Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
195 71676 42  ( Completed )

Chapter Ten

Nelson waited patiently outside her college the next day. It was lunch time at work and he had sneaked out after finding out Annalise's college timings from Susan. His eyes glued to the campus gate he noticed each and every student that emerged. When she didn't emerge after twenty minutes, he started thinking that she might have missed her classes today. Should he return back to his work? He decided to wait for her for a few more minutes.

After five minutes Annalise walked out of the campus carrying more books than her delicate frame could support. She really was drowned under the books and the heavy backpack hanging from her shoulders. As she staggered, a few books fell to the ground and she groaned. Nelson rushed forward to help her.

"I'll get it for you Annalise, " he said gently, bending down to pick up the falken books. Annalise froze like a statue seeing him. What was he doing here, at her college? All the cruel words he had said came back to her mind in a rush and she just took the books back from him and walked off towards her car. Aunt Emily insisted that she use her car so Annalise drove hers to and from college, everyday.

"Annalise wait, I want to talk to you, " said Nelson but Annalise didn't even listen or look at him. Her whole body was flushed with anger. She kept the books on the bonnet of her car and fished out the car keys from her bag. "I came to apologize to you Annalise. I'm very sorry for all the things that I said to you. I know that I shouldn't have jumped to my own conclusions based on what I saw but please can you find it in your heart to forgive me?" Pleaded Nelson. Annalise stood frozen hearing his apology but didn't say a word to him neither did she turn around to look at him. She simply placed the books in her car and then climbed into her car and drove off leaving him standing and staring after her. Nelson knew this would be her reaction. He didnt get discouraged and was determined to try again after a few days.

Annalise hadn't expected to meet Nelson again in this wretched and dismal life of hers but with him suddenly appearing in front of her after so many days, she was shocked, more so at his apology. However it didn't change a thing since he had hurt her and she didn't want anything to do with him. She returned home and parking her car went into the house. The twins and Derek had just returned from school. Erik had returned for lunch. They owned a real estate firm which was doing exceptionally well. Apart from Derek, all the brothers along with her uncle Edward looked into the business.

Annalise freshened up and came down to the dining table to have lunch. The twins chatted excitedly with Erik's best friend Colton Harvey who regularly came over to their house. "Hey Anna, how are you today?" Asked Colton. He was a handsome guy and worked as a Financial Analyst at a top financial firm in Houston.

"I'm good," mumbled Annalise. She wasn't in the mood for pleasantries, her thoughts being stuck upon Nelson's apology.

"So how was college today?" Asked Colton.

"As usual," said Annalise, serving herself. Aunt Emily came to the table and they all talked about Colton's trip to Washington DC. Annalise wasn't interested. She could sense Colton's eyes upon her every now and then but she concentrated upon her food, not wanting to encourage him in any way.

They planned a day-trip to Galveston for the next weekend. Annalise wasn't interested to go with them. "No Erik, please don't force me. I'll stay back at home. You'll can go and have fun," she told them. Colton looked disappointed while Erik tried to coax her into going with them.

"Don't force her, Erik. Let her do what she wants, " said aunt Emily much to her relief. After dinner Annalise got up to go to her room although Colton wanted her to stay back.

"Stay for a few more minutes, Anna. Are you that sleepy?" He asked her.

"No no, Anna has become a nerd. She'll study till late at night," said Derek, with a laugh.

Annalise smiled. "Well, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, " said Colton challenging Annalise to ignore his request.

"It's only applicable for Jack, not me," she said with a smile and walked out of the room as Erik chuckled.

It was Friday and Nelson again visited Annalise's college. He stood patiently outside her campus gates looking out for her. Finally, he saw her walking out wearing a beautiful red top and a pair of figure-hugging jeans. It was obvious that her uncle took good care of her. Her clothes looked new and expensive.
In fact she looked quite radiant, her long hair tied up in a bun, with loose tendrils playing all around her face. Nelson was spellbound by her beauty. There was a magnetic quality in her which attracted everyone and compelled them to stand and stare at her. He noticed the interested glances that she received from the guys around the college campus but she seemed oblivious to them. It pleased him and he walked towards her.

