Lost In A Daydream
Lost In A Daydream
113 56814 46  ( Completed )

Chapter Ten

“That isn’t an option for me, “ said Victoria, working on the stuffing for her chicken breasts. 

“There are women, celebrities who would do anything to kiss me, you know, “ said Colton, feeling a little insulted at her retort. 

“Go to them, then. I don’t kiss random people,” said Victoria. Colton’s eyes blazed with fire. If he could he would grab her and kiss her, brand her for life, reduce her incapable of enjoying anyone else’s life. He would have made her see what it felt like to be kissed by Colton Glenn. 

“Am I a random person to you?” asked Colton, whirling her around to face him. Victoria gasped with surprise. 

“Colton, I’m cooking for God’s sake!” she exclaimed but her eyes widened seeing the intense and wild look in his eyes. “We aren’t friends, actually. I’ll go away to Las Vegas after a few days and maybe we’ll never meet after that,” she shrugged, trying to make him see sense. 

“You’ll give up and forget about the bet?” asked Colton with disbelief. 

“I won’t give up but I can’t stay here for a useless bet. I have college to attend to,” said Victoria, pushing him away. Colton seemed to be deep in thought after hearing her. Victoria didn’t mind. She had a task at hand and as long as he’s drowned in his own world,  the better for her. She quickly slit the chicken breasts and started filling them up. 

“You’re doing it all wrong,” said Colton, coming up behind her. Victoria wanted to tie him up to an iron chair for an hour. This way, she was losing her concentration and forgetting what Greta had taught her. 

“If you interrupt once more, I’ll go back to Vegas right now. I can’t concentrate this way,” she glared at him angrily. Colton chuckled. 

“You can’t escape the challenge, love,” he smirked. Victoria snorted, hearing the endearment and went back to her cooking. He was really despicable! “Fine, do it wrong. If it isn’t at..,” Victoria interrupted his dialogue. He had said the same thing so many times that she had learnt it by heart now. 

“I know. If it isn’t at par with your cooking, it wouldn’t count at all,” she sighed. “Now before I tie you to an iron chair, can you please stop?” she pleaded. Colton laughed.

“Why an iron chair? Why not a normal chair?” he asked curiously. 

“You can’t move around with an iron chair. You’ll be stuck to it and at my mercy,” said Victoria. Colton laughed.

“Thankfully, I don’t have those in my house. So your threat doesn’t work for me,” he said. Victoria sighed. She knew that she was messing up the dish this time with him disturbing her so much but she couldn’t pinpoint where she’d gone wrong. Trying to ignore his presence, she concentrated on her cooking. Taking a large skillet, she put the stuffed chicken breasts to cook while she went about preparing the sides. 

“Ewww, broccoli?” said Colton. Victoria turned towards him. 

“Then what sides would you like?” she asked him. “Mashed potatoes?” She asked. He shook his head. 

“It’s too ordinary,” he shrugged. Victoria rolled her eyes at him.

“Potato, bacon salad?” she suggested. 

“No potatoes, no rice, no broccoli, no mushrooms, no asparagus, no carrots,” he said, his eyes burning with fire. Victoria had the strange feeling that he was riling her up on purpose but she refused to give up. She switched off the flame as the chicken breasts were done and walked up to the pantry and pulled out a pack of pull apart fresh buns. Then going to the refrigerator, she took a peak while Colton watched her with interest. What would she do? With limited culinary skills, she was sure to give up now, he thought with a smug expression on his face. 

“Bacon and cheese bread, sautéed green beans and zucchini fritters?” asked Victoria to his utter amazement. 

“You can make all that?” asked Colton with disbelief. Victoria nodded and walked towards the kitchen counter with all the ingredients that she needed. She soon started preparing the zucchini fritters first. Colton watched her with amazement, too stunned by her actions to say a word. She then proceeded to make the green beans while prepared the bacon and cheese for the buns. Finally everything was ready and she served them in the dining table with Colton following her with a brooding look on his face. Victoria didn’t have the time to catch her breath. She had never cooked so much in her entire eighteen years of life! She sat opposite him as he served himself the food, waiting for his verdict. He placed a fork full of the chicken breast in his mouth and chewed it with disgust. Victoria’s face fell seeing his reaction. 

