Troy And Athena (Forbidden Love Series Book 15)
Troy And Athena (Forbidden Love Series Book 15)
95 63869 41  ( Completed )

Chapter Twenty-Nine

They finished the delicious breakfast. "That was the best breakfast ever," said Athena. Troy's eyes flashed with mischief. 

"Then you should thank me properly for it, right?" He teased her.

"I'll see about that," she shrugged with a grin. Troy paid for their food and got up to go back to their building parking lot. Athena followed her when he abruptly froze, stopping mid-strike. Athena bumped into his back.

"Ouch! Why did you stop?" She asked rubbing her nose but Troy wasn't listening to her at all. His eyes were glued outside the restaurant. Did he just see Jessica Maine outside just a minute ago? Or was it a figment of his imagination? 

"Troy? Are you alright? What happened?" Athena's sweet voice beside him brought him back to reality. 

"Nothing, babe. Let's go," he said, pulling her closer to his side and walking outside. He looked around but didn't find Jessica anywhere. He was sure that it was just his imagination playing tricks with his senses. How would Jessica come here after so many years? She had left pursuing him after a year when his parents had threatened her and he hadn't seen her ever since.

Athena noticed Troy's frown and the stressed and nervous look on his face. She was eager to know what was bothering him but decided to ask him later about it. He led her to the parking area of his condo and they drove off towards her apartment. Troy was silent throughout the drive with a brooding look on his face. 

Unable to control herself any longer, Athena looked at him. "What's bothering you, Troy?" Asked Athena. "I thought we were soul mates," she said, looking disappointed. Troy briefly glanced at her. 

"It might be my imagination but I think I just caught a brief glimpse of Jessica Maine just outside the restaurant today," said Troy with a shrug, trying to sound casual.

"Who's Jessica Maine?" Asked Athena, looking puzzled. 

"Do you remember the drug addict woman I told you about? The one who used to pursue me for money?" Asked Troy. Athena nodded. 

"Yeah, I remember but she can't harm you now. She doesn't have anything against you to blackmail you with. So just relax," said Athena. Troy nodded. She was right. The video had already been deleted and she didn't have anything else to blackmail him with. 

They walked into her apartment and packed her stuff. Since there wasn't much to be packed, everything was done in an hour or two. Troy loaded her stuff onto his car while Athena spoke to the owners and handed over the keys. They went to the departmental store on their way home.

After reaching home, they both were too exhausted to cook lunch. Troy ordered pizza and they just lazed around, waiting for the food to arrive. 

"I'll arrange my stuff later. Right now, I just wanna eat and sleep," said Athena. 

"Yeah, me too. We'll tumble into bed together, " suggested Troy.

"My leave will end tomorrow and I'd have to go to work. I might as well enjoy my last day off," said Athena. Troy smiled.

"I took a break today because of you," he told her. Athena grinned, feeling special already. The doorbell rang and Troy jumped up to get the pizzas. He grinned holding the boxes up like a trophy away from Athena as he rushed towards the kitchen with them. 

"Give me a bite, you greedy giant!" She exclaimed, jumping to get to the pizza boxes. Troy chuckled and kept them on the kitchen counter. There were so many that they could easily feed many more mouths. 

"Why did you order so many?" Asked a baffled Athena. Troy gave her a look.

"What will that best friend of yours eat when he arrives?" Asked Troy in a duh tone. 

"Oh, all these are for him? How considerate! If you feed him so much he'll never leave our house!" Said Athena. Troy looked at her with horror. "Pizzas are his absolute favorite. He can eat everyday and all his life and yet never get bored of it!" Informed Athena. Troy's eyes went round with horror.

"Oh! Is that so? Then we'd better hide the pizzas and offer him just water instead, " said Troy. Athena laughed as she served themselves the food. They carried the food to the table and attacked it hungrily. 

"This is sooooo good!" Said Athena, helping herself to more. The doorbell rang and they froze, staring at each other. That should be Brandon! 

