Lost In A Daydream
Lost In A Daydream
113 56815 46  ( Completed )

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Eight 

Victoria was deeply hurt by Colton’s message to her. He tried to call her afterwards , but she didn’t want anything to do with him. He had judged her without hearing her out. Even a criminal had a right to defend himself and although she was an innocent victim, it seemed as if she had no such right. She had expected Colton to at least understand her. He knew that although young, she was a woman of principles. She didn’t sleep around. Then how could he say those harsh words to her? Although deeply hurt, Victoria didn’t have a single tear to shed. She realized that Colton didn’t care at all about her. She had been foolish to have given her heart to him. He wasn’t the one for her. She would forget him and erase all memories of him from her mind. When the only man she loved didn’t understand her, she didn’t expect anyone else to understand. All her confidence left her and she preferred to stay hidden in her own room, her haven. 

For the next few days, Victoria blocked Colton and Pete’s number on her mobile phone. She didn’t go out anywhere, not even to her college. Her parents were worried about her. Her mom tried to coax her into going to college but she opted for online studies instead. She called Victoria’s friends over to talk to her but Victoria refused to meet any of them. Tired, her mom gave up at last and waited for her condition to improve before she could talk to her again. 

However after three weeks, Victoria was extremely sick and threw up everything that she ate. She was completely exhausted all the time and her mom forced her to go to a doctor. However, she insisted on going on her own. Seeing her stubborn nature, her mom gave in and let her do as she pleased. 

Victoria sat shocked at the doctor’s chamber hearing her diagnosis. “Are you sure that I’m pregnant?” she asked with disbelief. 

“Yes, Ms Blakesley. The blood reports should be ready by tomorrow. You can see for yourself,” said the doctor. 

“I, I don’t know what to do now,” she gasped with shock. 

“Is something wrong? Do you want help?” asked the doctor looking concerned. Victoria smiled politely.

“No, no, doctor. Thank you very much. I’m fine,” she said, curtly. Afterwards she went home in a daze not knowing how to explain her pregnancy to her parents. She couldn’t think of ab*rting her baby, it wasn’t an option for her at all. Stressed and worried she reached home to face her mom. Lately her mom had been too worried to go to work and usually stayed back to look after her. Her mom opened the door and looked at her with concern. 

“What did the doctor say, Vicky? Give me the prescription?” she asked worriedly. Victoria looked at her alarmed.

“It’s nothing, mom. Just a stomach infection which will go away in a week or two,” she said evading the topic. “I’m tired, I’ll just go and lay down,” she said escaping to her room. Her mom was suspicious. Having given birth to two, she could recognize the signs of pregnancy very well. Also being a very well-established lawyer, she could sense that this wasn’t a normal pregnancy. But she couldn’t take action if Victoria didn’t tell her anything. She tried to hint at it many times but Victoria’s mouth was sealed and she didn’t divulge anything. Her mom’s work was getting hampered and therefore she summoned the same housekeeper, Gwendolyn who used to look after Sofia when she was staying with them. 

The next three months were the most difficult for Victoria to cope up yet she didn’t tell anything to her family. The nausea had reduced after a few weeks but she was too weak tod do anything else but study. Locked in her little room, she looked more stressed and depressed as the days went by. Finally, with Sofia’s delivery being just round the corner, her parents were in a dilemma. 

“Why don’t you come along with us, Vicky? The change of scene will do you good,” begged her mom. Victoria shook her head. Reno was the last place on earth she’ll ever visit. She hated the city. 

“I’m fine, mom. You both can go if you need to,” she shrugged. Her mom sighed.

“I can’t leave you alone in this condition,” she said, knowing that her daughter was pregnant but Victoria was too stubborn to announce it. 

“My condition is perfect, mom. Gwen’s there with me. You don’t need to worry at all,” she continued stubbornly. 

“It’s not a matter of one or two days, Vicky. I’ll need to stay and help with the baby too,” said her mom, massaging her temples. 