“Is it not good?” she asked him with her heart hammering in her chest. 

“It’s horrible. Firstly there’s no salt. Secondly you should have cooked it evenly on both sides. You forgot to cook the other side, so one side is overcooked while the other is raw. You didn’t even do a thermometer test to check if the insides have been cooked or not. I’m sorry, you fail in this challenge, Victoria, “ he said, getting up. Victoria’s face fell and she felt like crying her heart out. All the effort she had put in was for nothing? He rinsed his mouth and came back to the room, his eyes glittering with a strange lust in them, showing his evil intent. Victoria was frozen in the spot where he had left her. She just couldn’t believe that all her efforts were indeed a waste! Colton walked up to her and caught hold of her arm, turning her to face him.

“Are you ready for your punishment?” he asked, his eyes burning with lust while his lips had a victorious smirk. Before Victoria could think of a reply, he pulled her flush against him, right into his arms. Victoria looked up at him with a lost expression on her face. She felt very hurt by his insensitive behavior. She felt violated.

Colton lowered his head and smashed his lips to hers in an intensely hungry and wild kiss. His fingers tangled into her hair and he steadied her head to dominate the kiss. Victoria gasped at the electric shock that his lips produced in her body. Her body seemed rekindled with need, causing all her senses to feel lost in the intensity of the kiss. He picked up her hand and would it around his shoulders, while his tongue parted her lips with expertise. She moaned when his hot tongue entered her sweetness, probing, tasting, devouring her mouth completely. The kiss went on and on as Colton ravished her sweetness, not getting enough. This was what he had been dreaming of since the day he had met her and now that he was getting to kiss her, he noticed that she hadn’t once kissed him back.

“Kiss me, Victoria, “ he ordered hoarsely, releasing her mouth for a second but she didn’t respond, 

“Stop, please,” she said in a faint voice, her lips swollen from his kiss, while her eyes filled with tears. Colton caught her hips and pulled her tightly against him, grinding into her. Surely, she wasn’t pulling away now when he was on the verge of releasing! He had no idea what was with this young, inexperienced, teenage girl that a simple kiss with her had made him on the verge of losing his sh*t. Victoria pushed at his chest, ready to flee. She knew what he wanted. It was what he wanted with every woman he saw! But she wouldn’t warm his bed like every other woman. She was hurt that he had forcefully stolen her first kiss. She had saved it for the man she would fall in love with, the one she would eventually marry! 

“Victoria, stop struggling. I’m sure you want this as much as I want it. You’ll love it, just relax and enjoy,” coaxed Colton but Victoria pushed at him like a wild cat. She wouldn’t go into anything with him. He had tricked her. He never wanted her to win the challenge in the first place. That was why he was distracting her while she was cooking. 

“No, Colton. You tricked me. You knew that you would never let me win, despite all my efforts,” she said as tears fell from her eyes. Colton released her, staring at her with a confused look on his face. 

“Victoria..,” he started but she wrenched herself free and picking up her mobile phone from the dining table, she ran out of his apartment, swearing in her head that she would never have anything to do with Colton Glenn again. 

She reached Sofia’s house and ran to her room, not wanting to talk to anyone. She felt cheated and used. The tears fell from her eyes and she started packing up. Sofia and Greta walked into the room, looking at her with concern. 

“What happened?” asked Sofia. 

“Nothing, he tricked me. I made some much effort but he told me that I failed, right on my face,” said Victoria. Sofia and Greta shared a look not understanding why she was crying for such a trivial reason. 

“Why are you packing?” asked Greta.

“I’m leaving just now,” said a determined Victoria. Sofia looked alarmed.

“It’s already late, Vicky. Go tomorrow morning if you have to,” she said. 

continue: Chapter Eleven


2021-08-14 14:59:20

Still trying to related how both sisters end up leaving Reno


2021-08-13 23:39:23

Awesome ch, love it, eagerly waiting for the next update.😀
