Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49452 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Forty-Three

Finally the next day, they boarded their flight to Great Falls. Anastasia’s dad was too overwhelmed and couldn’t stop telling them of his childhood escapades in Fordsville with his friends. Finally they reached and to their immense surprise, Rex and Anastasia’s grandpa, Eddie Hampton stood waiting to take them home. 

His eyes filled up seeing his only son after so long. “Davy, I thought I’d die waiting for you,” he said, wiping his tears away. 

“Sorry, dad. This time I really stretched it too far,” said David Farrell. “How's mom?” he asked eagerly. 

“She’s fine, busy as always making all your favorite dishes,” laughed grandpa Eddie. He opened his arms to Anastasia and she ran into them eagerly. 

“Grandpa, I’ve missed you so much,” she said, hugging him back.

“You’ve grown into quite a lady, my dear,” said grandpa with a chuckle. Anastasia blushed and discreetly eyed Ryder who was watching them intently.

“Shouldn’t I get the biggest hug grandpa Eddie for forcing them to come here?” asked Ryder with a chuckle. Grandpa laughed and released Anastasia.

“Of course, my boy,” he said, giving Ryder a hug and a pat on his back. Ryder introduced Rex to Anastasia’s dad and they loaded their luggage and drove away towards home. Rex dropped Anastasia’s dad and grandpa Eddie at their house and they unloaded their luggage as well but Anastasia wanted to meet Renée.  So after meeting her granny Daisy, she climbed back into the car much to Ryder’s satisfaction. Rex drove them to Wildcreek Ranch. 

“So, Ana, you’ve grown into a celebrity, huh? It feels good to see your interviews on TV,” said Rex. Anastasia smiled.

“I don’t want to be a celebrity. I’d rather be a small town baker,” she said with a laugh. Ryder smiled. She hadn’t interacted with him much in the last three days. He was certain that the love they had between them was lost forever. Rex laughed with disbelief. 

“Are you for real?” he asked, making Anastasia smile back in response. She knew that she didn’t want this life at all. She still was the simple girl who loved a certain cowboy and would give up everything to start a life with him. However, she needed another life to fulfill her wishes! This was her mom’s last wish and she had promised her that she would take care of the business forever. So with her own wishes taking a backseat, Anastasia strove harder and harder everyday to fulfill her promise to her mom on her deathbed. She glanced at Ryder who didn’t look as love struck as he was before. He seemed to have outgrown his feelings for her and she felt that it was better this way. Maybe he had found a girl last year and had moved on from her. 

They reached the ranch and Rex parked his car. Ryder jumped out and walked over to the house followed by Anastasia. The door flew open and Renée rushed out with a squeal of delight and her arms open wide. “Ana! Wow, you look so gorgeous! I had never imagined you would look like this,” she exclaimed, making Anastasia blush when Ryder raised an eyebrow at them. Maybe he didn’t agree with his sister. Maybe he had seen more beautiful women. 

“You’re looking so beautiful and glowing yourself. I can see that Sawyer’s magic is working on you,” she laughed.

“Thanks for coming, bestie.  I wouldn’t have wanted another maid of honor,” said Renée, pulling her inside the house. 

"I told you that I'd come back for your wedding. I did, " said Anastasia. 

“You should thank me instead for forcing her to come,” said Ryder with a shrug. 

“Is it true, Ana? You didn’t wish to come here to attend my wedding?” asked Renée with a pout. 

“I didn’t have anyone to handle my work in my absence but then things got sorted out and here I am,” she said, giving Ryder a glare. He laughed and walked away to his room. 

Anastasia caught up with each and everyone in Ryder’s house. Rhett was newly married to Adelaide and Rihanna had met a really hot cowboy who whisked her away every now and then. Ryan was getting up to go away to Las Vegas forever while Rex was still the heartbroken soul he was when Anastasia had left Fordsville. As for Ryder, she didn’t have the heart to ask Renée anything about him. They caught up like old times and Anastasia spent the whole day at her house, doing things with her. Sawyer drove them to aunt Charlotte’s boutique to shop till they dropped. 

