Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
195 71644 42  ( Completed )

Chapter Nineteen

After a hectic morning at college, Annalise returned home to get ready for work. She was very excited to see Nelson after having missed him the whole morning. The whole morning there was a glow on her cheeks, a spring to her step as she felt excited to meet Nelson again.

She walked into the restaurant and there he was standing with a grinning Trent near the billing counter. Annalise blushed seeing him there pinning her with a piercing gaze. The moment she approached him, he smiled at her. "You're five minutes late, Alise. I was waiting for you," he complained. Annalise nodded.

"Yes, I got late at college," she said shyly, aware of all the looks that they were receiving. Nelson caught her hand absent-mindedly and Greg cleared his throat.

"Are you two together now?" He asked curiously. Nelson smiled with pride while Annalise looked at all the interested glances who too were curious to know the answer to that question.

"Yes, we're together and will be forever," said Nelson and Annalise gasped. He had just announced their relationship openly to the whole world. Greg's face fell but still he smiled at them.

"My bad but I'm happy for you guys. Congrats," said Greg. They thanked him and also the others who congratulated them. Nelson pulled her by his side and kept his arm around her shoulders possessively. "You're lucky bro, " he said, looking a little sad.

"Don't worry, you'll find a girl soon who'll really love you," Nelson reassured. Greg nodded.

"Thanks, hope it happens soon," he told them. "When's your wedding dude?" He asked Trent.

"In a month. I'll tell you the date when it's fixed," said Trent.

"I'm attending even if you don't invite me," said Greg.

"I'll invite you, don't worry. You might find your match at my wedding. Who knows?" Said Trent with a laugh. Nelson chuckled and pulled Annalise to his office and closed the door.

"Why are you locking the door, Nelson?" She asked with wide eyes praying he wouldn't be up to any mischief here at his office.

"I've missed you dammit. I wish I could fuse my lips with yours forever," he said with a grin. Annalise rolled her eyes at him.

"No way," she said with a grin. "How would I help chef Garner with my mouth fused with yours?" Giggled Annalise.

"Yeah. You would need to go to the washroom with me then," said Nelson with a cheeky grin and Annalise just pushed him away with horror.

"You're crazy. Now let me go, I've got work to do, " she said to a chuckling Nelson but he didn't leave her.

"Nope, give me a kiss first, " said Nelson, stubbornly. Annalise sighed and standing on her tip toes, kissed his lips gently but it wasn't enough for him after missing her all morning. He claimed her lips into his own and plunged deeper and deeper, forcing her to respond back in the same manner. The kiss went on and on and more passionate and possessive than before. However, they had to be disturbed by a knock on the door. Nelson released her and unlocked the door to find an amused Susan standing there.

"What do you want Susan?" Asked Nelson impatiently.

"The whole restaurant can hear the two of you. Chef Garner's about to come hunting for Anna, so I came to warn you," said Susan with a shrug.

"Gee thanks," said Nelson with a displeased look. Annalise's eyes widened with embarrassment.

"Wait Susan, I'm coming with you," she said, dashing off before Nelson could trap her again. They dashed off to the kitchen. Nelson too got busy with the fresh work that uncle Henry overloaded him with. It was after three hours that Susan and Annalise emerged from the kitchen to go to the washroom.

"I've moved in with Trent here at his apartment near here, " she informed her.

"Your parents didn't object?" Asked Annalise, knowing how strict her parents were.

"No, with this pregnancy, I couldn't drive such a long distance to work. Trent's apartment is walking distance from here. So they didn't say a thing," answered Susan. "Why don't you and Nelson too drop in after work? It's a two bedroomed apartment and we could accommodate you both too. After all, we'd be here for only a month more. Let's spend time together till then," suggested Susan.

"I'll ask Nelson about it first, " said Annalise.

"Trent asked him. He's willing," said Susan. Her life was set and she wanted Annalise and Nelson to spend more time with one another and get married too. She wanted them to spend some time alone with one another.

