Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49474 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Twenty

Ryder’s confession made Anastasia’s heart beat faster and faster. She couldn’t believe her ears. How can someone like Ryder love someone like her? It was impossible! Or did he really love her? No, he might be flirting with her just like he did with every other girl! Anastasia discreetly wiped the tears away and smiled at him. “Do you say that to every girl you meet?” She asked, trying to lighten the charged atmosphere inside the tiny kitchen. Ryder gaped at her with surprise. Did she not believe that he truly loved her? 

“No, only you,” he said solemnly. It took Anastasia’s breath away but she rolled her eyes anyway. She couldn’t tell him her feelings without knowing how serious he actually was about her. 

“I see,” she said, moving away and unpacking the food packet that was kept on the counter. Ryder was surprised at her lack of enthusiasm and reaction to his confession. What was wrong with her? He was disappointed to see that she hadn’t believed him at all. 

“This looks very delicious indeed!” said Anastasia, taking out the food parcels. She took out the plates and started to serve the food. Ryder just watched her quietly, all the excitement simply leaving his body. Anastasia noticed the change in his behavior but didn’t say anything. She didn’t wish to encourage Ryder in any way and complicate matters. What Ryder possibly felt for her was just a physical attraction that all boys of his age felt towards girls. She shouldn’t read too much into this. Her granny was just being unrealistic and hopelessly romantic. This wasn’t a true love situation from Ryder’s side. He would forget her the day she left Fordsville. 

Anastasia carried her food to the table. Ryder followed with his. 

“We’re eating on the patio. C’mon,” he said, walking outside the cottage to the wooden sit out on the patio. Anastasia followed him outside. The warm lights cast a glow all around lighting up the whole place and Anastasia loved everything about the date, the food, the ambiance, the tranquility but mostly, the company. 

“This is very good,” said Anastasia, starting to eat. Ryder just nodded and ate quietly. 

“What’s wrong with you, now?” she asked when he still sulked. 

“You have a very bad opinion of me, it seems. I think my reputation has blinded you,” he said dejectedly. 

“Is it my fault? Convince me that you love me,” said Anastasia. Ryder gazed at her for a minute. Yes, that he would. He had never given up in his entire life and now that he was in love, he couldn’t afford to give up on her. 

“I will and I will day, I’ll convince you that I really do love you, Annie,” he said quietly. Anastasia’s heart skipped a beat or two. She looked at the determination in his eyes and knew that he wasn’t bluffing at all. 

“So, do you like this date?” asked Ryder to lighten the atmosphere. This was the first date he had ever planned for someone and he was curious about her opinion.

“This isn’t a date, Ryder. This is just a friendly dinner far away from the crowded city,” said Anastasia, making Ryder’s mouth hang open. 

“But I planned it as a date,” he insisted. “Why can’t it be a date?” he asked eagerly. Anastasia looked at his eager face and wanted to tell him that she loved him but she checked herself at the last minute. She wouldn’t be like his flings who easily got charmed by him and surrendered themselves willingly to him. 

“Because, we aren’t dating,” pointed out Anastasia. Ryder gaped at her. Was she blind to the attraction that was there between them? 

“Why not? Don’t you feel anything for me?” he asked with disbelief. 

“Please, Blue, it’s just an attraction and nothing else. You can’t date everyone you’re attracted to,” said Anastasia. “Please let’s be friends, for now,” pleaded Anastasia. She knew how she felt for him but maybe if she just kept it casual with him, the feelings could be curbed and would eventually go away. Ryder was disappointed by her words. It wasn’t just an attraction for him. It was more than that. He was in love with her. How could he just be friends with her? 

“Friends? I can’t be just friends with you when all I can think of is how to kiss you,” said Ryder with a tortured expression on his face. Anastasia blushed at his declaration. She was now certain that he was only physically attracted to her, nothing more. Maybe he brought her here to get into her pants? What else could his motive be? But why her when there were so many other girls who would willingly allow him? 

