Lost In A Daydream
Lost In A Daydream
113 56816 46  ( Completed )

Chapter Thirty-Three


Pete kept his promise and confessed to his crime. The next few days, Colton and Charlotte were very busy. The court case came up and Pete was fined and sentenced to two years of imprisonment. He accepted his fate and went to face his punishment happily knowing the prize he had to look forward to when he completed his punishment. 

Colton heaved a sigh of relief after getting Victoria justice. He wanted to see her very badly and tell her what he had done for her. So he took the next flight to Las Vegas. Rushing to her house, he was just about to get out of the car when he saw Victoria coming out of her house with a man! 

He froze with horror seeing Victoria’s pregnant body. The man was guiding her gently towards his car. Was Victoria married? Who was the man? Was it her husband? After they sped off, he sat dazed in his car, too shocked to even say anything. All the enthusiasm left his body seeing Victoria so happy with another man. Here he was going crazy about her, getting her justice, losing his sleep over her while all the time she was enjoying a happy married life? 

“F*ck you, Victoria! You’ve destroyed my life,” he swore and drove off back to the airport. There was nothing for him in Las Vegas. She had moved on and he was a fool to stay back and wait for her forever. “How could you forget me so easily?” he cried, his eyes filling up with unshed tears.  

He was too upset to go to work, to do anything the next few days and only drank himself to forget the bitter truth. Victoria was married, pregnant and happy without him! He trashed around the house and still couldn’t get over his grief. Not seeing him around for weeks, Davion went to his house to check up on him. His eyes widened with horror seeing Colton’s state. He was drunk even in broad daylight, his beautiful apartment was destroyed, there was glass shattered everywhere. Everything was in a mess. 

“Colt? What happened to you bro?” he asked him gently. 

“I loved her, I loved her with everything I had but she forgot me, bro. She got married. I can’t see her happy with another man. She’s pregnant with another man’s child while I’m dying here for her,” yelled Colton incoherently. 

“Who are you talking about? Who got married?” asked Davion puzzled by what he was saying in his inebriated state. 

“Victoria, who else,” he said, gulping down more whiskey straight from the bottle. 

“Give me that first. You aren’t drinking anymore,” he said, snatching the bottle from his hand. “You’ve got it all wrong. Victoria isn’t married,” he corrected her. Colton stared at him with disbelief. 

“Of course she is. I saw her with my own eyes. She was pregnant and with a man,” he argued. 

“No Colt. She got pregnant with Pete’s child when he forced himself upon her. The man might be a relative or something just helping her. Victoria isn’t married,” said Davion. Colton gaped at him, words failing him. He was shocked beyond words. He hadn’t thought of this possibility before! Everything fell into place. Victoria was pregnant and that was the reason why she hadn’t gone to college. That was the reason why he hadn’t seen her go out of her house. 

“Oh! Are you sure?” asked Colton foolishly scratching his neck. 

“Of course, I am. Get a grip over yourself, dude. If you love her so much, go and talk to her instead of drinking yourself to death,” suggested Davion. 

“I think I will,” said Colton. Davion sent his maids to clean up Colton’s house. Greta went to take care of him. 

The next morning, Colton was in a good mood. So Victoria wasn’t married after all! He went to his art studio for the first time after she left. He removed the cover and stared at the portrait of Victoria that he had created. He still remembered his promise to her. If he fell, in love with her first, he would send this portrait to her as a gift. Well! The time had come to fulfill that promise to her. 

Davion came over to check up on him. Colton told him of his plans to send the portrait to Victoria. “Her delivery is scheduled for next week. Sofia and I are planning a visit,” he informed a clueless Colton. 

“Oh, then I’d better hurry. I want her to receive this painting,” he told him. 

However, instead of next week, Victoria’s delivered baby Asher after two days. So she had no idea about Colton’s painting which was delivered at her house. Her mom was so excited that she forgot to inform her. Trevor too couldn’t contain his excitement. He had been giving her hints for the last fourteen days that he was serious about her, that he wanted to marry her. Although Victoria didn’t commit to him, he was determined to ask her when she woke up. Victoria woke up in the evening, feeling overwhelmed to see her whole family there.

“How are you feeling now?” asked her mom, excitedly. 

“Much better mom. Did you see Asher?” asked Victoria. 

