Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49515 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Forty-Six

Ryder was stunned by her request. Did it mean that she wanted to give a name to their relationship? He just couldn’t believe that she could still want a simple cowboy like him. 

“Do you realize what you’ve asked for? If I ask for your hand, there would be no going back. I’ll fight till I’m able to convince her. Can you go through the drama that will break out? Think we’ll before I get my hopes up and make the final move,” said Ryder, a strange fire burning in his eyes. 

Anastasia nodded. She had never been more sure. Ryder was the only one she had ever wanted and it would never change. She would love him forever, he lived inside her soul. No one else could occupy his place. “I’m sure that I’ll never back off, Blue. You have my word for it but two things I don’t want to do. I don’t want to hurt aunt Vida and I don’t want to break my promise to my mother,” said Anastasia, climbing off his lap. 

Ryder looked deep in thought about what she said. He would have to think of a solution that will make everyone happy. But that can wait for two weeks. He wanted to make the most of the time he had with her. “I’ll keep all that in mind. But before that I want to take you out on a date tomorrow. Will you?” Asked Ryder eagerly. Anastasia’s heart instantly started a happy dance and she nodded.

“Yes,” she said shyly, remembering their disastrous last date to Lake Mead. It had been such a long time back yet she remembered every detail vividly like it had just happened yesterday. 

“Don’t worry, it won’t be anything like our last date,” said Ryder with a chuckle.

“I’ll look forward to it,” she said, climbing out of his car. “Bye, Blue,” she said softly, her eyes twinkling under the moonlit sky. 

“Be ready by 3 o’clock in the afternoon. Pack an overnighter,” he said, watching her for her reaction. 

“Oh, are we staying the night? Where are we going?” she asked curiously. Ryder smirked and started his car.

“Good night, Annie. Sweet dreams of me. I’ll see you tomorrow at 5,” he said, maneuvering the car away, leaving Anastasia to stare at him with curiosity. 

The next morning, Anastasia couldn’t concentrate on anything at all. She packed a bag full of essentials and kept on dreaming throughout the morning about her dream date with Ryder. “I’m going out with Ryder today after lunch, granny Daisy. I’ll return tomorrow,” she said while preparing lunch with her granny. 

“Sure, don’t forget to carry protection,” said granny Daisy in mock seriousness as she chopped the vegetables for the slow cooked beef stew that she was about to make. Anastasia choked on her spit hearing her words. Was that all she could come up with?

“Granny, please! You really have a dirty mind,” she scolded her granny whose face finally broke out into a wide grin. 

“What’s the big deal in it? It’s quite a normal thing between two people in love,” said granny Daisy. “The only way Vida Slovene will accept your relationship is to get pregnant with Ryder’s baby else she would mold you into someone just like her. No one waits forever, my dear. If you delay this, Ryder will eventually move on and marry someone who loves him. With his looks and fame, I’m sure there are many who would be readily available,” warned her granny.

Her granny’s words got her thinking but she wasn’t ready to get pregnant just yet. She wanted to spend time with Ryder first, not just little moments together. She wanted to live with him every second of the day, connect with him, show him how much she loved him. When they both were sure about their relationship, then they could think of bringing a baby into this world. 

“I’ll think about it, don’t worry,” she just said with a shrug. Granny Daisy didn’t pursue the matter any further and they became busy with lunch. Anastasia’s heart jumped with excitement as the time flew by. After lunch, she sat in front of her closet to decide what to wear. It was a difficult decision since Ryder hadn’t even given her any hint about where they were off to. After much thought, she chose a soft beige dress over a pair of figure-hugging leggings and a matching soft beige jacket and scarf. Spraying her latest craze, Antonio Banderas Blue Seduction, she dabbed on some lipstick and was ready to go. 

She sat near the door but there was no sign of Ryder at all. “Maybe he got held up at work,” her grandpa tried to comfort her. 

“He could have messaged me that he would be late,” pouted Anastasia, staring at her mobile, waiting for his message.