“Please, Ryder. I can only be friends with you and nothing else. I’ll be going away in a few days and we might not meet at all afterwards,” she told him truthfully. Ryder noted the way she called him by his actual name. The magic spell was broken and he sighed, finishing his food. He couldn’t think what he would do after she left. Would he rush after her? Would he pursue her? Would he move to Las Vegas for her? He had no idea! Maybe he would pursue her after completing his studies. Till then could he be just friends with her? He sighed and looked at her. If friendship is all she could offer now, it was fine with him. Something was better than nothing, after all. 

“Let’s be friends, if that’s what makes you happy. I just want you to be happy, Annie. I’ll do anything to make you happy,” he said with a sad smile, his voice cracking a little. Anastasia looked away from his sad eyes. If her life was normal, she would have declared her feelings for him and willingly dated him. She would have kissed him as well. 

“Thank you, Ryder. It means a lot to me,” she said quietly. 

“Please don’t call me Ryder. I don’t like you calling me that,” he pointed out. Anastasia picked up her plate to go inside and rinse it. The food was too good but somehow she didn’t feel the excitement she had felt the whole day at the prospect of this date. ‘It isn’t a date, silly girl,’ said her mind. 

“You didn’t answer me, Annie?” asked Ryder following her into the kitchen. He had no idea what suddenly went wrong? She was fine at the party yesterday, responding to him and now she was all aloof as if the kiss hadn’t happened at all. 

“Blue, Blue, Blue, why are you so impossible?” she said with a smile, making Ryder grin. 

“That’s better. Even if we’re just friends, I wouldn’t want you to call me anything else,” he said, making her smile as she rinsed the plates and cutlery they had used. Ryder gazed at her, wishing that she hadn’t changed her mind. He had wanted to ask her out on another date. He wanted to eventually ask her to be his girlfriend but now that hope had crumbled to dust and he was just a friend to her, nothing more. 

He leaned towards her as a thought struck him. “In this friendship thing between us, can we kiss?” asked Ryder expectantly. Anastasia turned to give him a horrified look. 

“Are you crazy?” she asked, wiping her hands. Ryder rolled his eyes. 

“”What’s there to be crazy about? Friends kiss all the time,” he pointed out. 

“Renée and I don’t,” said Anastasia. Ryder sighed, looking disappointed.

“It sounds more like a punishment to me, Annie. I’ll try to keep to my limits,” he mumbled. 

“Are we going back, now?” asked Anastasia. Maybe now that he wouldn’t get anything from her, he would want to go back home. Ryder gave her a tortured look. 

“Are you in a hurry? It’s just 7:30, Annie. Can’t you spend a little time with me? I’ve agreed to everything that you’ve said. Can’t you just sit with me for a few minutes?” asked Ryder in a hurt tone. Anastasia noticed the hurt look on his face and was surprised. Ryder walked outside to the patio and Anastasia followed her. 

“Sit with me. I promise to get you home before time,” he said, sitting down on the chair. Anastasia dragged a chair and sat down beside him. She noticed that he was staring at the dark and tranquil lake. 

“So you’ve decided to leave Fordsville forever, right?” he asked with a sad smile on his face.

“Yes,” she told him.

“Will you keep in touch with me?” he asked hopefully. 

“Maybe not, Blue,” she said. Ryder turned to look at her.

“Why not? We’re just friends, after all. If you can keep in touch with Renée, then why not with me?” he asked impatiently. Anastasia thought for a few minutes. He was right. Why couldn’t she keep in touch with him? 

“Okay, I’ll keep in touch with you too,” she told him with a smile. Ryder’s face lit up. 

“Then give me your phone,” he asked eagerly. Anastasia handed him her phone. Ryder gave himself a missed call from it. Then he went ahead and saved his number on her phone and handed it back to her. Anastasia glanced at her phone. She noted the new name in her contact list, ‘Your Blue'. 

She looked up at his face which gazed into her own. “I’ll be yours forever, hope you know that?” he whispered, his eyes filling up with raw emotions, emotions that told her that they could never be just friends. 


continue: Chapter Twenty-One


2022-02-18 12:47:48

Poor Ryder


2021-11-18 18:56:18

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