"Annalise hi," he said as he stood in front of her. Annalise looked up and stopped in her tracks with surprise. She hadn't expected him to come back after she ignored his very existence the last time. Everyday, after college, she had searched for him outside the gates but when she didn't see him, she had concluded that he was gone for good. So today, when she hadn't looked for him, at all, here he was right in front of her. She walked past him but her heart started hammering in her chest at a crazy rate.

"Annalise, listen to me please. I'm sorry. Forgive me please. I promise I'll never hurt you again. Please release me from this guilt. It's killing me," he pleaded in a tortured tone, following her to her car. Annalise didn't answer but just as she was about to reach her car, Nelson caught her hand.

"Hit me, slap me, shout at me, do anything please but don't ignore me, Annalise," he pleaded again. Annalise didn't know what to say to him. She couldn't just forget the insult just because he apologized twice? It wasn't that easy. She loved him and he hurt her more than anyone else. She didn't care about Adam's and his mom's insult but Nelson's words had hurt her deep. It made her stop believing in love and broke her. She just couldn't say anything to his pleas.

"Let me go, sir. I can't forget and neither can I forgive you. So it's better that you leave me alone," she said, extricating her hand from his hold.

"Call me Nelson, please," said Nelson.

"I can't. To me you're just my ex employer. You asked me to remember my place and I do, sir," she said, leaving him stunned. She got into her car and drove off. Nelson realized that she wouldn't forgive him easily but he wasn't giving up.

The next day, the whole family and even Colton's family went to Galveston. They were apprehensive about leaving Annalise behind but she was adamant. She didn't want to go with Colton. She didn't want to encourage him. She knew her aunt Emily as well as Colton's mom, aunt Sandra wanted them to be together but she wasn't ready for any relationship with anyone at the moment. After seeing them off, she picked up her backpack and drove to the nearest shopping mall to enjoy all on her own. After roaming around, buying stuff that she liked, she went to pizza joint on the rooftop and sat down with a delicious pizza. She was in the mood to treat herself. Susan had a date with Trent and canceled at the last minute but Annalise decided to go ahead with their plan all on her own.

"Mind if I join you?" Asked Nelson's voice, disrupting her peace of mind. She glared at him.

"I need to be alone, if you don't mind," she told him but he didn't listen to her and sat down opposite her. "Why are you following me around?" She asked in a pissed off tone.

"I want to be with you. I want to say that I'm genuinely sorry. Can you please forgive me?" He again started.

"Will you leave me alone if I said that I forgive you?" Asked Annalise.

"No, not like that. I want you to really forgive me from your heart," said Nelson.

"That's not possible, sir. I can't forget what you said to me. It hurt me a lot. It broke my heart," she told him quietly.

"I know, I was jealous of your brothers, " he said softly, looking down at his hands. "You said you love me? Can't you give me one more chance?" He asked in a tortured voice.

"No, I don't love you anymore. You have broken me. I don't believe in love," she told him.

"Don't say that please, Annalise. I'll make you believe in love again. I'll make you fall in love with me again just like I've started growing feelings for you," said Nelson.

continue: Chapter Eleven

Vinitha Nayak

2021-02-07 23:08:38

Awesome chap ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธโค๏ธ


2021-01-29 18:15:14

Awesome ch, update soon.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘


2021-01-29 13:54:39

Nelson shouldnโ€™t get away that easy


2021-01-29 12:05:02

Nelson has to do a lot of hardwork๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜œ


2021-01-29 12:04:27

So I guess Colton will be the guy with whom Anna' marriage will be fixed๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹


2021-01-29 12:02:21

Well he accepted his feelings in front of her๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