“You can stay as long as you want to, mom. I’ll be fine. If I need you, I’ll call you,” said Victoria. Two days later, her parents left for Reno. 

Sofia hugged her parents but her eyes searched for her twin. Not seeing her, she was surprised. After her sudden departure, Sofia had been too busy with Davion, her own pregnancy and her relationship to catch up with Victoria. 

"Why didn't Vicky come, mom?" Asked Sofia with a pout. Her mom looked a little uncomfortable and looked away. 

"She doesn't go out anywhere, " mumbled her mom. Sofia was a little surprised by her statement. She felt guilty that she was too preoccupied to talk to her twin. In fact after she left Reno, she hadn't even called her once. 

"Why mom? Is she unwell?" She asked with concern.

"Yes, why don't you talk to her? She can tell you what's up with her. I'm at my wits end where she's concerned. I think she needs therapy," said her mom. Sofia's eyes widened with shock. Was Victoria's condition so bad that she needed therapy? 

"I'll definitely talk to her but is she that bad?" Asked Sofia with concern. 

"She has stopped all interactions with everyone after returning from Reno. Hasn't she told you anything?" Asked her mom with worry.

"No, she left without even informing me while I was busy at the hospital with Davion, " said Sofia, looking helplessly at her mom. Her dad and Davion were busy discussing Davion's work and thankfully didn't bother with the topic of their conversation. 

"She has stopped going to college and has opted for online classes. I have no clue as to what's going on. She usually locks her door and shuts me out. She doesn't answer my questions also, " said her mom. Sofia sighed hearing her twin's condition. Victoria had always been there when she herself had needed her and now when Victoria needed her, she couldn't go to Las Vegas. 

"I'll call Vicky, mom. Don't worry. I'm sure she'll tell me, " she comforted her mom. 

Victoria received a call from her mom to inform her that Sofia had given birth to a baby girl, Celestine. Her eyes filled up with tears of happiness. She had spent so many moments singing and talking to baby Celestine when she was in her mother’s womb. Her heart ached to meet her niece but she knew that it was impossible. Sofia couldn’t come over and she wouldn’t ever go to her house. She couldn’t make up her mind s d call Sofia knowing very well that her secret would be out if she did so. She could hide from the world but not from her twin. However, she couldn’t hide for long. In the evening, her phone kept buzzing with incoming calls from Sofia. Finally,  after four calls, Victoria answered, "Hey!" She said in a tired voice.

"Were you sleeping, Vicky?" Asked Sofia.

"Yeah, I was up all afternoon studying for my upcoming assessments," Victoria informed her.

"Oh, so have you heard the news or not? When are you coming down to see your niece?" Asked Sofia excitedly. Victoria was in a dilemma. Should she tell her the truth? Anyway, she couldn’t hide the pregnancy after a month, so it was better that she told her everything truthfully. 

"Vicky?" Prompted Sofia. It was strange that her twin didn't squeal with delight hearing the news. 

"Yeah, congrats, Sofi! I can't come now. I'm not well," said Victoria softly, her voice breaking a little. She sighed after giving her that hint, bracing herself for the questions that her twin would now bombard at her. 

"What happened to you?" Asked Sofia worriedly. Victoria tried to calm herself and took a deep breath. 

"Are you there Vicky? You can tell me what happened, can't you? We've never hidden anything from one another since the day we were born," Sofia reminded her. Victoria sighed heavily. Sofia could hear her rapid breathing which meant that something serious was up with her. She knew Victoria. She was a go-getter and a fighter in the true sense of the term.

"I'm pregnant too," said Victoria. Sofia was dumbfounded by her twin's admission. The immediate thought that hit her was whether it was Colton's baby or not. 

continue: Chapter Twenty-Nine


2021-08-28 06:41:34

Awesome ch, eagerly waiting for the next update.😀


2021-08-28 01:03:18

Poor Victoria
