Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
195 71680 42  ( Completed )


They reached Houston after two hours and went straight Carter's house. "We could get your stuff tomorrow. You can take Alexis, ma and Iris along to help you," said Nelson. Annalise nodded. She was eager to see her siblings. They rang the doorbell and Carter opened the door with a grin. Levi sat sprawled on the living room sofa playing a video game with Aries on his mobile phone. Alexis was getting her hair braided by Ciara, Carter's cousin who literally lived with them.

"Well, well, finally the honeymoon's over," said a jealous Carter.

Nelson grinned and sniffed around. "Something's burning,"  he said with a chuckle.

Carter grinned and Aries and Alexis got up and ran towards Annalise. "Anna," they squealed with delight.

"Hey, you two?" Said Levi. "Weren't you supposed to return tomorrow?"

"Yep, but plans changed when the cops found us, thanks to aunt Cruella!" Said Nelson. He explained what happened and everyone listened with shock. Carter's parents who had gone out, arrived and congratulated them after the introductions. Annalise thanked everyone for taking good care of the twins. Finally they left Carter's house and went towards Nelson's house.

"Do we have to go back to aunt Emily's house, Anna?" Asked  a worried Aries.

"Not at all. You both would be living at our house with us, " announced Nelson.

"Really?" Squealed a delighted Alexis.

"What if your family doesn't want us, Nelson, like aunt Emily's?" Asked a worried Aries.

"They already want you. Ma has prepared a room for you already. Let me tell you she's the best baker in this whole neighborhood. You never know, she might be in need of cake-tasting executives," winked Nelson and the kids started discussing about it excitedly, how many they could taste, what not they could taste, which flavors they would love to taste and so on and so forth.

Nelson parked his car in his garage and held Annalise's hand and led her to his home. His ma and Iris might have seen them arriving. They opened the door eagerly before they could press the doorbell. Pilot, Sniffer and Duffy who were Iris's pets, came dashing out, curious to see who had arrived.

"Aww, puppy?" Squealed Alexis, staring at Duffy who ran into her, eager to be picked up. Pilot greeted Nelson while Sniffer waited to sniff everyone.

"Yes, they're all Iris's. She's Nick's wife," said Nelson, gesturing towards Iris.

"Hi," Iris said to Annalise who grinned at her.

"Hi," she said.

"At last you two get time to come home. I'd been so worried about you," said his ma with tears in her eyes. "Come and hug me, Anna, " she said, opening out her arms to the two of them. After hugging them, she wiped her eyes and looked at the happy children playing with an ecstatic Duffy. Iris had introduced her pets to the children and they were extremely excited.

"Children, come here and introduce yourselves, " said ma. Aries went up to her and Iris shyly and introduced himself.

"I'm Aries, Mrs Taylor," he said. Alexis stood hidden behind him and peeped out to introduce herself.

"I'm Alexis, " she said.

"You know who I am?" She asked and they nodded. "I'm Nelson's ma. Both of you will also call me ma just like Anna does. Okay?" She asked gently.

"Yes ma," they chorused.

"Ma, I'm hungry. Will you stay outside the whole night?" Yelled Nick from inside the house and Iris giggled.

"That boy is forever hungry, " his ma rolled her eyes and they all giggled.

"Let's go inside, children. Dinner's served. Later I'll settle you in your room," said ma, ushering the children inside the house. The children were introduced to Nick and his dad.

"I have some secret stuff in the garage. Will show you tomorrow if you behave well," Nick whispered to the children.

"Nick, you haven't thrown them out, yet?" Asked his ma, bewildered.

"Nope, Alexis and Aries will inherit them now," declared Nick.

"What are you talking about?" Asked a puzzled Iris.

"Nick's creations when he was of their age," said their ma, gesturing towards the children while Nelson chuckled.

"Ma, you're spoiling the fun," protested Nick.

"What creations?" Asked a very curious Iris.

"Legoland," whispered Nelson in her ears and she gaped at Nick.

"You still play with those?" She asked with her mouth hanging open. Nick stared back.

"No, not anymore. Now I play different games, " he said with a wink.

"Now quiet both of you and eat," said their ma while Nelson and Annalise giggled.

They loved being in the Taylor household. Soon tbey realized that there was never a dull moment in their new home. Life was fun. Later ma showed the kids their room which was right next to her room, downstairs.

"If you need something children, ask me. Okay?" Said ma.

"Yes ma," they chorused.

"Good, now go to sleep. Tomorrow an exciting day awaits you, " said ma. "Good night, children. "

"Good night, ma," said the children. Ma left to go to her room.

"I love it here, what about you Aries?" asked Alexis.

"Yeah, me too. I'm so excited for tomorrow, " said Aries.

"I know. I can't wait for tomorrow, " said Alexis.

Nelson took Annalise to his room and locked the door. "Got you at last," he said with a grin. They showered together and went to sleep, blissfully happy after an eventful day, too exhausted to do anything.

