Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49499 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Fifteen

The next morning, Renée and Anastasia were busy helping Anastasia's granny make her delicacies for the shop. With her granddad handling the sales, the girls cooked as well as carried the goodies to the store. It was a lot of hard work and by lunch time every single item was sold out. They sat down exhausted at the dining table. Anastasia's granddad closed the shop and came inside, sitting with them, exhausted. 

Anastasia's Granny served them a simple lunch of pork stew and homemade soft rolls and a unique fresh cranberry, almond and broccoli salad. It seemed like she still had more energy to cook. Cooking was granny Daisy's most favorite thing in the world. They didn't run the shop for money, they were financially quite sound having earned a lot during their younger days. Cooking, baking and running the shop were something that kept her grandparents alive. Everyday they looked forward to pleasing their regular customers and interacting with them. 

After lunch, Anastasia's granddad dropped the two girls off at Renée’s house. Renée walked in with Anastasia, giggling at some joke. Ryder stopped in his tracks seeing the object of his interest at his doorstep. His face broke into a smile of disbelief. He had been frustrated last night when Renée stuck to her all the time and he couldn’t get a moment alone with her. What was worse was with Renée staying over, he couldn’t even give her a surprise visit in the middle of the night as he had planned to. So he reluctantly had to leave with Sawyer and to his disappointment, she didn’t even see him off. But now seeing her again gave his heart fresh hope and he was determined not to let this opportunity go. 

“Welcome home, Annie. Come, I'll show you my room," he offered. Anastasia's eyes widened. 

"I'm not interested in your room," she told him, coloring a little under Renée’s attention. Ryder chuckled and walked away towards the kitchen to get a bottle of water. Ryder emerged with his bottle and whisked Anastasia forcefully to his room. Thankfully Renée was busy with Sawyer and didn’t pay her any heed. Ryder’s room was on the other side of Renée's. She had never been to this side of the house since she only went to Renée’s and Rihanna’s room on her earlier visits. Ryder however didn’t release her hand even when they were inside. 

“Do you like it?” asked Ryder proudly. Anastasia looked around the huge room filled with posters of Ryder in his football uniform, posing with the ball. He looked too dashing and Anastasia couldn’t look away from the pictures. “I’m the quarterback of my college team!” he informed her. Anastasia nodded.

“Nice!” she said shyly. Ryder gave her a look of disbelief. 

“That’s all you have to say? I cleaned and decorated the place up for you,” said Ryder watching her expectantly but Anastasia was so lost in her surroundings that she could hardly think of an answer. She felt a strange connection to this room as if it was beckoning her, attracting her. It felt like home, something she never felt in her parents’ house in Las Vegas. She was at her wit’s end. How could she feel this way when this was the first time she came into this room? 

Ryder suddenly noticed the lost look on her face. “What happened? Any thing wrong?” he asked, going a little closer to her. Anastasia gazed at him with wide eyes. How could she tell him what she felt? 

“Umm, nothing. Let’s go to the party?” she said suddenly feeling awkward. Ryder looked a little crestfallen at her response. 

“I sometimes feel that you don’t like me,” he said, looking away. 

“It’s not that, Ryder. I think Renée’s looking for me,” she said, feeling g extremely conscious of herself within the close confines of Ryder’s bedroom. Ryder gazed at her. A strong desire to pull her close into his arms played havoc with senses. 

“Then what is it? You run the moment I come near you,” he said in a sad tone. “If you don’t want me to talk to you, tell me so, I won’t disturb you,” said Ryder, his voice breaking a little. Anastasia stared at him with shock. Did he think that? 

“No, no. You’ve got it all wrong, Blue, “ she protested, making Ryder come closer to her. She was trapped between him and his closet door behind her.

“Then tell me what is it? Why do you avoid me all the time?” he asked, staring deeply into to her eyes. 

Anastasia was lost in the blue depths of his eyes that were inches away from hers. “I don’t want to hurt Renée. She doesn’t want me to be with you,” said Anastasia in a small voice. Ryder looked at her with disbelief. 

