Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49463 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Thirty-Six

Seeing the hesitation in her eyes, Ryder caught her hand and placed it on his massive arousal, urging her to stroke him. Anastasia caught on fast and stroked him just the way he wanted, making him groan with need. She moved closer and nipped his bottom lip, trailed down to kiss the smooth skin of his neck. She rubbed her aroused body desperately to his, the skin-to-skin touch sending sparks down her body. Anastasia had never felt a need so acute in her entire nineteen years of life as she felt now with Ryder. All her inhibitions, all her shyness crumbled to dust as she burned with a need so acute that it surprised her immensely. 

“Annie, what are you doing?” he asked in a tortured tone. “I promised your dad something, remember? We have to stop or else I’ll lose all self-control and bury all my seeds deep inside you,” he said in a hoarse whisper. 

“I don’t care. I want you,” said Anastasia wantonly, rubbing herself more to him. Ryder groaned at the sheer torture of it. The storm had ceased but it was still raining in sheets but Ryder’s inner battle wasn’t anything less than the storm that had just hit them. 

“Sweet Jesus! I’ll go crazy now. We have to stop Annie, “ he said, getting up and pulling on his clothes. He dared not look at Anastasia or he would throw caution in the wind and end up making wild love to her. He picked up a pillow and walked away. Anastasia looked hurt as she wore her clothes. 

“Where are you going?” she asked, looking hurt. 

“Sofa,” said Ryder, lying down on the tiny sofa somehow. 

“Stop overacting and come to the bed. You’re too big for the sofa. Don’t worry, I won’t touch you,” she said, turning to the other side and lying down. Ryder sighed knowing that she was right. He couldn’t sleep on the tiny sofa. Getting up, he went to the bed and lay down beside her, his eyes going to her stiff back all the time. It was a bad idea. None of them could sleep this way. Giving up, Ryder reached out and pulled her into his arms.

“No, leave me alone. I get it that you don’t want me. I think I’ll sleep on the sofa instead,” said Anastasia, thrashing against his hold. 

“Shh, just sleep, Annie. It’s not that I don’t want you. I do, more than you can ever imagine but I have promised your dad. I can’t break my promise. My feelings for you are permanent. I want to live with you forever. It’s more than just desire which of course is always there,” he said, his voice echoing in the dimly lit room. It overwhelmed Anastasia and she clung to him.

“Promise me that you’ll never give up on me, Blue. Promise me that you’ll pursue me. Promise me that you’ll save me,” she whispered. Ryder stared at her with a lot of questions in his mind but couldn’t ask even a single one.

“I promise,” he said simply. 

Anastasia released the breath that she was holding and relaxed in his arms. “Thank you, Blue. I love you,” she whispered against his neck. 

“Good night, Annie,” he whispered. 

“Good night,” answered Anastasia. They soon dozed off unaware of what lay ahead of them the next morning. 

Ryder woke up the next morning to loud noises coming from outside. He climbed out of the bed and walked over to the window. The rain might have stopped in the night but it caused the lake waters to rise dangerously. There were broken trees and destruction to boats and property everywhere. The resort was thankfully safe. He stepped out of the cottage to check about the possibility of checking out. It seemed If there was a massive flood in and around the area that blocked all roads leading to the place.

“You cannot go anywhere before the roads are cleared,” said the staff at the reception. There was utter chaos everywhere with people getting worked up at the staff. There weren’t adequate rooms as they were fully booked and more and more people had to take shelter in the lobby and other common areas. Ryder walked back to their room after ordering breakfast. Food was limited and demand was excessive, therefore it would be a blessing if they got anything at all to eat. 

He unlocked the door and walked in to find Anastasia up and already freshened up. “Are we ready to leave?” asked Anastasia eagerly. Ryder shook his head and described to her the situation  they were in. 

“I don’t think we can leave before noon,” he told her with a sigh. Anastasia looked worried and frantically tried her phone but it seems that the network was still disrupted. 