The next morning, the whole family trooped in to their house to meet Annalise and the kids. It was decided that there would be a family gathering in the evening to bond well with the new members of the family.

"We need to celebrate this. What say children?" Asked aunt Hannah.

"Yay, party," said Vienna.

"We're in," said Stuart.

"Is it only for family?" Asked Denver. His ma chuckled.

"You can invite Sapphire, " said his ma and the girls giggled. Sapphire was their neighbor whose dad was a police officer. She was two years younger than Denver and her dad was perpetually after Denver who never gave up pursuing Sapphire. The naughtiest amongst the Taylor brothers, Denver was impossible to contain, being grounded every alternate week.

"Ma, this is partiality. Why only Sapphire?" Daxton protested.

"Okay, Aurora too provided her brothers don't get you arrested, " laughed his ma.

"Done. You guys can get your girls if you want," said aunt Patty. Then turning to Pauline Taylor, she said,"We need to plan their repeat wedding and reception too."

"Yeah, let's nail a date first," said Nelson's ma.

Vienna and a very rounded, eight months pregnant Allison hugged Annalise and welcomed her into the family. "Our girl gang is increasing every month. Next month Allison's daughter will be born, " said Vienna.

"Wow, you're expecting a girl?" Asked an excited Annalise.

"Yeah, I feel so bloated. She kicks me the whole night and sleeps all day," said Allison, rolling her eyes.

She's gone after the brothers, I guess," whispered Iris and they all giggled.

"Are you discussing us?" Asked Nick, wearily.

"You wish, Nick, " said Iris.

"Four down, next wedding's mine or Dax's," said Denver, with a grin.

"You guys are just nineteen and your girls are underage. So forget it for the next four years," pointed out Sean. Denver and Daxton groaned. Alexis, Aries, Nate and Drake ran towards the backyard with a soccer ball followed by three dogs.

"Do you know Nate's fallen for your sister, Anna?" Whispered Vienna.

"Really? Should I be worried?" Asked a confused Annalise.

"Nah, nothing to worry. Let them live their lives. Leave everything to ma and dad. They'll do the needful, " said Iris.

"Let's play hide and seek," suggested Alexis. So Drake was the den and they all went to hide. Nate pulled Alexis with him towards the garage and hid behind Nelson's car.

"Will you live here forever?" He asked Alexis, still holding her hand.

"Yes," she said shyly.

"You'll soon be in our school. Are you excited?" He asked her.

"Very excited, " she told him. "How's your school?" She asked him.

Nate loved talking to her. If he had his way, he would have held her hands and talked to her twenty-four hours every day!

Drake and Aries searched and searched but couldn't find those two. "He disappeared with the girl," muttered Drake to himself, fuming with frustration. He was the only one left amongst all the Taylor brothers who hadn't met the girl of his dreams. He rolled his eyes at God. "Why me, God?" He murmured.

Later a happy Nate emerged with Alexis from their hiding place and Drake rolled his eyes, green with jealousy.
"Nkn," glared Drake at Nate. (Stands for No kissing now)

"Idnt," said Nate as Alexis and Aries stared at them communicating to one another in alien language. (Stands for I didn't)

Everyone went home only to meet later in the evening for a much awaited get together. The whole morning, the girls helped their ma and aunts prepare for the gala dinner. Their house was the most happening place right now. Later Hannah Taylor, Nelson, Vienna, Iris, Annalise and her siblings went to their aunt's house to get their stuff.

"Anna, don't break all ties with us, please, " said Dean, as she packed.

"I won't come here Dean but you're most welcome to come to my home to see us," said Annalise.

"We'll surely come over," said Erik.

"Dad feels guilty. Please accept your share of granddad's money," said Mike.

"No, I don't want aunt Emily to overreact again. Let's keep money out of this. I don't need it. You'll are welcome to come over any time, any day," said Annalise.

"Thanks, I'm glad that we can keep in touch," said Derek. Her uncle came to her room. He hugged her and wanted to keep in touch. Annalise didn't bear a grudge. She wanted to start a new happy life so she forgave him and asked him also to come over to see them. Her aunt didn't apologize or talk to her even once and she didn't care.

With all their stuff and with a happy heart, Annalise walked out of her uncle's house towards a new life awaiting her. Nelson held her hand and looked down tenderly at her, still lovestruck just like he was the first day he had met her. Soon their wedding preparations would start and they would start their journey of love, their happily ever after, their dream life amidst loved ones.

You have reached the end of this story


2021-03-24 10:56:32

Lovely story... Family bonding is awsome...


2021-02-15 14:46:34

Thank you this was awesome


2021-02-14 12:13:30

I really love the families in your stories, how they accept each other, help each other, its amazingg❤❤


2021-02-14 12:12:04

Awesome story.❤❤❤ I loved it😍😍


2021-02-14 11:44:15

Thanks 😃😃


2021-02-14 11:08:36

Beautiful story, loved it


2021-02-14 10:35:20

Awesome ch, love it.😀👍
