Sweep You Off Your Feet (Eternal Love Series Book 1)
Sweep You Off Your Feet (Eternal Love Series Book 1)
2 64168 20  ( Completed )

Chapter Two


Taking the keys from Chase, she went out to his Ford 150 police truck. She twisted and turned the key in the slot but just couldn't open the door.

"May I?" Said the same deep baritone voice that she heard in the morning. The gorgeous mechanic. He was here too? She whirled around and again came nose to nose with him. Why did he always have to stand so close?

"You? Are you following me for your payment?" She asked and he laughed out loud.

"It's a very good idea, don't you think?" He said mischief dancing in his eyes. Taking the keys from her hands, he opened the door at one go.

"Hey, how did you do that?" She asked in confusion.

"Remember, I'm a mechanic?" He said, with a laugh.

"Of course, " she said, diving inside to get her mobile from the back seat.

"Nice," he remarked. She turned towards him in confusion and blushed to the roots of her hair when she saw where his eyes were. Her butt. How silly of her to dive in like that without thinking.

She straightened with her mobile in her hand and locked the door. Then she turned to him and said,"Thanks for your help," and hurried inside not waiting for a reply.

Scarlett looked at her, taking in her flushed face and whispered,"Who's got your panties in a twist?"

"Shut up," Karen said and walked over to the table to make space for the food when it arrived. "We meet again," someone said close to her ear. She whirled around at the same deep baritone voice. That voice would be the death of her. Again she came nose to nose with the gorgeous mechanic.

"I'm now sure you're following me," she said glaring at him as he again laughed.

"But you love it," he said, staring deeply into her light brown warm eyes. It made him warm all over. Something constricted in his heart, was he struck by the cupid's arrow? Maybe.

"I definitely don't, " she said as she whirled around to leave. Her untied hair got caught up somewhere and she felt a tug at the roots the moment she moved away from him. God, did he pull it? She went backwards and tried to look behind her back at her hair. She would give him a piece of her mind. What did the mechanic think of himself?

He smirked, enjoying himself as he held up his hands to show that he wasn't responsible for it. Her hair got tangled in his shirt's stud button and he thanked God a million times.

Karen blushed at her line of thought. God! how embarrassing. He knew what she thought. "Please could you help?" She asked shyly.

"On two conditions, firstly, help comes with a fee. That means three payments are due. Secondly you have to come closer to me, else I can't untangle your hair," he said.

"Ok. Agreed, now hurry up. Don't you have cars to fix?" She asked as she went back a little bit more.

He again chuckled, "No I'm free now. Come closer," he said, loving her soft strawberry and lavender scent. She went a little bit more close but he caught her arm and pulled her close to his front, her back touching him. Goosebumps erupted on her bare arms at his feather soft touch on her arm. He slowly untangled the naughty strand of hair and released her.

He couldn't believe that such a tough lawyer like him could turn so desperate for a woman that he just lost all his senses and pulled her close to him. He had to feel her soft body against his. Just a simple brush with her back and he was hard and aroused.

Karen felt his arousal and blushing to the roots of her hair, cursed herself for leaving her hair untied, and escaped as soon as she could. She was still breathing hard when she joined Scarlett who was busy setting the cake cutting table. Scarlett took in her flustered state and chuckled. Then out of the corner of her eyes she saw Jayson Meyers coming into the room, his eyes glued to Karen. She grinned cheekily, making her deductions. Someone's bowled over by her friend. Well more juicy gossip for her and Valentina.

You prepare the table Karen, I'll get the cake and candles," she said, hurrying out of the room to leave Jayson with Karen. Karen nodded and worked on laying the table cover and decorations and party hats.

"You're very hardworking, " said the same deep baritone voice that she left behind in the reception room. Was he here or was her brain playing up? She looked around and again came nose to nose with the gorgeous mechanic. She would go mad now. Was he so needy that he was following her around for his payment? He didn't look so poor.

"I am. Are you not? Why are you following me?" She asked, with all seriousness. "How much do I owe you? Take your payment and leave," she said.

"I will, I will. Believe me I'm very needy. I'll take my payment at the end of the day," he said, chuckling and going outside. She heaved a sigh of relief to see him go. She would keep a few dollars ready to give him and get rid of him.

Scarlett brought in the cake and soon everything was ready. Benny was ready to receive his friends, waiting impatiently near the main door for them to arrive. Soon one by one the guests started pouring in. Scarlett joined them too with Austen whom she just fed and came downstairs.

After all the guests came in, they started the party with games and activities for the children. The women helped with everything. The men all drank and chatted in the entertainment room. During the cake cutting session, however, everyone assembled at the party room. Karen felt her back brush with something hard and turning around to look, she was lost in the blue eyes of the gorgeous mechanic.

After dinner everyone started leaving and Karen took a wailing baby Austen in her arms as she climbed onto Chase's truck with Scarlett.

They soon left much to Jayson's disappointment. He had just gone to the washroom for a few minutes and she left. He wanted to kiss her so badly. Well, that would have to wait for another time. How long will you escape Karen Richardson? 


continue: Chapter Three