Love Is You (Destiny Series-Book 5)
Love Is You (Destiny Series-Book 5)
0 52452 24  ( Completed )

Chapter 4 - Jason's Thoughts

Jason’s POV


I gazed into her electric blue eyes, which had always attracted me to her. I smiled, knowing that she would be mine soon. There was a time when I was attracted to her, but she was young and forbidden to me. Being Uncle Nate’s only daughter, it was my duty to protect her rather than dump my unwanted feelings upon her. However, as the days passed, seeing her blossom into a beautiful girl, too pure, too innocent for the likes of me, my resolve crumbled. Her photographs weren’t enough to curb my growing feelings for her. 

I was just seventeen and a hormonal teenager who had just discovered his feelings. Being closest to my dad, Kevin Crawford, I just blurted out how much I loved Claire. He panicked and soon we shifted to California, far away from Claire, but the distance and time didn’t make any difference to my feelings for her. 

Finally, when she turned eighteen, I received the biggest shock of my life. Uncle Nate called dad suddenly and expressed the desire to get me and Claire married. It was the happiest day of my life and I could see that my parents were happy too. We celebrated that night, and of course, there was no looking behind. Uncle Nate informed us that Claire had fled home and gone to Aunt Emily’s house. 

They wanted me to get her home and marry her, but I was adamant. I wanted to woo her my way, take her out on dates, pamper her, and let her know the real me. I was sure that I could transform the crush she used to have for me into love if I tried. Just like I loved her, I could make her fall in love with me! I had all the time in the world. “Earth to Jason! I think I asked you something.” Her words brought me out of my reverie and I gazed at her with a smile. I wouldn’t give away my secrets so easily. It was Stefan who had told me once, but that was only for me to know!

“I have my ways! It wasn’t difficult since you used to devour only Mexican items at all the parties we would go to,” I chuckled, seeing the disappointed look on her face.

We walked down to the glass facade, an upscale restaurant, and I led Claire to a corner seat for privacy. We ordered her favorite, and I just watched the way her eyes lit up. She licked her lips nervously, seeing me stare at her, but I just had no control over my eyes. They went towards her of their own accord. For the last six years, I had done what Dad had wanted me to do. I had stayed away from her. I had let her grow up, but not anymore. Now that I had everyone’s permission, it was time to chase what was mine. It was time to make her mine.

“So, why did you run away from home?” I asked her, wanting to know her version. I had a word with Stefan before and I knew exactly what was going on. Claire was too innocent to encourage the bad boys in her college to write her love letters. I knew Uncle Nate was overreacting. All he wanted was to get her engaged to me. I wasn’t complaining at all. It had been my dream to marry her one day and I could marry her here and now, but she was just eighteen and we had to know what she wanted. I just couldn’t dump myself on her! 

However, all my thoughts and principles went out of the window the moment I saw her. She had grown up into a bombshell and I didn’t have the power to resist her at all. She wasn’t the shy young girl anymore and had more sass than I had ever imagined she would. It turned me on and now all I could think was to kiss those sultry red lips and mold her hot curvy body to mine. The figure-hugging dress wasn’t helping my condition at all, and I knew I would need a cold shower when I reached home.

She told me about the bullies at her college and how they tormented her. She also told me how Uncle Nate believed them more than her. It broke her heart every time he did so. Our food arrived, and I steered the topic toward vacations and her favorite places to travel. We got to know each other so much. I fed her a piece from my plate, and she shyly fed me as well. My heart soared with happiness and I felt thankful that I finally found what I wanted, but I was restless.

The need to kiss her was burning inside me like an inferno, and I didn’t know how to initiate it. Was I hurrying? After all, we just went out on one date! Who cared? I knew how I felt about her and she wasn’t immune to me, either. Could we explore this a bit? Could we go one step ahead?

The food was good, and we strolled home, hand in hand, under the moonlit sky. “Thank you for the wonderful treat, Jason,” she whispered, and I smiled, leaning down at her. 

“You can give me a kiss if you enjoyed it so much,” I teased her, but little did she know I was actually dying for the kiss. She blushed crimson but leaned forward at aimed a kiss at my cheek. I didn’t want a peck on the cheek. I needed more. So I turned my head, and the kiss landed on my lips instead. A gasp of surprise escaped her mouth, but I wasn’t letting go of the opportunity. 

In a split second, I captured her lips and bit her lower lip, seeking entrance. She gasped again, and I plunged my tongue into her mouth, hungrily kissing her, devouring every recess passionately. I could tell that she was inexperienced, but I would teach her everything. At last, a soft moan escaped her, and she kissed me back. I was addicted now. I didn’t want the kiss to end. 

My hand grabbed her nape to continue with the kiss when she suddenly went still. I reluctantly released her mouth to gaze into her horror-stricken eyes. 

“Claire?” I whispered, but she pushed me away, realizing what she had done, and ran at top speed towards Aunt Emily’s house, leaving me gaping after her.

continue: Meeting Dad