14 Days With You (Forbidden Love Series Book 5)
14 Days With You (Forbidden Love Series Book 5)
3 67307 25  ( Completed )

Chapter Twelve

River took Sera to her grandparents house. Her grandma opened the door and ushered the girls inside. 

"Go to sleep, dears. We'll talk in the morning, " she said with a smile. River led Sera to her room and they both went to sleep. River knew Sera was mentally as well as physically exhausted and needed rest so she didn't ask a single question. 

The next morning, Sera woke up late, she threw up a few times and only grandma's lemonade with a dash of ginger made her feel better.  After an hour, she could eat a light breakfast of soup and bread. Feeling much better, she thanked grandma.

"I should leave now. Thanks for having me here for the night," she said getting up to take a shower and leave. She didn't know where she would go with no money. Her mom took away all the money she had. 

"What rubbish! I'm not letting you go anywhere in this condition, honey. You can stay with me forever just like River, " said grandma. River's grandpa came back from his morning walk and joined them for breakfast.  River introduced him to Sera. 

"I can't stay grandma. My parents want me to leave Huntsville as my pregnancy will ruin their reputation and they wouldn't get to do their business here, " she said, looking down at her hands. 

"That's so unjust. Where will you go?" Asked grandma, worried.

"Do you have any relatives, friends where you wish to go?" Asked grandpa. 

"No grandpa, I'm the only one she has," said River. 

"My mom took away all my money from my purse. So I'm actually broke. I don't know what to do. If I go back, my mom will take me to the hospital to get my baby aborted," said Sera as a tear fell from her eyes. 

Grandma pulled her chair towards Sera's and hugged her. "Don't cry honey. We'll think of something for you. In fact, I think I know what you both could do," said grandma. 

"What grandma?" Asked River. 

"Take Sera to your granddad's ranch in Montana. Your parents are also there, aren't they?" Suggested grandma. She was River's mom, Katherine Wilson's mother. 

"Yes grandma. We could do that. But won't you both be lonely?" Asked River. 

"Oh don't worry about us dear. We have our circle of friends. You uncles and their families visit every holiday season. So we'll survive. You both go to Fordsville, Montana to your granddad's ranch," she said and River agreed.

Sera also nodded in agreement. She would be glad to escape from here. River got the tickets to Great Falls, Montana for the next day. The whole day, they stayed at home. Sebastian had come to enquire after Sera but grandpa told him that she wasn't there. Sera felt bad but she didn't want to lose her baby. 

The next day, they left for Montgomery airport for their flight at 9 o'clock in the morning. It was a long 10 hour long flight. Sera slept nearly the whole time and River let her. They reached Great Falls at night. Going out of the airport, River ran to hug a tall cowboy who was waiting to take them home. 

"Rhett, meet my bestie, Seraphina Brookes. Sera, this is my cousin, Rhett Samuel Wilson," she introduced.  Rhett caught her hand in a firm clasp and shook it.

"Howdy Sera, welcome to Montana," he greeted. 

"Hello, Rhett, " she said looking at the handsome cowboy with a kind looking face.

"Riv, let's load your luggage and get home. It's kinda late, granny will be worried," he said, as he picked up their luggage and loaded it onto his black Dodge RAM 2500. River too helped him but didn't let Sera help. She was too exhausted from the trip and needed immediate rest. They all climbed onto the truck and Rhett drove them home.  

Fordsville was a small town just a fifteen minutes drive away. Her granddad's ranch was located at the far edge of Fordsville in the heart of the Rocky Mountains at the base of the Continental Divide.  It was a picturesque place surrounded by mountains, fields and forests with a clear sparkling river running through it. 

They reached Wildcreek Ranch in twenty-five minutes and it looked huge and breathtaking under the bright moon lit sky.  "We've reached," said Rhett, looking at her with a smile. 

He parked his truck and they got down. He unloaded their luggage and they all carried the luggage inside. It was already 9:30 in the night. 

Two young cowboys came rushing out and took the luggage from Sera and River's hands. "Hey Riv, welcome home," said one of them with a wide smile while looking at Sera with interest. "Who's your friend?"he asked curiously. 

"Ok, guys meet my friend Seraphina Brookes. Sera, these are my cousins Ryder and Ryan," said River. "I'll be tired introducing you to my whole family. There are too many of them." Said River rolling her eyes. 

Sera grinned at their antics and waved at them in acknowledgment. "Is she available?" Whispered Ryan in River's ears. 

River glared at him,"Don't even think about it. She's expecting and unwell." said River. 

Rhett who had been listening to their chit chat while walking towards the house with their luggage stopped mid stride and they all bumped into him. 

"What the heck bro? You squashed my nose," said Ryder. Sera grinned widely. She loved the family already. 

"You're pregnant?" Rhett asked Sera, ignoring Ryder. 

"Yeah, " said Sera in a small voice. River pulled Sera towards her. 

"Are we going to discuss her life history here on the pathway? Seriously Rhett?" Glared River. 

Rhett grinned at them and walked on. They reached the house and granny welcomed them warmly, hugging the two girls. "Riv, you came home after three years," she said and River smiled. Another woman whose features resembled that of River came forward.  

"So good to see you, sweetie," she said, hugging River. 

"I'm glad to be home, too mom," she said. 

"How have you both been?" Asked River. 

"I'm hale and hearty as always," her granny said with a wink and her mom too smiled.  "So, who's this?" She asked River. 

"That's Seraphina Brookes, Riv's bestie and she's well, expectin, " said Ryder,  scratching his head as everyone stared at him. 

"What? I've said all good words," said Ryder who was famous for swearing and slang words. 

Granny smiled kindly at Sera. "In that case dear, you need to have some home cooked dinner and rest. Come inside," she said, leading Sera to a room at the back of the house. River's room was beside hers.

"You wouldn't be able to climb stairs much.  So the two of you can stay here," said River's mom. 

"Thanks," said Sera. 

"Freshen up and come for dinner. Everyone's waiting," said River's mom. She left with granny while the two girls freshened up. 

After five minutes Sera went out of her room and towards the place from where a lot of laughter and voices could be heard. 

River was laughing with a woman who looked somewhat like Ryan and Ryder. She might be their mom, Sera thought.

River got up and came towards her the moment she saw her. She led her towards the huge dining table. "Meet my friend  Seraphina Brookes everyone. Sera, meet my granddad, Joe Wilson. That's granny, Jenny Wilson, you've already met her. That's my dad, Kevin Wilson, and my mom Katherine Wilson whom you've already met. That's my dad's younger brother,  uncle Keith and his wife aunt Ruth. They are Rhett's parents." Said River. Everyone waved at her when River introduced them.

"That's Ryan and Ryder's dad, uncle Kendrick and his wife aunt Helen and that's my uncle Kennedy and his wife aunt Charlotte," introduced River as the food was being served. 

They all helped themselves to the food. Sera didn't have much appetite  as she was too tired. 

"There are my brothers whom you haven't met. They live in Las Vegas with their families. There's Rhett's sister Rihanna who's gone to a friend's house.  We will meet her tomorrow morning. Then there's Raine and Ronald. They're uncle Kennedy's children. They're studying in Helena. Where's Renee and Rex?" Asked River. 

"Renee's gone to Vegas too and Rex has gone out to some footballers party," informed her mom.

"Renee's Ryan and Ryder's sibling and Rex is Rhett's twin," clarified River. 

"Leave the girl, Riv. Let her rest. You can continue with the introductions tomorrow. She looks too exhausted," said granny. 

They had a quick dinner and Sera was thankful to be able to get sleep at last. 


continue: Chapter Thirteen