A Hopeless Pursuit (Forbidden Love Series Book 10)
A Hopeless Pursuit (Forbidden Love Series Book 10)
168 89339 43  ( Completed )

Chapter Thirty-One


Laurence and Liam informed the police about their Harry Lennard's involvement in Lisa's disappearance. Laurence furnished all proof regarding his change of identity. Officer Ridley promised to update them after tracking Dan Creighton down. The phone number in Harry Lennard's name was dead and the police couldn't track it down. Lisa's phone also gave the same results. Liam couldn't return home without finding Lisa.  His exams were the next day so Laurence sent him home. But to his astonishment, he returned with his books and stuff back to Laurence's house.

"Please bro. Let me stay here till we find Lisa?" He pleaded. Laurence nodded and Arianna led him to the guest room.  There was nothing they could do apart from wait for the police to find Lisa. Liam studied for his exams and then went to sleep with a heavy heart.

The next morning Sandra came for her duty early in the morning with a smile on her face. She handed a chit of paper to Laurence. He opened it to find a phone number scribbled onto it. "What's this?" Hs asked with curiosity. Liam too peeped into the paper as he sipped his coffee.

"It's the phone number of one of Mr. Lennard's minions who kidnapped Lisa, " said Sandra with pride. She had done the duty of a mom.

"Where did you get it from?" Asked Laurence with awe.

"I visited Scott last night after my duty. After your dad threw him out of the job suddenly, he was very stressed. He gave me this number and asked for a job opportunity somewhere. His family depends upon him," said Sandra.

"Okay, ask him to meet me tomorrow morning," said Laurence. Liam left for his college to appear for his exams while Laurence went to the police station to hand them the phone number for tracking the man.

"This won't take much time," said the officer as he tried to track the number down. Laurence waited patiently.

"Done, Mr. Lennard. The phone can be traced to the suburbs of Las Vegas. Here, see? I'll immediately get the officers to raid this place and arrest the man," said the officer. Laurence went to work as the officer didn't want Laurence to accompany him.

After two hours, Laurence called up the officer to enquire about the raid. "Nothing happened Mr. Lennard. The place where the phone had been traced is Jon Smithson's home. His family had no idea of his whereabouts, " informed the officer. All hopes of finding Lisa were dashed by now. Liam went to Laurence's office after his exams to take an update. They were at a dead-end now.

"Why can't we check with Scott if he has any other number of dad's minions?" Asked Laurence. Liam nodded and they called Sandra to ask Scott to meet Laurence at his office immediately.




Change of scene:

Lisa opened her heavy eyes feeling a sense of confusion. Her body felt very weak. Where was she? She was lying on a bed in a strange room which she had never seen before. It wasn't a luxurious room but sparsely furnished in white. There were two chairs and a small table on one side and a  small wardrobe on the other. There was a bedside table on one side of the bed. Her room had two closed windows and two doors. One she realized was a small washroom while the other was the exit. How did she land up here? She got up from the bed but her head started spinning. Gripping onto the bed post for support, she tried to steady herself. 

It was then that she remembered everything, she was at the mall with her friends when she was misguided by the security guard to the parking area. Was she kidnapped? But who would kidnap her and why?

She walked up to the exit and tried to open the door but it was locked. She tried to open one of the windows but that too was locked. If it weren't for the air conditioning, she would have suffocated to death. She tried the other window which creaked open a little since the lock was defective. She applied more pressure and the lock gave way and the window opened. Where was she? She thought looking out at the small lane in front of the building she was locked in. There was something unfamiliar about this place. The neighborhood, the people looked different from the ones in Las Vegas. She watched from the seventh floor knowing well that she couldn't jump out as the window had a protected grill cover outside. She couldn't scream as no one would have heard her.

It was then that it hit her that this wasn't Las Vegas.  In fact it wasn't any city in the US. Then where was she? Lisa closed the window and went back to the bed to look for her mobile. Strangely, she couldn't find her mobile nor handbag  anywhere around. Suddenly the door flew open and Lisa alarmed, turned around. All blood drained from her face at the sight of an unknown buff man, come into the room. He was carrying a paper bag and two bottles of water.

Lisa ran towards the other side of the bed, far away from the scary man. "Eat this miss. You haven't eaten for two days," he said, placing the paper bag on the table along with the water.

"Two days?" She echoed. She had been lying here unconscious for two days? Sofia and Victoria might have told Laurence by now. Did he realize that she was missing by now?

"Yes miss," said the man, turning to leave.

"Wait please. I want to go home," she pleaded. The man gave her an odd look.

"You can't, " he stated with finality.

Lisa looked desperate. She had to know why he held her captive here. What did he want?

"Why? What have I ever done to you? Why are you holding me captive here? I don't even know you. Please let me go," she pleaded brokenly.

"It's not in my power miss," said the man with a poker face.

"At least give me my mobile phone and handbag, " she pleaded.

"I can't give you your mobile phone miss. I'll see about the handbag. Strict orders," he said with a poker face.

"Orders? Whose orders?" She asked with concern.

"My boss's orders miss, " said the man.

"Who's your boss?" Asked Lisa puzzled. Why would his boss want her?

"You'll meet him soon, miss. You need to eat. I'll leave now miss," he said when his phone buzzed with an incoming call.

"Yes Mr. Creighton, " he answered the phone as he locked her door from outside, Lisa froze as she heard the name. Dan Creighton was her dad's new name. So it was her dad who had abducted her! What could he want now? Lisa massaged her temples but her head kept swooning and she felt too weak to even stand straight.

"I have to eat to gain my strength back. Then I have to think of a way of escaping from here," she mumbled to herself and went towards the table to inspect the food. There were two burritos with mince stuffing and some tacos with a Mexican dip. She hungrily ate the delicious Mexican food. Then opening her window she looked at her surroundings closely. Was this Mexico? Her heart sank at the realization. Why had her dad brought her to Mexico? Laurence would never be able to find her.




Las Vegas


Liam and Laurence had talked to Scott and got the number of two more men who worked for their dad. Laurence employed Scott for his help. The police started tracking the new numbers that Laurence handed over to them.

"Mr. Lennard, one of the numbers is in Las Vegas itself while the other one had last been tracked to Mexico City," informed officer Ridley. Laurence and Liam looked at one another.

"I want to go to Mexico City. Maybe that's where dad has imprisoned Lisa," said Laurence.

"Hold on Mr Lennard. Let us collaborate with the Mexico City police team and track down Dan Creighton first. Once we're sure that he's there, we could go there and arrest him," said officer Ridley. 

The next few days the Mexico city police were on the hunt for Dan Creighton but the address where his associate's number was traced last was an abandoned building on the outskirts with no one living there. A week had passed since Lisa's disappearance yet the police had no clue to her whereabouts. Liam's exams were over and he and Laurence coordinated with a private investigator whom Eric Parker had recommended. They both were distraught with worry when one evening Liam received a call from an unknown number.

"Hello, Liam Parker speaking. Who's this?" He asked casually.

"Are you missing your fiancée Mr. Parker?" Croaked a muffled voice from the other end. Liam was instantly alerted. He started recording the call instantly.

"Who is this?" Growled Liam knowing very well who it was.


continue: Chapter Thirty-Two

Vinitha Nayak

2020-12-04 11:50:22

Awesome chap 😍😍❤️❤️❤️


2020-11-29 22:51:35

Oh thanks goodness .. some lead at last


2020-11-29 18:53:27

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
