One Fateful Night (Forbidden Love Series Book 4)
One Fateful Night (Forbidden Love Series Book 4)
6 65782 21  ( Completed )

Chapter Seven

The sound of waves and birds woke up Carol as she felt excessively warm and heavy. Did she fall asleep under the sun? Opening her eyes as she saw herself and all sleepiness flew out of the window. Her Great Wall was gone and lying on the floor! She looked up and was lost in the dark orbs of none other than a smirking Maxwell. Her bare legs were wrapped around him and her arms were around him like a bolster. God, how did she end up in this position? 

Blushing to the roots of her hair she sprang apart like she had been stung. Maxwell's loud chuckles rang in her ears causing her more embarrassment than she already felt.

"I'm sorry,  I don't know how I ended up like that. I didn't mean to," she mumbled, glancing shyly at him.

"Oh, no problem at all wifey. I had the best sleep of my life. Can we do it again tonight?" He asked her with eyes dancing with mischief. 

Carol rolled her eyes and rushed to the ensuite. She had to wear something decent. He saw her the whole night in this next to nothing chemise? She coloured profusely as she watched herself in the vanity. 

She took her time and showered wishing that he would go downstairs in the meantime. When done, she wrapped a towel around herself and opened the door slightly to peep outside. No he wasn't there thankfully. 

She rushed outside to the closet and chose a pair of denims and a lavender top and matching mauve lingerie. Brushing her hair,  she left it to air dry. She went downstairs to find an angry Max, standing on the patio outside and yelling into the phone.

Worried, she went to the kitchen to get some coffee and make breakfast. Whose phone call made him so worked up early in the morning? She quickly made some scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, sitting with her coffee, she slowly sipped it and watched Max, talking on the phone, calmly.  Thankfully he had cooled down. 

After a minute, he strode into the dining room, deep in thought. She got up and served the food for both of them along with a cup of coffee for him and brought them to the table. He was busy typing on his mobile phone.  She placed the food in front of him. 

"Eat first Max," she ordered. He seemed stunned by her order. He kept the mobile phone down and looked at her incredulously, then looked at the food and coffee in front of him. A smile of genuine delight broke out on his face.  

"Feed me, wifey, " he said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. No one had cared for him since the day his parents got rid of his nanny. He had learnt to do everything on his own.  No love, no care.  He didn't have anything yet here he was head over heels in love with this young woman.  

Carol felt a tenderness for him which she couldn't fathom. She slept with him yet he didn't once take advantage of her.  He had married her yet he didn't force his rights upon her. 

She went closer and picking up a forkful of food, held it near his mouth. His gaze didn't leave hers for once as he opened his mouth and ate what she offered. The look in his eyes instantly changed from amusement to something dark and deep,  as if he was peeping into her soul. She fed him a few fork full of food. He too picked up her fork and fed her a forkful. It was a silent communication between them, a bonding that didn't need words. 

"Your friends called. Your guardian Stanley Goldsmith is creating havoc with the college authorities. I have convinced them that you're fine, but they wouldn't hear a word I told them. They might be going to the police," he informed her with a solemn look. 

Carol's eyes widened at the implication. One word from her and Max might be in trouble. She didn't want that. They were married after all. She didn't want to go back and face Stanley. 

"Do you want to go back, Carol? I can fight the world but not you," he said with a sincere yet painful expression as if the question took all his courage to ask. 

"No," she simply said and finished her coffee. Looking up she was drowned in the mesmerising dark eyes of Max as he stared at her wordlessly. It seemed as if he didn't believe what she said. She coloured at what he might be concluding from it. 

Clearing her throat she defended her statement,"I mean, I don't want to go back and face Stanley," she clarified and he smiled.

"I know, I heard you," he said as he finished off his food. "Thanks for the breakfast, wifey. I can see that you're falling for me already." He said with a wink, getting up and taking all the dishes to the kitchen.

She followed him,"In your dreams, mister," she retorted, embarrassed that he misinterpreted what she said. She placed the dishes he rinsed into the dishwasher. 

"Go for a walk on the beach?" He asked, holding his hand out for her to take.

She hesitated but took it and he led her outside, down the path to the beach. The beach was so peaceful early in the morning.  The sound of water lapping onto the sandy shores, the palm trees swaying in the distance, the occasional birds hovering around the trees, all created a magical atmosphere around them, far away from the hectic city life. As they walked hand in hand, he asked,"Will you leave me Carol, if you had the chance?" 

The sound of pain in his voice and the suddenness of the question made her rethink her answer. Did she really want to go back? "I I don't know Max, I haven't thought about it." She said softly.

"I don't want to be alone again. Please don't go," he said softly but she heard him. 

"I won't," she promised. She knew what loneliness was. If it hadn't been for her friends, especially Julianna who had been with her since high school, she would have been very lonely. 

"I might get hope that someday you'll love me like I love you, " he said, as he left her hand and picked up a small pebble and swung it into the waters. He might have said it casually but Carol felt her heartache for him.  He really was lonely. 

"Don't you have a best friend?" She asked him.

"Not anymore. The one I had asked for a fifty percent partnership in my company just for the sake of friendship. He wouldn't invest or work for me. I've lost faith in friendship, " he said with a deep sigh.

"He might not be a true friend. Friendship is unconditional," she explained.

"Maybe but I have no one like that," he confessed as he looked at her and smiled. It was a sad smile that showed how badly he needed someone to call his own. 

"What about your girlfriends?" She asked him.

"I don't do relationships. I don't believe in them, " he said and again held her hand and walked back to the house.

Carol was confused. He didn't do relationships? Then what about her? He married her after all.


continue: Chapter Eight