“He’s just 5 minutes late. I’m sure that he is held up for a genuine cause, otherwise that boy is always earlier than needed,” said her dad. 

“It’s okay to wait for good things. They make the excitement multiply,” said granny. 

“Really? You guys seemed to be bowled over by him,” said Anastasia, glaring at her family. 

“Well, aren’t you as well?” asked her dad with a chuckle. 

“I’m not answering that,” she said but a deep blush stained her cheeks. 

“Why not? I’m waiting for an answer,” said Ryder from the door. Anastasia gasped seeing him leaning against the door. When exactly did he arrive? She had no idea at all! She hadn’t even heard his car. 

“Oh, when did you come in? I was waiting for you,” said Anastasia, blushing a little at being caught discussing him. 

“Just!” he said with a chuckle. He greeted everyone in the room, hugging granny Daisy. “I’ll drop her home tomorrow. Will that be alright?” Asked Ryder a little hesitantly.

“We won’t mind at all if you don’t. You can keep her with you for life,” said her dad with a chuckle, making Anastasia blush to the roots of her hair.

“Dad, what’s wrong with you?” she scolded her dad who laughed seeing her red tomato shaded face. 

“Okay, enjoy yourselves children! Hope you’ve packed what I asked you to?” asked granny Daisy. Anastasia jumped up and placed her hand over her granny’s mouth. 

“Bye all of you. Take care,” she said, pushing a laughing and very interested Ryder out of the house. Ryder had parked his truck outside the gates and Anastasia checked out the stuff that was loaded upon it. 

“Where exactly are we going?” asked Anastasia, seeing the fishing gear, food supplies and other stuff. She loaded her bag as well and climbed in. Ryder chuckled as he climbed into the driver’s seat.

“Guess!” he said with a mysterious smile. Anastasia shook her head, unable to figure it out at all. “Watch the route and try to recall,” he said with a grin as he started the truck. Anastasia was more confused by his statement. What should she try to recall? Did she travel to the place before? But she only went to Beavercreek National Forest with them five years back. So was he taking her there? He had promised a long time ago when they were boating on Coyote Creek  that he would take her there someday. Excitement coursed through her body at the thought of the Coyote cabin where she had gone with everyone. They had such a good time. 

“I think I know where we’re going,” said Anastasia, her eyes twinkling with excitement. 

“Where?” asked Ryder curiously waiting for her answer.

“Beavercreek National Forest, Coyote cabin, right?” asked Anastasia, staring at him for his reaction.

Ryder smiled looking impressed. He hadn’t expected her to remember it even after five years. It was a precious memory for him, was it the same for her? 

“What, am I right?” asked Anastasia eagerly.

“Yes, I had promised to take you there again, so I booked the cabin last night for us. Are you eager to go?” he asked, waiting for her answer. 

“Yes, I loved the place. That was the first time we went out, remember?” asked Anastasia. Ryder smiled at her silly question. Obviously he remembered. How could he forget? He had fallen for her the day he had met her! 

“The day is etched on my mind forever, Annie. I can never forget it. I fell in love with you more there. I fell in love with you the day you walked into my shop. It was love at first sight,” said Ryder. Anastasia smiled and nodded, agreeing to him totally.

“Although I didn’t believe in any such thing, it happened to me as well. I fell for you on the first day itself. I still have that image of you etched in my mind forever,” said Anastasia with a laugh.

“What image?” asked Ryder curiously.  

“You froze with the pizza in front of you. On our second meeting, you were frozen with a burger in front of you,” chuckled Anastasia. 

Ryder chuckled but his cheeks turned a little pink. “You remember all that?” asked Ryder with disbelief. 

“How can I not, Blue? You are still the only one for me. I remember every moment I spent with you,” she admitted shyly.


continue: Chapter Forty-Seven


2022-02-19 16:27:08

Awesome !


2022-01-26 23:44:54

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