"Oh, then, I'll also come along," said Annalise shyly. Susan grinned. This was what she wanted to hear.

"Great then. After duty tonight, you both are coming over for dinner," she stated. Annalise nodded. She would love to spend some time with Susan before she left forever. "I wouldn't be working in the restaurant for long. The kitchen smell is nauseating and I have an aversion to food throughout the day. So Trent wants me to rest for a month before the wedding and concentrate upon the pregnancy. "

"Yeah, that's the wisest decision. So when are you dropping out?" Asked Annalise.

"Next week," said Susan.

Nelson was in the seventh Heaven after Trent asked him to come over to their apartment after work. He wanted to spend time with Annalise and Trent's apartment seemed the ideal place to go to. Finally their duty was over and the four of them went to Trent's apartment which was near the restaurant.

"Wow, you have a nice and cozy place, dude," said Nelson, looking around the tastefully furnished two bedroom apartment.

"You two are welcome to move in with us. There's a spare bedroom too. At least for a month, we can spend some time with one another, " suggested Susan.

"I can't move in Susan. Aunt Emily and uncle Edward wouldn't agree but I  can come back after work and spend time with all of you everyday," said Annalise. Nelson's face fell. He really wanted to spend time with her.

"Oh, once in a while if you stay over with me, they wouldn't object," she told her. Annalise nodded. That she could manage.

"So what are we eating for dinner?" Asked Trent.

"I could make dinner for all of us. Susan just said me what's kept where and I'll start off," said Annalise. Susan showed her everything and Annalise pushed her towards her room.

"I'll manage now. You go and freshen up," she offered. Nelson came into the kitchen to help her.

As she chopped the vegetables for the beef stew that she had planned to make, he came up behind her. "What are you making, Alise?" He asked, looking down at her with interest.

"Beef stew and rice," she told him.

"I wish you would move in with me, " he said with longing.

"It will happen, Nelson. Just give me a little time. Till then we'd come here often and spend time with one another. After a month, we'll decide something else. Okay?" Asked Annalise. Nelson smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it'll do. Something's better than nothing, after all," he said with a grin. The next few minutes, he hovered around her as she cooked the stew. Susan was too nauseated to come into the kitchen.

"She feels sick every day after returning from work. The duty in the kitchen isn't suiting her any longer, " said Trent.

"We can then shift her away from the kitchen," said Nelson.

"It's better if she discontinues, Nelson. I don't want her to take too much stress now," said Trent. They enjoyed their dinner and Trent and Nelson helped with the dishes later. They all relaxed and chatted, planning the wedding together. Trent's mom called and informed them the date. Susan wanted Annalise to go with her to get her wedding dress. It was ten o'clock when Annalise reached home. Her aunt didn't look very pleased with her.

"Did you go somewhere, Anna? I was waiting to talk to you, " she reminded her. Annalise's then remembered her aunt's words to her in the morning.

"Sorry aunt Emily. Actually, Susan fell sick after duty.  So, I went with her to her apartment, " said Annalise.

"Oh that's okay dear. Just inform me in the future. I get worried about you," she told her. Annalise nodded.

"I will," she promised.

"Sit down Anna. I wanted to talk to you," she said, solemnly.

"You know Colton and his family are our close family friends?" Asked aunt Emily. Annalise nodded. She knew where this talk was leading to.

"His mom and I have been best friends since kindergarten. Their family's very special to us. Why I'm telling you all this is that Colton loves you. He wants to marry you and his parents are also very keen on this wedding. It would give us immense pleasure if you agree. We've already gone ahead with the preparations. I just wanted to inform you that we want to see you happily settled in life with him, " said her aunt Emily.

continue: Chapter Twenty

Vinitha Nayak

2021-02-28 17:18:13

Awesome chap 😍😍😍❤️❤️


2021-02-02 23:15:56

Oh how will she break the news of Nelson to her aunt after all they’ve done for her ??? 😟


2021-02-02 18:58:40

Awesome ch, update soon.😀


2021-02-02 14:02:09

Awesome chapter❤❤