“Why can’t they fix up the damn network? I need to call dad and inform him,” said Anastasia worriedly. Their food came in after twenty minutes. It was chicken sandwiches, scrambled eggs, breakfast wraps, mince calzones and coffee. 

“Why have you ordered so much?” Asked Anastasia with wide eyes. 

“There’s limited food at the resort since no fresh stock came in. We might not get anything for lunch. We have to save this food to last us till the roads are cleared. I've paid double the usual price for this else they were only willing to serve bread, preserves and coffee to all,” said Ryder. Anastasia’s eyes widened realizing the grave situation that they were in. They saved the extra food. There was nothing to do but wait. Every now and then Ryder went to take an update. Anastasia sat beside the window and watched the people rushing to and fro. It turned out to be  the most memorable date of her life!

It was around 11:30 in the morning when Ryder strode into the room, looking excited. “The roads have been cleared. C’mon, let’s go,” he said. They were ready and waiting since morning. So Anastasia stuffed the food that they had saved and picking up their luggage, they walked out. Ryder had already checked out, so they climbed into their car. 

“At last the torture ends. I’ll get you home and breathe a sigh of relief,” said Ryder with a smile. 

“Can’t we eat first before dad starts yelling at me? I’m ravenous!” said Anastasia. Ryder smiled and nodded. 

“Sure. Let’s eat first,” he agreed. Afterwards, he drove home not knowing how her dad would react to it all. After five minutes Anastasia’s phone buzzed with an incoming call from Anson. She stared at her phone, having completely forgotten about it. It seemed that the network might have been restored. She should have called and informed her family! Smacking her forehead for forgetting about it, she accepted the call, preparing herself for a scolding. 

“Anson? I’m sorry, I completely…,” she started but Anson just interrupted her.

“Sia, when are you coming back?” He asked in a distraught voice.

“I’m on the way. I’ll reach home in forty-five minutes or so,” she told him, expecting him to yell. 

“No, no, don’t go home. Come over to Sunrise Hills Medical Center and call me,” he said hurriedly. Anastasia’s eyes widened as a feeling of dread spread all over her. Hospital? Why would she need to go to a hospital?

“Hospital?” she croaked with fear, unable to ask the rest of her query. 

“Dad suffered a heart attack today in the morning. I’ve rushed him to Sunrise Hills since it’s the nearest one. I’m waiting, come quickly. I’ll tell you everything later,” he said, quickly disconnecting the call. Anastasia sat dazed with the phone in her hand, her mind going numb with grief and guilt. Her dad was in the hospital? Was she the cause of his state? She could never forgive herself if anything happened to him because of her.

“What happened? What hospital were you talking about?” asked a clueless Ryder. 

“Anson called to inform us that dad suffered a heart attack today in the morning. Anson admitted him to Sunrise Hills Medical Center. He has asked us to head there and give him a call when we reach,” said Anastasia in a daze. Ryder was shocked by the news.

“Is it because of us that he had a heart attack? I can’t forgive myself, Annie. I’m so sorry,” said Ryder, feeling awful. 

“It’s not your fault. If anyone is, it’s me,” said Anastasia, her eyes filling up with tears. Ryder had no words to comfort her. His throat was choked with painful emotions and guilt. He drove on with a grim face while Anastasia wept non-stop sitting beside him. At last they reached the hospital and he parked his car. Anastasia climbed out and called Anson. They waited at the reception desk for Anson to come and meet them. After two minutes, a tired and haggard Anson came towards them. Anastasia broke down completely seeing him. He hugged her as he wiped his own tears. Ryder stood like a statue watching them, his heart constricting with guilt and grief.

“How did it all happen, Anson? Is it because of me?” asked a guilty Anastasia.

continue: Chapter Thirty-Seven


2022-02-18 19:56:11

I think it’s because of Bianca


2021-12-27 18:04:59

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