“Yes, we’re just coming from the nursery,” said her dad.

“He looks so much like you, Vicky,” said her mom excitedly. “I can’t wait to take him in my arms,” she added. 

“I think they’ll release me tomorrow,” said Victoria. 

After her parents left, Trevor stayed back with her, hovering over her, fussing over her. “I’m fine, Trevor,” said Victoria to put him at ease. He sat down beside her and picked up her hands, holding onto them firmly. 

“I’m glad that you’re fine, Victoria. I was so worried about you and Asher. You both are like family to me. I care deeply for both of you. I’ve been thinking a lot about it for the last few months and I feel that I want to have both of you in my life, for real. I want to fulfill all your dreams, Victoria. I want to be a dad to Asher. Will you give me a chance to prove myself to you? Will you marry me , Victoria?” he asked, looking deeply into her eyes. Victoria was dumbstruck by his sincerity, by the warm look in his eyes. She was overwhelmed by his words. No man had ever cared for her so much as Trevor did. He made her feel special. Although they had never crossed the line beyond holding hands, yet Victoria felt positive and warmth in his presence.  

“Thank you so much, Trevor. I’m deeply touched by your words. Yes, I will marry you, Trevor,” she said, not even rethinking her decision. She wanted Asher to grow up in a normal family. She wanted him to get a father’s love in his life and Trevor was the best for him. Trevor took out a ring from his pockets and slipped it onto her finger. It was a simple diamond ring with a plain solitaire embedded in it. 

“Thank you for agreeing, Victoria. I’m glad that we soon will unite as a family,” he said with a happy smile on his face.

“Me too,” said Victoria but somehow she didn’t share his excitement with him. Her heart was heavy and she felt like crying more than celebrating. She had accepted his proposal only for Asher’s sake. She didn’t want him to grow up like an illegitimate child. Trevor stayed for some more time and discussed with her details of their wedding. It would be a simple church affair after two months when she was fitter and Asher was a little stronger. After he left, Victoria sobbed silently into her pillow. She didn’t love Trevor yet he was doing so much for her and Asher while the person she loved didn’t care even a little hit for her. It was really sad that Colton didn’t even once apologize to her or try to find out the truth behind everything. 

“God, why can’t I just love Trevor instead?” she sobbed into her pillow. 

Trevor drove over to her parents on his way home to announce their engagement  to them. Her parents weren’t surprised as he had expected them to be. They seemed to have anticipated beforehand that they would marry soon. He had dinner with them but despite everything his heart was heavy. 

Trevor went home with his heavy heart and stood in front of Stefanie’s picture that adorned the wall of his bedroom. “Are you upset with me, Steffi? I can’t live alone any more. Asher needs a dad badly. I still love you and will always do. I’m just trying to help Victoria and Asher. I hope you understand,” he said as tears fell from his eyes.

The next day he drove over to the hospital to get his fiancée and her baby. They would be released from the hospital today and there was a lot to be done. The nursery was ready and Victoria’s parents were excitedly waiting for their arrival. Victoria was eager to go home with Asher and smiled at her fiancé when he came over to take them home. A new life awaited her. Although she wasn’t as happy as she should have been, yet she had accepted her fate for the sake of her baby.

continue: Chapter Thirty-Four


2021-09-01 22:54:53

Read the next chapter for the full conversation please


2021-09-01 21:57:31

But Vicki's mum had clearly mentioned that Vicky had not given her answer when Sofia had asked in front of Colton and on hearing this news Colton had left immediately. I had assumed that Colton would sort with Vicky before she answer Trevor


2021-09-01 20:47:31

It wasn't the full conversation..I usually pick up bits and pieces as a trailer for what's to come


2021-09-01 19:46:00

If I remember correctly Vicky had not answered Trevor when he had proposed when we were in the end of Sofia and Davion story. Then why this twist?


2021-09-01 19:20:42

If I remember correctly Vicky had not answered Trevor when he had proposed when we were in the end of Sofia and Davion story. Then why this twist?


2021-09-01 16:51:43

Awesome ch, update soon.😀


2021-09-01 13:24:18

Update soon pls


2021-09-01 12:03:43

Update soon


2021-09-01 11:17:47

im sad huhuhu. i tot victoria wont say yes hmmm
