Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49475 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Forty-Two

It was evening when Ryder reached Las Vegas. He remembered the time when he had arrived here to surprise Anastasia. He remembered the time they spent together at Lake Mead. With excitement in his heart, he climbed out of the cab with his luggage. This time he had straight away arrived at Anastasia’s house instead of going to Russell’s place. He noticed that the whole house was bathed in light as if there were many people inside. 

He rang the doorbell and waited with bated breath. The door was opened by a new housekeeper who wasn’t there the last time Ryder was here. “Good evening, whom do you wish to see?” she asked in a bored tone.

“Anastasia, please can you inform her that Ryder’s here to see her?” asked Ryder.

“I’m sorry young man. Anastasia isn’t interested to see anyone right now. Maybe some  other time,” she said, trying to close the door on his face. Ryder caught the door, preventing her from closing it. 

“Just a minute, I’ve come a long way. If not Anastasia, call Anson or uncle David,” he said impatiently. What was wrong with this woman? Why couldn’t she just inform them that he was here?

“Please don’t waste my time as well as yours. A thousand young men like you come every day looking for Anastasia. I can’t entertain them all, can I? Have a nice day!” she said, trying to close the door again. 

“Wait, I’m not one of those. I’m their family friend, just call one of them, you’ll know,” Ryder argued impatiently. 

“In that case, call them yourself. I don’t want to lose this job,” said the housekeeper stubbornly. Ryder picked up his phone and angrily dialed Anastasia’s number. She didn’t accept his call and the housekeeper gave her a ‘I told you so’ look. After the second call, Anastasia accepted his call. 

“Hi, Ryder! How are you?” asked Anastasia, her cheerful voice making Ryder’s heart swell with happiness.

“I’m stranded outside your door. Your housekeeper isn’t allowing me inside,” he told her with a grimace. There was a shocked silence at the other end. In seconds, footsteps appeared and Anastasia rushed down the staircase towards the main door. 

Ryder stared at her, his gaze drinking her in. It had been two years since he had met her. He could see how beautiful she had grown. Her body had matured and become curvier than before. She looked like a sophisticated woman, with an understated elegance about her. He disconnected the call and hesitantly held his arms out to her, with a big smile on his face. “Hi Anastasia!” he said softly. 

Anastasia stared at him with shock and then a slow smile spread all over her face as she realized that he was really here. “Ryder? What a surprise!” she murmured and ran into his arms. He engulfed her into his body and embedded his face into her hair, inhaling her. It was heaven! 

The housekeeper stood shocked with her jaws dropped to the floor. 

“Why didn’t you inform me that you’d be here? I was planning to return to LA today but dad somehow stopped me from going. Wait a minute! Does dad and Anson know that you were planning to visit me today?” asked Anastasia, releasing him and staring into his blue eyes. They seemed bluer than ever before. He had grown more muscular and filled up nicely at the right places. He looked like a very hot cowboy indeed! 

Ryder chuckled at being caught. “Guilty as charged,” he said with a smile on his face, his arm still wrapped around her. Anastasia didn’t mind at all, strangely even after two long years, she still loved the feel of his arms around her, she loved his tingling smell, his warmth, everything about him. 

“I’m sorry, miss Ana. I thought he was just like the other guys who come looking for you,” said Anastasia’s housekeeper apologetically. 

“It’s okay, Ms. Browne. You were just doing your job. This is Ryder Wilson, he’ll be staying with us for a while,” said Anastasia, pulling Ryder inside. “This is Mrs. Browne, Ryder. You will be staying with us, won’t you?” she chirped excitedly. 

“No, just two days. I’m here to take her back to Fordsville with me. You promised to attend Renée’s wedding, remember?” said Ryder chuckling as she pulled her along like she used to when they were younger. Although she had changed outwardly, in her heart she was the same young Anastasia that he always remembered. He grinned at her, feeling relieved that she wasn’t what he had expected her to be. She wasn’t a stuck up, arrogant diva of the fashion industry, she wasn’t like Madame Slovene at all although she managed her empire so efficiently.

“Yeah, I know but how will I leave everything? I came here just for two days to close down mom’s boutiques here,” said Anastasia, looking a little upset at the mention of her deceased mother.

“I know you’re busy but a promise is a commitment. Renée is waiting to make you her maid of honor. You have to come along,” said Ryder. 

“Who are you talking to, Ana?” asked her dad as he walked out of his study. His face brightened up seeing Ryder and he held out his arms to him. “Come here dear boy,” he said. Ryder grinned and gave him a hug. 

“So good to see you uncle David. Why don’t you come to Fordsville with us this time? I’ve come to get Anastasia for my sister’s wedding,” said Ryder. 

“Wow! That’s wonderful news. How are ma and pa doing? I don’t think they want to see me,” said Anastasia’s dad. 

“You’re wrong, uncle David. They remember you every day and still wait for you,” said Ryder. David Farrell’s eyes glistened at the mention of his parents. He longed to go to Fordsville after so many years. 

“I’d love to accompany you, Ryder. Maybe I’ll go home forever,” he said with a smile of pure happiness radiating from his face. Anastasia gaped at her dad, unable to believe her eyes. Dod he really want to return to Fordsville forever? 

“But dad, I thought you wanted to return to LA with me,” she whined, feeling upset already. With Madame Slovene unwell, she was glad of the support her dad gave her every now and then. 

“Not anymore, Ana. All my life I’ve done what your mom wanted me to do. Now I’m free, I’m my own person. Let me do what I want to do. I want to stand beside my parents now, I want to give them the support I denied them for so long,” pleaded her dad. Anastasia gave up. She knew that her dad was right.

“I’m sorry, dad. I understand. You both go ahead, I wouldn’t be able to go to Fordsville this time,” she said with a pout. 

“Why not?” asked her dad. Ryder looked disappointedly at her but he didn’t say a single word. 

“Who will look after the work in my absence?” asked Anastasia.

“I’m sure, Madame Slovene and Freya can manage for a few days on their own,” said her dad. “You deserve a break. I’ll talk to her if you want me to,” he added. 

“Who’s taking a break?” asked Anson as he strode inside the house. He saw them all gathered in the living room. Mrs. Browne had served them coffee and slices of rich plum cake and mozzarella sticks. “Hey Ryder! You’re looking great, all tanned and macho!” he said giving Ryder a hug. 

“Hey, Anson. You’re looking great too. What’s up? You seem to be in high spirits?” asked Ryder, noticing how happy and excited Anson looked. 

“Yeah, a renowned hotel in LA wants to tie up with me to open a branch of my restaurant there,” said Anson. They all congratulated him, eager to hear the news. 

“I’ll be leaving for LA tomorrow morning,” he informed them. They updated him about their plans of going to Fordsville. 

“Good, take a break. I’ll check up on Aunt Vida while I’m there,” promised Anson. So everything fell into place. Ryder helped her dad pack his stuff as he had decided to shift to Fordsville permanently. Anastasia packed up a suitcase for herself as she couldn’t stay for more than 3 days at Fordsville. They couldn’t interact much as Ryder was more interested in her dad than her. She didn’t have time to ponder over it much as she was too busy giving Freya and her team instructions on what to do in her absence. It was the toughest task for her since with her daily busy schedule, three days leave meant that she had to spend more time giving instructions to a million people or declare a nationwide holiday for three days! 

Ryder noted how busy Anastasia was. After that brief hug the evening before when he had arrived, they hardly got time alone to interact. He was now having second thoughts about whether she really loved him or had moved on from him!

continue: Chapter Forty-Three


2022-02-19 11:07:55

I’m having second thoughts too


2022-01-13 18:05:26

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