“Why do you give her the power to dictate who you should talk to? Does she take your permission before talking to any guy?” asked Ryder looking a little pissed off. Anastasia shook her head slowly. Of course, Renée never asked her. Ryder was right. 

“Then why do you? Tell me the truth Annie, don’t you want to talk to me?” he whispered, his chest nearly brushing with hers. Anastasia gazed into his eyes, too lost in them to think of an answer. “I’ve got it. You don’t like me at all,” said Ryder, misunderstanding her silence. He turned away, ready to leave for the party. It seemed he was the only one who liked her, the only one who was attracted to her. Anastasia caught his hand to stop him from going away so dejectedly. 

“I like you, Blue.  Please don’t go away,” she said shyly, her voice almost a whisper. Ryder froze in his tracks. Did he hear her correctly? Did she really say that? Anastasia released his hand and covered her face immediately as a warm blush crept up her neck. Ryder whirled around slowly to face her, his eyes glittering with excitement, his heart thumping in his chest wildly as if ready to jump out. He slowly pulled away her hands and gazed at her. 

“Say it again,” he whispered, coming closer. Anastasia looked down at her feet with embarrassment. Ryder touched her chin and compelled her to look up at him. “Tell me what I’m dying to hear,” he said, his eyes searching hers. 

“Why? I’m sure each and every girl has said that to you, Blue. I’m nothing special,” she said with a small sad smile on her face. He was so handsome, he was the quarterback of his team and  every girl had a crush on him. Why did he care so much whether she liked him or not? Ryder stared at her with wide eyes. How did she not know how special she was for him? His thumb stroked her jawline, her cheek as he gazed at her. 

“You’re special. Tell me that you like me, Annie,” he insisted, his thumb, inching towards her luscious lips. Anastasia closed her eyes, his touch making her go insane. Ryder went closer, he just lost his control seeing her enjoy his touch. He pinned her to the closet door with his body, feeling her crushed against him. His arm went around her waist while the other stroked and teased her lower lip. 

“I like you,” whispered Anastasia, with her eyes closed. Ryder cupped her cheek and leaned closer. Anastasia’s breath hitched the moment his hot lips brushed with hers. 

“Damn it!” he said, when his whole body burned with the need to kiss her. Unable to control the urge, he again brushed his lips against hers. She gasped with surprise but didn’t push him away. Ryder lost all semblance of control and smashed his lips to hers, his fingers going into her hair to hold her steady. Anastasia was swept off her feet by the hungry kiss. She involuntarily held onto his shoulders in an attempt to save herself from falling. The intensity of the kiss had turned her feet to jelly, it seemed. Ryder had dreamed of this all the time since the day he saw her and now that he finally got what he wanted , he couldn’t stop. His hot tongue glided inside her already parted mouth and he played, tasted, teased and devoured her like a hungry lion. 

“Hey Ryde! My cologne has finished. I’m borrowing yours,” yelled Ryan, as he walked into Ryder’s room. Ryder released Anastasia and whirled around to face his dumb twin who froze in his steps realizing what he had interrupted. Anastasia blushed to the roots of her hair and ran out of the room with pink cheeks. 

“What the hell, Ryan! Why did you have to come now?” Ryder gritted out looking pissed off at his twin. Ryan looked guiltily at his twin. 

“How would I know? You should have locked your door!” he exclaimed, flailing his arms helplessly. “Anyway, I would advise you to stay away from Anastasia, Ryder. She’s too innocent for your games. You’ll break her heart. Please don’t play with her feelings,” pleaded Ryan. 

Ryder looked at his brother with anger. “What makes you think that I’m playing with her?” he said angrily, before striding out of his room. He had no idea where this was going but he had no control over his emotions where Anastasia was concerned. And now, especially after that kiss, he just couldn’t stay away from her.

continue: Chapter Sixteen


2022-02-18 00:45:18

Both are whipped ♥️


2021-11-08 18:31:20

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