Ryder went to his office and spent his time overworking himself to the limit. His heart was heavy and he just couldn’t deal with Anastasia’s aloofness any longer. The sun was about to set when he returned home but to his surprise, he saw Anastasia still there. “There he is. Ryde, will you drop Ana home?” asked Renée excitedly. 

“Sure,” said Ryder, picking up his car keys and striding out of the door. Anastasia rushed after him, her heart beating faster and faster. Suddenly a young woman parked her car and came rushing towards Ryder, making Anastasia’s eyes pop out with surprise. She was exquisitely beautiful with long chocolate brown curls and deep blue eyes and the way she started talking to Ryder, it seemed as if they had known each other for a long time. Maybe Ryder indeed had moved on. 

“Annie, this is Hailey, and Hailey this is Annie,” said Ryder when suddenly he realized that Anastasia was following him outside. Anastasia smiled at Hailey but she was very jealous of the way Hailey was gripping his hand to whisk him away with her. “Umm, Annie, I need to go right now. I’ll ask Ryan to drop you home. Will that be alright?” he asked apologetically. The smile on Anastasia’s face disappeared and her heart felt crushed. 

“Please go ahead. Don’t bother about me. I’m sure there are many people here who can drop me home,” she said, turning and going back into the house, her face red with insult and jealousy. Ryder walked away towards Hailey's car while she went back to Renée's room. She was determined that she would just attend the wedding and leave the next morning. 

“What happened? Ryder didn’t drop you?” asked Renée. Anastasia shook her head. “Wait, I’ll ask Rex,” said Renée. Anastasia slumped onto her bed, the enthusiasm draining out of her. 

“What happened, Ana? It looks like you’ve seen a ghost,” said Renée. 

“No, just Hailey. She took Ryder away with her. Maybe Ryder has moved on, after all,” she said with a sigh. 

“He hasn’t but if you don’t respond to him, he will. So what about you and Ryde, Ana? He'll die waiting for you like this, " said Renée.

Anastasia looked down at her hands. "I can’t return to Fordsville. I have promised my mom that I'd look after the business forever. It was her last wish, " she told her.

"Then talk to Ryder about it. I’m sure there could be a solution to this,” said Renée.

“I don’t think so. Anyway, Ryder has Hailey with him. He doesn’t need me anymore," said Anastasia and her face fell a little.

"Yes, Hailey is interested in Ryder but he still likes you, Ana. Grab what’s yours, there’s still time," she told Anastasia and her face paled considerably. “She is his best friend, Caleb’s sister and as such they’ve known one another all their lives,” informed Renée. 

"I’ll try," she told Renée. 

"Don't force Ryder to give up hopes of you and marry Hailey in return," she told her. Anastasia nodded, not arguing any further. Her hands were tied, it was upon Ryder whether he wanted her or not. Rex walked in with his car keys.

“C’mon, I’ll drop you home,” he said. The two friends parted on a sad note and Anastasia went home heartbroken and sad. After making dinner with granny Daisy, she served everyone and tried hard to forget the hurt and move on but it was almost an impossible task. It was true that she had been busy realizing other’s dreams but never had she glanced at any other man. She had many admirers and marriage proposals but she only loved one man all her life. She hadn’t given them a thought but it seemed Ryder had. No wonder he looked so aloof, no wonder he was disinterested in her. Tears stung at her eyes and she was thankful to finally escape it all and go to her room. She broke down completely in the privacy of her room, unable to control herself any longer. 

She woke up the next morning a little later than her usual 5 o’clock routine. Quickly freshening up, she went downstairs to make coffee when her eyes popped out seeing a fresh and gorgeous Ryder sitting with her dad and grandpa, happily laughing away. She went straight to the kitchen without giving him a look. He might have come for her dad! She had nothing to do with him any longer. He wasn’t her Blue! Her Blue was lost forever!

continue: Chapter Forty-Four


2022-02-19 11:57:56

She’s killing it, how much can a guy do


2022-01-17 16:44:08

I really hate anastasia, she is so dumb and stubborn. ryder is the only person trying to make the relationship work while she is giving up so easily .Ryder deserves so much more


2022-01-16 11:52:03

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
