A Hopeless Pursuit (Forbidden Love Series Book 10)
A Hopeless Pursuit (Forbidden Love Series Book 10)
168 89336 43  ( Completed )

Chapter Eleven


Lisa walked half heartedly to her room. She knew that by tomorrow morning the whole neighborhood as well as her mom's circle of friends would be gossiping only about her. That's all they always did. Lisa dreaded her mom's reaction. She would want to know about the guy Lisa was with but could she tell her mom about Liam? No, it wouldn't be a wise thing to. The moment she would find out that Lisa was with Liam, she would start her planning and plotting to frame Liam and get Eric Parker to pay them. However, if she found out that Lisa was with another guy, she had no idea what punishment would be meted out to her. But she would have to take that risk and accept any punishment that her mom inflicted upon her. At least Liam and his family would be safe.

She spent most of her time upstairs with Serenity and Laurence. At least she could share a laugh and be free there.  The next morning Lisa went downstairs to have her milk and breakfast before getting ready for school. There was a strange tension in the air as her parents sat at the table sipping their coffee. Both looked angry and Lisa could sense that Jessica Colebrook had done her job.

She sat down and sipped her milk, hoping that at least they would let her finish her breakfast in peace before announcing the punishment that they had decided for her. It was a falshope since her mom couldn't wait a second longer.

"Who were you shamelessly making out with in the middle of a busy street? Don't you have any consideration for our family name?" Yelled her mom. Lisa kept quiet. She couldn't tell them it was Liam so she let them draw their own conclusions.

"What? Don't you have anything to say?" Laughed her mom. "Harry I'm ashamed of this girl. I can't be a laughing stock amongst my friends because of her. Say something," insisted her mom. 

"You're just sixteen Lisa. This behavior isn't acceptable at all," said her dad. Lisa mentally smiled at their contradictory statements. Here they were asking her to frame Liam by having sex with him and getting pregnant at sixteen and compelling him to marry her and now they can't accept her making out with a guy.

"What makes you smile? Are we saying something ridiculous to you?" Asked her mom angrily.

"Answer me dammit,' yelled her mom.

"What can I say? You will only believe your precious friend. Having sex with Liam to frame him is acceptable to both of you?" She asked with a laugh as her mom's mouth hung open at her answer.

"Harry, won't you say something? She's laughing at us," said her mom with a shocked expression her face.

"I don't say much. I just punish. No more music classes from today. If you want to learn music,  Laurence will arrange for a teacher who would come home and teach you. You will be escorted to and from school by Scott, my trusted chauffeur. All outings and living at Sofia's house are banned," said her dad. Her mom smiled and finished her coffee with a satisfied smile on her face.

"I can't believe this. What have I ever done to you? I won't learn music from any other teacher. I will continue to go to my music school. I can't live without music," Lisa yelled back with tears in her eyes. She didn't mind the ban on her outings, she didn't mind the ban on visiting Sofia and living there, but what pained her was her music school. That was the only thing good and permanent in her shitty life.

"There's no room for arguments. Just get ready for school. Scott will drop you off to school and wait for you there to bring you back," said her dad, getting up and leaving the room.

"You heard what your dad told you. Don't force us to punish you harder," said her mom, getting up.

"You know what? You can't be my real mom. Had you abducted me from my real mom?" Said Lisa with a hateful glance at her mom who sat down shocked to hear her words. Lisa didn't wait to see her reaction anymore. She just went upstairs to her room to get ready for school.

Just as her dad had ordered, Scott who was her dad's grumpy, middle aged chauffeur, dropped her off at her school. He waited for her outside the whole time and when her school got over, he brought her back home. Lisa didn't like school one bit without her friends, Sofia and Victoria who were busy at Michigan.

She returned back and decided to talk to Laurence about her parents' wish to discontinue her music school. Laurence would surely understand her. Laurence came in very late and Serenity had already gone to sleep. So Lisa decided to speak to him the next morning.

