Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49477 60  ( Completed )

Chapter One

“Oh, just Blue!” Her bow shaped, plump pink lips broke into a dazzling smile. Ryder was intrigued beyond words. 

“Why would you call me that?” He asked curiously. The gorgeous creature shrugged.

“Your eyes are blue, your tee shirt's blue, your jeans are blue and so are your shoes. Oh, even your watch is blue. So what do I call you, huh?” She asked. Ryder looked at himself with disbelief. How did he manage that? He had dressed up for college

in a hurry as he had woken up late. She was right. He looked ridiculously blue!

Ryder laughed. “Right. I like the name,” he said and then leaning forward a little, he locked his eyes with hers on the mirror. “Did you like what you saw?,” he asked, making her blush furiously.

“Can you untangle the mess please?” she whispered, looking away from him. Ryder couldn’t resist the temptation of touching the smooth, creamy skin on her neck. His fingers brushed against the soft skin as he removed the rest of her hair to concentrate only on the tangled ones. Goosebumps erupted on the skin of her arms at his touch making him all the more enthralled by her. 

“There, done,” he said finally, feeling a little disappointed that it happened so soon. The girl smiled with relief. 

“Thanks, I’ll take both,” she said walking out of the trial room. Ryder nodded as if in a trance, following her outside. 

“I’ll make the bill for you,” he said, going to the counter. 

“I don’t have so much time. Here’s the money for the dresses,” she said, placing the money on the counter. Ryder looked up at the gorgeous creature who was already halfway to the main door. 

“Hey, wait! I need to make a bill,” he asked desperately. 

“You can make it and keep it. I’ll collect it some other time,” she said with a wave.

“But wait! In what name should I make it?” he asked looking flustered.

“Anastasia,” she said before closing the door after her. Ryder stared at her rushing away.

“Anastasia,” he said in a trance. “Hey wait! Take your change!” he said picking up the money and dashed after her. Once outside, he checked in all directions but she had completely disappeared from sight in a few seconds. He smacked his forehead in despair. What terrible luck! How would he search for that gorgeous creature now? He had never seen her in Fordsville before and neither did he know her full name! He couldn’t go door to door asking for Anastasia. Could he?

He walked back dejectedly to the shop and just muttered curses at his bad luck. For the first time, his heart had skipped a beat or two seeing a girl and he failed to get her details. He was always successful in procuring the phone number of any female he wanted. Then what happened today? How did his charm fail? Aunt Charlotte returned from her meeting and was impressed by his performance. 

“Did you collect something for yourself, Ryder?” she asked indulgently. 

“No, aunt Charlotte. I’ll come down before my birthday,” he told her. 

Afterwards, he reached home and was about to walk in through the huge gates of Wildcreek Ranch when his glance fell upon his sister, Renée. She was pushing someone in a turquoise dress into a car. Ryder blinked. Was he hallucinating or did that turquoise dress look familiar? Before he could make up his mind, the car raced down the road and away. He kicked a stone with frustration and walked into the house. It was evening and there was quite a conversation going on in the living room. Rhett's new crush, Adelaide, who had lived with her granny in the ranch next to them, had come over. 

“Hi, Adelaide, when did you come?“ he greeted her and sank into the sofa next to Rihanna. 

“Hi, Ryder,” greeted Adelaide. “Just fifteen minutes back.” She said. 

“Where were you for so long? Ryan returned home from college long back,” said Rihanna. 

“I was working, okay? I was handling Aunt Charlotte’s shop in her absence,” informed Ryder. 

“Wow, so did you sell anything or get a list of phone numbers of all her clients?” asked Rihanna with a laugh. Ryder looked at her with disbelief. 

“I sold lots of course. I didn’t go there to get phone numbers. Okay?” he said looking offended. Rihanna pinched his cheeks teasingly. 

“No wonder you’re looking so grumpy,” she said with a giggle. 

“I’m not grumpy. By the way, where did Renée go?” he asked, fishing for more information. 

“Oh, she went to a friend’s birthday party with her best friend,” said Rihanna. Ryder wanted more information on that best friend. Was she the one wearing that turquoise dress? 

“Oh, I see. As far as I know, Renée doesn’t have many friends here?” he asked with a frown. 

