Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49554 60  ( Completed )


“Wow! You look awesome, Ana. You’re reminding me of my own wedding,” said Adelaide as she helped her get ready. 

“Yeah, mine as well,” said Renée, fixing her veil. The beautiful mermaid gown hugged her curves and made her look almost ethereal. 

“Thanks but I’m  a bundle of nerves today. I just want everything to go just as planned,” said Anastasia, looking nervous. 

“Don’t worry, everything will. I bet you haven’t been this nervous even at those press conferences you used  to attend before. Right?” said Freya. Anson and Freya had arrived last night all of a sudden. The air around them was so charged that everyone could sense the feud going on between them. Anson’s tattooed body and his expensive designer wear made everyone in Fordsville ogle at the specimen who had arrived in their small sleepy town. 

Anastasia and Freya shared a beautiful friendship that dated back to the time when she met her in Las Vegas. They had been together through thick and thin, struggling to figure out aunt Slovene’s complicated business. No one knew the company better than Freya did and Anastasia was indebted to the girl for all her support. 

“Yeah, you’re so right!” said Anastasia with a giggle. 

“Shall we go? The officiant is already here. Let’s not keep Ryder waiting,” said aunt Ruth who was Rex, Rhett and Rihanna’s mom. 

“Where's dad? Hasn’t he arrived yet?” asked Anastasia with panic. 

“Yes, yes, he’s waiting outside. Anson is with him. They’re busy arguing, so I just came to fetch you. It’s time dear,” said aunt Ruth with a chuckle. Anastasia rolled her eyes and shared a knowing look with Freya. Anson would never change! 

“Don’t bother about them, dear. Let’s get you married,” said Ryder’s mom, coming into the room. 

“Yay, let’s go. Oh my God! This brother of mine! He’s messaging me to bring Ana over to the altar right now,” said Renée with disbelief. Anastasia blushed crimson while they all giggled and teased her all the way outside the room. They found her dad and Anson outside busy discussing some issue today of all days! 

“Dad get me married,” said Anastasia with a sigh. Everyone giggled around her but Anastasia didn’t mind. Her dad’s eyes widened seeing her as he rushed over to her with a goofy grin on his face. Anastasia rolled her eyes at him. “Did you forget that it’s my wedding today?” she asked with disbelief.

“Sorry, princess. I was coming to get you when your crazy brother caught me. He made me forget myself with his weird suggestions. I’ll tell you everything later. Let’s get you married first,” said her dad. It piqued her interest but maybe that was for another day. Today was her special day and she would concentrate only on her wedding. 

“You look so grown up my dear. I’m getting old,” said her dad, holding his arm out to her. Anastasia chuckled. 

“Dad, you aren’t old. I can see a few ladies ogling at you already,” said Anastasia jokingly. Her dad looked around with interest.

“Really? Who?” he asked, making Anastasia punch his tummy. 

“Dad, please,” she scolded with a glare. The others chuckled at their cuteness. Anson walked beside Freya who kept shoving him away. The drama was too much to bear as they noisily walked over to the altar. Ryder was pacing the place Rhett, Rex, Sawyer, Ryan and Hunter who was Rihanna’s husband. His friend Caleb was out of Fordsville and couldn’t attend his wedding. The moment he saw Anastasia approaching the altar, he calmed down and took a deep breath. 

Their eyes met and the whole world ceased to exist around them. At that moment, they knew that the moment had come when they would be united for life. Their life would be fused together for always. This was what they had waited patiently for the last five years, dreaming and hoping every day. Despite everything, they were glad that they hadn’t given up on each other. The ceremony was about to start and everyone calmed down. Anastasia gazed at Ryder looking so charming in his jet black tuxedo, his blue eyes sparkling like sapphires. He mouthed the magical words ‘I love you,’ and Anastasia’s heart welled up with more love for him. 

The music started and she walked towards her man who stood like a rock at the other end of the aisle, ready to start a new life together. A blissfully wedded life, with the blessings of everyone around them. She could feel the blessings of her mom and Madame Slovene as well. After all, she had made everyone happy! 

Ryder gazed at her and his eyes glistened with tears of happiness. He pinched himself with disbelief. No it wasn’t a dream. It was real. He was really getting married to the girl of his dreams. His Anastasia. His wish had come true. She stayed this time never ever to leave him. 

Raine stood beside the other bridesmaids and took a deep breath as the ceremony started. The last few days, she tried to keep hidden as much as possible except the brief visits to her best friend’s house. However, she didn’t see the hot Mercedes man again and she almost had started relaxing. Maybe he had arrived here on some other work!

Just as the ceremony started, Raine again felt the hair at the nape of her neck stand up. It felt as if she was being watched. She turned around and her eyes met with the angry gray eyes of the hot Mercedes man sitting beside her dad. Her eyes popped out. What the hell! What was he doing here? How did he know her dad? 

Read the next story to know more about Raine and her hot Mercedes man!

You have reached the end of this story


2022-02-22 20:02:42

Awesome ch, love it.😀


2022-02-21 01:01:29

Thank you dear for this beautiful story. I remembered about that excerpt from urs another book where u mentioned about Raine n that Mercedes man n since then I was wondering about their story. Keep doing this gr8 work


2022-02-21 00:20:50

This story was really awesome!


2022-02-21 00:20:32

Excited to read both Raine’s story as well as Anson’s story
