his name to her. It was beyond her understanding why Zander Reid would invest in their dying business and help her out. Gia hadn’t taken her grandfather’s suggestion seriously and tried everything in her power to save the business. However, a week ago, when her grandfather suddenly disappeared without a message or a phone call, there wasn’t any other option left than to contact Mr. Reid for help. 

He had been prompt in his reply and agreed to invest in the business, provided she agreed to his terms and conditions. She had never seen the man nor heard his voice and a few emails were all it took to convince him! It shocked Gia since she hadn’t expected him to agree so readily when he had a successful business of his own. Why would he want to invest his precious millions in a company on the brink of bankruptcy? These were questions she wanted to ask him, but did she want to meet him knowing what he wanted from her? She felt as if she had failed her dad.

“I tried my best dad,” she mumbled almost to herself as her mind drifted away to those carefree days when her family was alive.

It had been her dad’s dying wish that she save the company. Since the day she was born, she had seen her dad, Jonathan Mitchell, and her uncle, Henry Mitchell, work tirelessly to turn Synergist Trading into a much-coveted mega organization with a valuation at $140 billion. However, all their hard work went downhill when their export import business started attracting the unwanted attention of an illegal drug lord, Rafael Moretti. He wanted to use their resources for smuggling weapons illegally into the country. Although her dad and uncle were against it, they had to surrender to his wishes, as the safety of the family was at stake. Rafael Moretti confiscated the business, and they had to live under a constant threat. 

Gia sighed, knowing how it all started. Her older sister, Amy, married her Italian boyfriend, Matteo Antonio Ricci, who was Rafael’s distant cousin. Gia, as Genelia preferred being called, was sure that Rafael came to know of Synergist Trading from Matteo. It couldn’t have been a coincidence that Rafael approached them a month after Amy’s wedding! Sensing trouble, her oldest sibling, Ryan Mitchell, who was a cardiologist, moved away to Philadelphia with his wife, Megan and two-year-old son, Alex. He had warned them against Rafael and wanted to take them away with him, but their dad and uncle didn’t wish to leave their ancestral home at Brentwood Park, LA, California. 

After his departure, uncle Henry’s twin boys, Wesley and Blade, also left home for their studies. While Wesley pursued Computer Engineering in New York, Blade followed Ryan’s footsteps to study medicine. Gia was the only one left behind at home to support her old grandparents, Dan and Clara Mitchell, her mom, Emily Mitchell and aunt, Dana Mitchell as well as continue with her studies. She majored in International Trade since her dad wanted her to help him with the business. Gia couldn’t disappoint him. He still hoped that someday he would rescue his company from the shrewd Rafael. 

Yes, they rescued the business after four years, but it had cost her dearly. It destroyed her life forever beyond repair. She lost her family, her parents, uncle and aunt in a fatal car accident. Even Rafael Moretti died along with his men as they all were returning together from an event. While they pronounced the rest of her family dead on the spot, her dad breathed his last at the hospital after extracting a promise from Gia that she would save his company and bring it to its former glory. The police suspected the involvement of an opponent of Rafael Moretti, but they had found no evidence so far. 

On hearing the news, her grandmother had been inconsolable and suffered a fatal heart attack, passing away quietly in her sleep. If it hadn’t been for her grandfather, Gia would have given up everything and gone to her brother, Ryan. Dan Mitchell gave her the strength and guidance to stand up and fight to achieve her dad’s last wish. For four years, she battled against all odds, leaving no stone unturned, but to no avail. Suddenly, a week ago, her grandfather left home, giving her the name of a probable investor, Zander Reid. 

She searched for her grandfather everywhere, filed an FIR and waited for a week, but it seemed as if her grandfather had abandoned her forever. She had never felt so lonely in her entire twenty-six years of life as she did now. 

A knock on the door brought her out of her reverie. “Come in.” Her PA, Stella Fischer, walked inside looking a little apprehensive. She had been with them for the last ten years and was an asset to the company, with her vast amount of experience. 

“Mr. Reid is waiting for you in the conference room, Genelia,” she announced, making Genelia’s jaws drop with surprise. She glanced at the clock helplessly. How could he arrive thirty minutes early? She wasn’t at all ready to face him now.

“So early? Offer him refreshments, Stella. I’ll be there in ten,” she said, getting up to fix her appearance. 

“Make it fast, Genelia. He has declined all refreshments and has been only harping on your name ever since he walked in,” announced a flustered Stella. It made Gia’s heart hammer in her chest wondering what was in store for her. She did not know what exactly Zander Reid wanted from her, apart from 80% shares and full operational control over the company till he recovered his investments with interest and double the profit. She was fine with that, but it was the clause 5.1 that had her in a fix. It clearly stated that payments were to be tranched. He would pay the entire investment amount in parts and each payment would be conditional upon the achievement of some agreed milestones. What were those milestones? What conditions did the payment of the investment amount depend on? 

“Genelia, you zoned out, dear. Don’t worry, everything will be fine,” comforted Stella. Gia came to her senses and flashed a fake smile at Stella. She knew that the older woman meant well, but her nerves were too jumpy at the prospect of meeting the business tycoon. Would he be as disgusting as Rafael Moretti? After all, there was a time when the twenty-nine-year-old Moretti pursued her like a lunatic. She was just sixteen then! His mistress became pregnant with his heir and he lost interest in Gia, but momentarily, only she wasn’t aware that he was waiting for her to turn eighteen. She blinked those dreadful thoughts away. She didn’t wish to remember those bleak two years of her life at all, when her family forced her to marry the drug lord. This was no time to ponder over those. She had a task at hand, and that was more important than anything else in the world! She had to save her dad’s business. 

Somehow fixing her appearance, she walked out of her office towards the conference room, with Stella rushing alongside to catch up with her long strides. At 5 ft 10, with her long legs encased in an expensive navy-blue pantsuit and her light blonde long hair twisted in a French knot, Gia was an epitome of grace. 

“Is the conference room ready for the presentation?”

“Yes, we had just set it up when Mr. Reid angrily strode in like he owned the place,” complained Stella in hushed tones. 

“Well, he will anyway. Let’s get on with it then,” she replied. The nearer she reached the conference room, the more her heart started racing with apprehension. She expected a middle-aged man just like Rafael Moretti with evil intentions. Saying a silent prayer in her mind, she opened the door and walked in with confidence. 

She hadn’t even taken two steps when she stopped short, seeing a tall man standing at the enormous bay windows with his back towards her. He seemed to play with the blinds, opening and closing them as if they deserved his attention more than she did. His broad muscular shoulders, encased in a charcoal gray suit, looked stiff and angry while his dark jet-black hair curled at the nape of his neck seemed oddly familiar. His fragrance seemed to fill her senses, and suddenly she felt choked and claustrophobic. 

Sensing her presence in the room, he slowly turned to look at her. Genelia’s breath got stuck in her throat as her hazel eyes connected with his dark gray ones. Recognition flickered in hers. She could recognize those eyes anywhere! They were Brandon’s eyes. 

Brandon Davis!

There was a time when she was crazy about him. There was a time when she used to dream about him all the time. She was sixteen, and he was her first love. Her Brandon! But how could Zander Reid be her Brandon? 

After all, Brandon died ten years ago!

continue: Chapter One