Lost You (Forbidden Love Series Book 9)
Lost You (Forbidden Love Series Book 9)
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Chapter Thirty-Three


Arianna had settled into the Grimley farmhouse in Russellville. Jane and Ben had permanently shifted to their farmhouse to look after their small farmlands and dairy animals. Ben's parents were too old to take care of it all on their own. Ben and Jane's three children lived with their grandparents while they worked at Las Vegas to earn their livelihood. But now they would all live together.

The family was ecstatic to be reunited. They ran a grocery store too. Arianna's health had improved and she started helping out at the grocery store. The children had warmed up to her, eager to see the baby growing in her tummy. Arianna was depressed despite everything. She missed Laurence and called him everyday with the cheap second hand mobile phone that she had bought with a little of the money that she had in her bank account. She needed the money for her delivery. She was disappointed since her call never went through.

Sammy had relocated to Arkansas and visited them whenever he was free. Arianna didn't call Isabella after that. She was upset with her near and dear ones.

"Are you crying, aunt Anna?" Asked a seven year old Janice, looking at her with a worried expression.

"No dear, something went into my eyes," lied Arianna.

"Silly, you shouldn't bother aunt Anna. She's sad," scolded her eleven year old brother Bradley. 

"It's okay children. You can talk to me. It's not a bother at all. My baby's listening to you, " said Arianna with a smile. She only smiled when she talked to Ben's children.

"Can it hear me?" Asked five year old Jenny.

"Yes it can," said Arianna and Janice and Jenny's jumped with excitement. They clapped with glee.

"I'll sing to it a lullaby everyday. When does it sleep aunt Anna?" Asked Jenny.

"It sleeps all day because it's little. When it grows bigger it will kick inside my tummy and we'd know that it's awake," said Arianna. The children listened with avid interest while Arianna made breakfast. Jane and Ben were working on the fields and their grandma was getting the eggs from their chicken coops. Their grandpa had gone out fishing. They would sell them all at their grocery store and make money.

"Is it a girl or a boy aunt Anna?" Asked Bradley.

"I don't know yet. When I know, I'll tell you," she said, serving the three children breakfast.

Sammy had taken her to a gynecologist in the nearest hospital twice in his truck already. Arianna was thankful to him. He didn't accept the money she offered him. Arianna knew his growing interest in her. She didn't encourage him anyway but she couldn't help accepting the help. She had no other options.

Everyday she finished her day's work and called Laurence having waited for this moment the whole day. Everyday her hopes were dashed when the call didn't go through.

The months passed by and Sammy took her for her ultrasound test. "Congratulations Mrs Lennard,  it's a baby girl growing inside you," announced the doctor. Tears welled up in Arianna's eyes at the news.

On her way back home, Sammy asked her what the doctor informed her.

"The doctor said that I'm expecting a girl," said Arianna.

"Has your husband answered?" Asked Sammy hesitantly.

"No," she told him.

"Maybe he has moved on. You can give me his details. I'll find out the next time I'm in Vegas, " said Sammy. He wanted her husband to leave her and move on. He wanted her all to himself along with her baby.

Excitement shone in Arianna's eyes. "You'll do that for me Samuel? Thank you so much," she said with a bright smile. Sammy was bowled over by her and in love already. It was the first time she had called him by his name and he loved it.

"I'll do anything to make you happy Anna, " he said with a happy smile as he drove her home. Arianna smiled back and looked out of the window. She would never forget Laurence even if he had moved on. She couldn't love another and Sammy was dreaming about something which was an impossible thing. She had already given her heart,  her soul, her life to Laurence. There wasn't anything left for anyone else. She gave Laurence's details to Sammy.

However Sammy was very busy the next few months. Ben took Arianna for her checkups. Arianna was disappointed since she was eagerly waiting for Sammy to get her some news of Laurence. She was six months pregnant and still unable to contact Laurence.

At last Sammy came to take her to the hospital. On the way back, when he still didn't speak to her at all she couldn't help but ask him,"Did you find out about my husband?" She asked him curiously.

"You first tell me what's going on Anna. You aren't Jane's cousin, " he said solemnly.

"I swear I'll tell you everything but first please tell me about Laurence, " she said agitatedly.

Sammy drove off the road and parked his vehicle, switching off the ignition. He turned to her and looked into her puzzled eyes. "I'm just returning from Las Vegas, Anna. I was there for ten days. Your husband Laurence Lennard had a very life-threatening accident the day we left Vegas, " he said softly. Arianna sat dazed, staring at him with shock.

"Both he and his friend are in coma since then lying in a hospital in Vegas. Their families have given up hope. I couldn't get through the tight security. There were police, security guards and bodyguards everywhere," informed Sammy. Arianna sat like a statue unable to believe that her Laurence was in the hospital in such a serious state. The crash that she had heard that day was with Laurence's car? If only she knew.

"I want to go and see him Samuel, " she said in a dazed state looking down at her lap, deep in thought.

"You can't. You didn't tell me that Jake Langley is after your life? After he caused your husband's accident, your father-in-law is after his life. He has fled Vegas and his only way back is by hunting you down and taking your life. So he's hunting you down like a madman," informed Sammy.

Arianna's face fell. "I don't care about my life. I have to go and see Laurence. I know he'll come back once he hears my voice," said Arianna, as tears cascaded down her cheeks.

"No Anna. Be real. You aren't alone. You have your baby to think of first. I won't let you go to Vegas. Harry Lennard has hired Jake's rival gang leader, Antony Ramsden to hunt you down. That place is too dangerous for you now," he said.

"What do I do then? Tell me please. If anything happens to Laurence I'll kill myself, " she said vehemently. Sammy stared at her face with emotion. He had no idea that she loved her husband so much. Her quiet exterior was a sharp contrast to what she was going through inside.

"I've asked my friend Jamie to keep a watch. If Laurence recovers, he'll contact me. We'll think of a way to contact him. Okay?" Sammy comforted her. Her condition was so vdidn't want her to fall sick.

"Promise?" Asked Arianna hopefully.

"Yes," he said, starting the ignition and driving her home.

However after a week, the news of Ben's apartment in Las Vegas being ransacked and torched scared them beyond words. They realized the seriousness of the situation. Now there was no hope for Arianna to ever return to Las Vegas without being killed. She started going into a hopeless depression.

The children tried their best to spend time with her, cheering her up. The whole family kept her very busy so that she was too exhausted. It helped a lot to keep her negative thoughts out of her head. Sammy came frequently to check upon her. He didn't want her to lose hope and commit suicide. He gave her hope and spend a day with the family whenever he came over.

"Aunt Anna, can you feel Lauren kicking yet?" Asked a sweet Jenny. They had decided to keep the baby's name, Lauren having derived it from Laurence's name.

"No sweetie not yet, maybe a month later. But I can feel a flutter in my tummy whenever she moves," said Arianna and Jenny squealed with delight.

"Lauren grow up fast baby," she said patting Arianna's tummy gently.

"Anna, come and eat, the food's getting cold," said Ben's mother.

"Yes ma, coming," she said, washing her hands. She was glad to be with such a sweet family to care for her. She liked them immensely and was indebted to them.

Sammy called Ben that night and informed him that Arianna's husband had gained consciousness. His friend who was also in a coma had regained consciousness a month earlier. Arianna looked happy after a long time. Her Laurence was now out of danger and she would now be able to contact him somehow.


continue: Chapter Thirty-Four