“Of course she has her old school friends. You hardly stay at home much to know, Ryder,” said Rihanna, getting up to get herself a bottle of water. Rhett went to drop Adelaide home and Ryder went to his room . He stared at his blue reflection in the mirror and smiled like a fool. Blue! She had called her that! For the first time someone had given him such a strange nickname and surprisingly he loved it more than his own name! It was almost like an endearment! 

He showered and changed into a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, his signature dress and walked out to check out the kitchen. His aunt Katherine and aunt Ruth were making dinner and the delicious smell was making his tummy rumble. He remembered the box of pizza he had left at the shop! He was so engrossed in that gorgeous creature that he had completely forgotten about pizza! Imagine that! 

“How long will it take, aunt Kathy? I missed lunch today. I’m dying of hunger,” he said, opening the casserole and inhaling the food. 

“Aww, my poor boy! Why don’t you serve yourself whatever you want to eat? This will take another hour or so,” said aunt Katherine. Ryder served himself and took it to his room to eat in peace, away from the sneaky Ryan. Dinner was over when he heard Renée return home. He dashed out of his room but to his utter disappointment, the car dropped her off and drove away. 

The next few days went by with Ryder and Ryan being busy at their college. Renée had joined their college too to study Psychology and most of the days, she accompanied them in the same car. Ryder always tried to gather information about Renée’s friends but she was extremely reluctant to divulge anything knowing his ways.

“Are you short of dates, Ryde?” she asked him suspiciously. 

“No, why should I be? I’m just asking if you made any good friends here to keep you off our as*,” he shrugged. Renée looked offended.

“How mean! I don’t follow you around. Do I, Ryan?” she asked with a frown. Ryan chuckled. 

“Sometimes maybe,” he shrugged with a laugh.

“I absolutely don’t. I don’t even recognize you guys at college. The girls would tear me apart for your numbers,” said Renée with an eye roll. Ryder and Ryan grinned proudly. 

“Right. Stay away from the guys as well,” warned Ryder. Renée gave him a look.

“I’m going there to study, not date,” she gritted out. 

“Good. So did you make any friends at college? Anyone from Fordsville?” asked Ryder. Renée stared at him.

“No one from Fordsville studies in my batch. I have my own set of friends from my old school here. More than anything, I have my best friend here and I don't need anyone else,” she told him. Ryder wanted to know more about that elusive best friend whom he had seen hurrying into the car in a turquoise dress. But Renée clamped her mouth shut and he was left dangling in the air. 

Finally it was the weekend and Rihanna and Adelaide started planning a trip to the Beavercreek National Forest for a few days. Ryan looked at them with interest. Renée clapped her hands hearing about it.

“Can I come along too, Anna?” She asked hopefully. 

“Sure, you can bring your friend along too,” said Rihanna. Ryder’s antennas were instantly on high alert. 

“Really? Thanks. I’ll call her just now,” said Renée, jumping away to call her best friend. Ryder’s mouth hung open as he followed her movements with his eyes trying to figure out whom she was calling. 

“Where are you lost, Ryder?” yelled Rihanna in his ears. 

“Wh-what? Why are you yelling?” he asked, jumping away. 

“Where are you lost dude? Are you coming with us or not?” asked Rihanna. Ryder grinned.

“Of course I am. Count me in. Ryan,  what about you?” he asked his twin. 

“Me too. I have no other work this weekend,” shrugged Ryan. They asked Sawyer who was their adopted cousin. Their granddad rescued him long back from the banks of Bearhead Creek and ever since he had been a part of their family. Sawyer immediately agreed knowing that Renée was accompanying them. 

So it was decided that Sawyer, Rhett, Rex, Ryder, Ryan, Renée and her best friend would be going on a trip. “Pack your bags and be ready in two hours, guys,” said Rex. 

“When's your friend coming, Renée?” asked Rihanna. 

“She’ll be here in an hour,” informed Renée, making Ryder rush to his room to quickly get ready. He was excited beyond words. He would find out about that elusive creature in that turquoise dress from aunt Charlotte’s shop. Was it Anastasia?

continue: Chapter Two


2022-02-15 16:38:33

We are excited too 😄😄


2021-09-21 11:28:40

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