The next morning again she couldn't talk to Laurence since he had left for work early. Dejectedly she went to school. Her music school was in the evening and she waited impatiently for it. Surely her parents would allow her to attend it today since no teacher had been fixed yet for her. She would inform Liam and find out some way to see him. Maybe at her school back gate for ten minutes every day.

At last it was time to leave for her to leave for her music school. Lisa got ready and went down the elevator towards the underground parking area. But as luck would have it, her dad stood there with a grumpy Scott waiting to catch her.

"I think I clearly told you that you will  not attend anymore music classes from now on," her dad gritted out. "Go to your room now. How dare you disobey me?" He growled.

"Let me at least inform at the school today? I'll discontinue when you find me a good teacher, " she faced him bravely. Harry Lennard simply slapped her hard, losing his self control.

"No one talks back and disobeys me. Go inside now," he yelled at her. Lisa felt very insulted being slapped in front of all the staff and chauffeurs.

She looked at her father with pure hatred. "You're a monster dad, the worst father on earth," she yelled and went upstairs as tears fell from her eyes. She clutched at her breaking heart as she went straight up to Laurence's floor. She would die without her music classes and then there was Liam. He would wait for her not knowing what happened. His smiling face flashed in her mind and she sobbed more.

"What happened to you Lisa?" Asked Serenity with concern.

Lisa sobbed in her arms. "Mom and dad stopped my music classes since some bitch friend of hers saw me with Liam. Please don't tell them that I was with Liam. They would make my life hell," said Lisa, wiping her eyes. She couldn't tell Serenity what her parents were like.

"They are having me escorted by dad's chauffeur to and from school. They banned me from going to Sofia's house too. Liam doesn't know. He'd wait for me in front of my music school, " said Lisa, sobbing more.

"Shh, don't cry Lisa. I can inform Liam . He won't wait for you today. You want his number? You could talk to him yourself," said Serenity. Lisa's eyes shone with happiness.

"Yes please," she said shyly. Serenity chuckled and gave her Liam's phone number.

"So they want you to leave music altogether? But why?" Asked Serenity.

"No they want me to have a home teacher," said Lisa.

"Then talk to your favourite teacher and request him to come home and teach you. I'm sure Laurence can afford him," said Serenity. Lisa stared at her with surprise. She had never thought of that?

"Liam can come to see me every weekend. You come up here and meet him. Okay? Now smile, " said Serenity.  Lisa hugged her.

"Thank you Serenity. I wish you get your true love. You're very nice," said Lisa.

"Thanks. Just stay away from trouble till everything dies down. Okay?" She advised and Lisa nodded. She felt much better after that talk with Serenity. She went to her room and called up the on the  number that Serenity gave her.

"Yes. Who's speaking?" Asked Liam's sexy voice from the other end.

"Hi, Lisa speaking, " said Lisa, shyly.

"Lisa," gasped Liam. "How did you get my number?" He asked with surprise.

"Serenity gave me. I wouldn't be going to the music school ever again, Liam. So please don't wait for me please," she said as a sob broke out from her mouth.

Liam was shocked. So that woman had reported her after all. "Okay relax Lisa. Tell me everything that happened, " he said gently.

Lisa told him what her parents had banned her to do. She told him whatever she told his sister. Liam heard everything patiently.

"I'll come down tomorrow in the evening. I'll see you then. Okay?" He asked her gently.

"Yes, " said Lisa.

"Now smile and be happy. Despite the ban you still can learn music and meet me as well," he consoled.

"Yes you're right. See you tomorrow then," she said with a smile.


continue: Chapter Twelve

Vinitha Nayak

2020-12-04 01:18:23

Awesome chap 😍😍❤️❤️❤️


2020-11-11 11:28:25

Thanks 😊


2020-11-10 20:43:31

Awesome ch, update soon.😀


2020-11-10 19:32:03

Awesome ❤️❤️
