A Hopeless Pursuit (Forbidden Love Series Book 10)
A Hopeless Pursuit (Forbidden Love Series Book 10)
168 89334 43  ( Completed )

Chapter Two


Lisa looked with dismay at her parents standing with Mr Boring Tux, Liam Parker. Did he complain to them? Her mom would start lecturing her everything to do with etiquette and behaviour fit for a billionaire's wife! As if she'd already become one! There was no way of escape since her dad already had seen her.

She reluctantly walked towards her family with a grumpy face. "This is our daughter Elizabeth," introduced her mom with a fake laugh when Lisa glared angrily at her. "She prefers to be called Lisa though," added her mom.

"Hello Elizabeth, " smirked Mr Boring Tux. She knew it. She knew he would call her by that hateful prehistoric name that her parents had chosen for her. It didn't suit her personality at all.

"Hello, " she mumbled disinterestedly.  Her parents glared at her but Laurence started conversing with Liam about the current trend of stock markets and her parents lost interest and moved away to talk to the other guests. The ceremony would begin soon so Laurence excused himself to go to the washroom.

"Well, Elizabeth, we meet again," said Liam with a smirk knowing fully well that she was hating the full name.

"Yes, Mr B T, I wish we didn't meet at all," said Lisa,  pointedly. Liam laughed.

"Not B T. I'm Mr L.P., Elizabeth, " he corrected her.

"Not Elizabeth, I'm Lisa, Mr. B. T.," She corrected him.

"Then I'm Liam, for you, Elizabeth," he again corrected her.

"Ugh, can't you just drop the full name?" she gritted out.

"Liam," he prompted with a victorious grin.

"Okay Liam," she rolled her eyes. God, the guy was more stubborn than she was!

"Thank you, Lisa, " he whispered into her ear before walking away with an air of victory towards the altar where the procession was about to start.

Lucas's bride, Violet came into the banquet hall escorted by Mr and Mrs Parker. The music started and the procession started. They all took their seats and the boring ceremony started. Lisa couldn't even close her eyes and sleep throughout the event. She could feel Liam's gaze upon her all the time. She felt like throttling him to wipe that victorious smirk off his face. And here she thought that her dowdy grandma dress would drive him far away from her.

Liam couldn't look away from the gorgeous Lennard girl. She might be young but she had such a fire in her that excited him in the wrong places. He was waiting excitedly to get to know more about her.

The ceremony was over and the photography session began. Liam went to hunt for Lisa to somehow convince her to click a picture with him. He knew it was an impossible task but a guy can always try. He saw her at the drinks counter, closing her eyes and trying to choose one amongst five mocktails kept in a line in front of her.

"You can drink all of them. They are meant for kids," he said, with a bigger smirk.

"You need them more than I do, I prefer vodka, " she said with a toss of her hair.

"Oo, underage drinking!" He commented. Lisa glared at him.

"Shut up and mind your own business," said Lisa, randomly picking up a drink and walking off but to her dismay, Liam Parker followed her.

"That's what I'm doing right now. Laurence is calling you for the photograph session with the newlyweds," he said having guessed that she loved her brother more than anyone else. It wad obvious from the way she always preferred to stay with him and not her parents.

"Oh," she said, looking around for her brother. Seeing him talking to Lucas and Violet, Lisa walked towards him. Liam followed with another triumphant smile on his face. That was quite easy. The moment they reached the beautiful backdrop, Liam clapped his hands.

"Let's take a group photograph, Laurence," he suggested. Violet and Lucas stood at the centre while Laurence at one side. Liam pulled Lisa with him to the other side and before she could protest any further, photograph was clicked.  Lisa stomped away. The sneaky guy, how did he always manage to win with her?

The dance floor was being readied for the first dance and everyone excitedly flocked to the area. Lisa stood to watch. She saw Liam's sister Serenity standing with her cousins. Lucas's best friend Alexander and stood all alone watching Serenity like a hawk. Liam walked towards them and stood by Alexander. The newlyweds started their first dance and everyone cheered. 

The song was over and Tyler pulled his wife, River to the dance floor.  Even Tyler's sister, Carmella and her fiancé followed them to the dance floor. Liam stood beside Lisa who was  busy watching everyone dance.

"Dance with me?" He asked her, looking at her for her reaction.

"No, I'm not interested, " she answered.

"Not interested to dance or not interested in me?" He continued.

"Both," she said gruffly. He was now getting to her nerves. Why couldn't he just leave her alone?

"Oh c'mon, I'm just asking you for a casual dance," he insisted.

"I don't want a casual dance with you," she said with a shrug.

"I can do intense passionate dancing too," he said, looking into her eyes widened with horror.

"I I didn't mean t that," she stammered. The guy was horrid!

"Then c'mon, dance with me. It's not a date that I'm asking you out to," he said with a smile.

"Alright, let's get it done with," she said, knowing that there was no winning against this guy. If only she hadn't come here at all. Liam picked her hand up gently and led her to the dance floor. She felt a jolt of electric current pass through her whole body at his touch. That was strange. Sofia's cousin, Leo always held hands with her and played around but she never felt any such thing with him!

Liam drew her close, his arm going around her as he held her tenderly. The slow romantic music started and they swayed to the magical rhythm. Lisa was too overwhelmed by the unknown feelings playing a havoc in her mind, numbing her senses simultaneously to react. She just closed her eyes and went along as Liam guided her. Liam too was left speechless by their perfect harmony. He had never felt so at peace,  so at home as he felt with Lisa in his arms. The music was over and realisation struck Lisa. She looked up at Liam,  deep into his mesmerising blue eyes with confusion. Before Liam could pull her close for another dance, she just walked away towards her brother.

Liam was very disappointed. He didn't want that dance to end so soon. He liked holding her close. He was stunned that she had completely surrendered to him while they danced. Did she too feel the magic that they had shared? Did she feel the electric tingles when they touched? He went to get a drink for himself. He really needed it.

A buffet dinner was already laid out and everyone helped themselves to it. Liam watched Lisa talk and eat with her brother. It was very strange that she hardly smiled. It seemed that the girl was carrying a mountain load of stress on her young shoulders.

Lisa glanced in his direction every now and then, aware of his gaze following her around. Inwardly she felt a strange sense of satisfaction, a happiness that someone like Liam Parker was actually following her around but she couldn't give it much thought. She didn't want an underage fling with him which her parents had been forcing her into.

She might be rebellious, carefree,  tough and hot-headed but deep in her heart she was a hopeless romantic, a believer of true love and destiny. She would never give in to force. She would wait for the man who was destined for her. The dinner was over, the speeches, more dancing, the party was over finally. She didn't leave Laurence's side and Liam had no chance to talk to her. He just hopefully followed her around.

Their dad was having a talk with uncle Eric, so they waited for him. "I'll just come in a minute from the washroom, " said Lisa,  rushing towards the washroom. She came out and headed straight towards Laurence but Liam caught her wrist and pulled her to him. Lisa placed her palms out to stop herself from crashing onto his chest. Liam felt her soft hands on him. 

"When can I see you again?" He asked her, his eyes searching her eyes. There was no sarcasm in his tone, there was only desperation, a longing.

"I don't know," she whispered, looking away.

"Can I come to your house to see you?" He asked her again in the same tone. He didn't know what pushed him to this state. He just wanted to see her again. He was a straightforward guy so the best way was to ask her directly. After that dance it was obvious that they had a good chemistry together.


continue: Chapter Three