"What timing! Now he'd know that we're eating pizza for lunch," said Troy, looking pissed off. Athena suppressed a giggle. 

Troy went towards the door and opened it with a fake smile on his face. There stood Brandon at his doorstep with a fake smile pasted on his face. "Hey dude! I'm hungry. I can smell my favorite food right from here," said Brandon. 

"We've already finished eating everything. Still you can come inside," said Troy. Brandon rolled his eyes at the awesome welcome he received and sauntered into the house. 

"Wow! This is a palace or what? You live here all alone?" Asked Brandon, looking around. 

"No, Athena has moved in with me," said Troy, not liking Brandon's presence at all. 

"There are so many rooms. I think I'll stay here too," said Brandon. Troy looked like he was about to fall off with shock. 

At that moment Athena came in with a piece of pizza in her hand. "Why did you come here, Brand? Aren't your parents missing you?" She asked. Brandon licked his lips, his eyes glued to the pizza in her hand. 

"Athens, how could you be so mean? You disappeared from our lives and now when I've come all the way to see you, this is how you greet me? Some friend you are. Eating all alone when my stomach's growling with hunger," He grumbled, with a pout. He grabbed Athena's pizza and ate it all up. Athena hugged him to show him that she had forgotten about their cold war. 

"Thanks for being worried about me but we didn't part like friends, remember?" Asked Athena. Brandon looked a little guilty. 

"Yeah, don't remind me. I know I'd been a dick to you," admitted Brandon. "But I've gotten over it and now all's well with me. I've changed Athens, " he told her. 

"That's good to hear," said Athena. Troy took pity on him.

"Come on, man. There's more," he said, slapping Brandon's arm and dragging him to the dining table. Athena brought out the boxes of pizza and they all gobbled it all up. 

Afterwards Brandon lay down on the sofa, unable to move an inch. He had stuffed himself with so much food. "I think I'll sleep here for two days!" He said. 

"Nooo, go home," said Troy, pushing him off the sofa. Athena rolled her eyes.

"Brand, can't you just occupy one of the rooms instead of the sofa? If you sleep here for two days, the sofa will break into two," she pointed out. Brandon slowly got up. 

"Yeah, show me to a room, dude," he said. Troy sighed and led him to a guest bedroom near the entertainment room. 

"Sleep here and don't even think of coming upstairs, " he ordered. Brandon saluted and fell onto the bed and winked at him. 

"What if I forget my way?" He asked with a goofy grin.

"I'll kill you if you forget your way, " Troy said with a glare. Brandon laughed and Troy left with a small smile playing on his lips. The last few months had brought them closer to one another and they had forgotten all the enmity that was there between them. Troy walked excitedly towards his room upstairs where Athena was eagerly waiting for him. His heart started beating wildly as he thought of their morning love making. He was dying to have her in his arms again. 

He walked into his bedroom and locked his door just to ensure that Brandon didn't come in to disturb. His eyes checked out Athena as she came out of his en-suite. He strode towards her with purpose. Athena's eyes widened seeing the hungry look in his dark eyes. He picked her up in his arms and strode towards the bed. 

"Time to please me, babe, " he said, laying her on the bed and hovering over her. 

"What do you want, Troy?" She asked in a whisper. 

"You, all of you. I want to be inside you, I want to make wild  and passionate love to you," he whispered. His lips crashed to hers, while his fingers roamed all over her body. Athena kissed him back, moaning and writhing under him as her body burned for his touch. 

"Make love to me, Troy," she begged. Troy didn't need any more invitation. His deft fingers took her clothes off her body and dropped them to the floor. He quickly got rid of his own clothes, his eyes not leaving hers even for a second. The next hour or so, they were busy pleasing one another. With Troy being insatiable, they made love again and again till Athena just dozed off. Troy stared at her lovingly, kissing her forehead with tenderness.

continue: Chapter Thirty


2021-06-08 22:51:03

Awesome days !


2021-06-08 19:23:59

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
