Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49565 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Fifty-Four

Ryder’s heart started beating faster and faster with apprehension as he inched towards aunt Vida’s room. For years he had been hearing about her weird ways and thoughts and now that he was getting to really meet her, made him develop cold feet. What if she doesn’t like him? What if she doesn’t approve of his engagement to Anastasia? But most importantly how would he explain his presence to her? How would he introduce himself to her? And also how he would break the news of Anastasia’s pregnancy to her? With so many millions of questions popping up  in his mind, Ryder walked into the room with Anson. 

To his surprise, the frail old woman with twinkling blue eyes, lying helplessly on the bed didn’t at all look like the terrifying Vida Slovene he had heard so much about. While Emma tried to make her sit up for her food, she eyed the food with interest. “How in the world did Dean come up with that?” she asked with curiosity. Ryder noted the effort it was taking for her to do simple tasks like sitting upright and talking. She didn’t look well! A nurse was hovering around her, helping her sit up along with Emma.

“Dean has resigned, Madame Slovene. This has been made by this gentleman here. He’s Ana ma’am's friend,” said Emma. Aunt Vida’s eyes instantly flew up to meet Ryder’s and he braced himself for the worst. However, to everyone's surprise, Vida Slovene smiled at Ryder. 

“Ah. Ryder Wilson from Fordsville! So we meet at last! Come here,” said aunt Vida. Ryder was stunned beyond words. How did she know his name? How did she know share he lived? Did Anastasia tell her about him? A dazed and extremely surprised Ryder walked to her bedside. 

“Hello, aunt Vida. Do you know who I am? Did Annie tell you about me?” he asked while Anson too stared at her with interest. Aunt Vida shook her head and smiled knowingly.

“No, she’s an expert at hiding her feelings. I know for a long time and I must really say that she has impressed me with her hard work and dedication. I thought she would elope with you but she didn’t. She stuck on and has been taking care of me, of the business despite her ill health,” said Madame Slovene. Ryder pulled a chair and sat down with shock. Did she know all along that they loved one another? But how? 

“How did you know about us?” he asked curiously. Aunt Vida smiled, a secretive and meaningful smile. 

“I have my ways dear. So tell me, have you made all this for me?” she asked, looking at the food with interest. 

“Yeah, I did,” said Ryder.

“Why? Was it to impress me and give you permission to wed each other?” she asked slyly.

“It didn’t occur to me when your chef left and Annie fell sick but now that I’ve made it, do you like it? Is it enough to impress you and give us permission to marry each other, aunt Vida?” said Ryder with a grin. Vida Slovene laughed at his cheeky yet honest answer. 

“No, you need to work harder, my boy,” she said. Anson too smiled at the cute exchange between them. He too was at his wit’s end seeing the way aunt Vida knew all about his sister’s love life. “So Anson, how is it going at the office? Are you enjoying your work?” asked aunt Vida as she started to eat her dinner. Anson pulled a chair and sat down beside her bed.

“I’m loving it, Aunt Vida, more than at the restaurant. I’m glad I joined you. I should have listened to you earlier. I love challenges and here everyday is a challenge, teaching me new stuff, pushing me to excel just like you have. I have enrolled in a crash course in Fashion Designing and Management in the evenings and on weekdays. It will help me figure out the business better,” said Anson. 

“Excellent, my boy. I’m happy that you’re taking so much interest,” she said with a smile of relief. 

“Freya can help you with everything. She’s a Fashion Designer and has an MBA under her belt as well. She’s very bright but she prefers to stay in the background,” said aunt Vida. Anson’s cheeks colored a little at the mention of Freya making Ryder raise an eyebrow at him with interest.

“I’m well aware, aunt Vida. She’s helping me already,” said Anson. 

“Great, then should we give Anastasia a break? She’s expecting and unwell,” said aunt Vida, making Ryder’s as well as Anson’s jaws drop with shock. 

“How did you know, aunt Vida?” asked Ryder. Aunt Vida chuckled. 

“I told you that I have my ways,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes. 

“Yes, I too think that we should give Sia a break. She had been continuing non-stop and now she really needs a break,” said Anson.

“Break to get married as well,” chuckled aunt Vida. Anson’s jaws dropped after hearing her.

“Are you serious? I thought you were against marriages?” He asked with disbelief. 

“I still am but Anastasia is selfless. She’ll dedicate her whole life to the business and take care of me. She’ll forget her own health, her own feelings, her own happiness. I can’t do that to her. She isn’t like her mother. She didn’t elope, she didn’t rush, she dedicatedly looked after me, nursed me back to health. Not once did she show any anger, impatience but I know she isn’t happy. The only time she’s happy is when she’s with this boy here. I won’t live for long but I want her to be free, I want her to be well cared for. I want her to do what she loves,” said aunt Vida slowly, all the talking draining out all her energy. 

“I’m at a loss for words, Aunt Vida. I had no idea that you thought this way about Sia. You never confided in me, else I would have taken up my responsibilities much earlier,” said Anson. 

“I don’t want to force you either, Anson. If you’re happy doing it, then continue else employ people to look after the business. I’ve lived my life and now I cannot take the stress any longer. I want peace at my last stage of life. As for Anastasia, it’s up to her what she wants to do. If she wants to settle in Fordsville with Ryder, I don’t have any objections, if she wants to return with him, she’s most welcome to do so,” said aunt Vida, her voice feeble and exhausted. “I’m done with dinner, Emma,” she said at last. Emma removed the plate and table and cleared everything. 

She caught Ryder’s hands on her own. “Both of you have my blessings, my boy. I appreciate your sacrifice but no more. You can take her home with you,” she said, her breathing erratic.

“Thank you, aunt Vida. I want you to rest now. We can talk in the morning,” said Ryder. Aunt Vida smiled feebly.

“I love what you made for me. It’s the best meal I’ve had in ages,” she said, closing her eyes.

“I’m honored. Good night, aunt Vida,” said Ryder. They left her room in a daze unable to grasp what just happened. Ryder had never expected things to fall into place so smoothly. A small smile of happiness lit up his face. Anson too looked relieved that everything went well without any fights and drama. 

“I never expected that,” he said, shaking his head. 

“Neither did I,” said Ryder. 

“So what have you thought? Are you two going back to Fordsville to get married?” asked Anson. 

“I’ll talk to Annie first. She would be very anxious right now. She has no idea that I met aunt Vida. She didn’t want me to,” said Ryder. 

“I can understand her apprehension. Aunt Vida underwent a drastic change ever since she fell seriously ill,” said Anson as they walked back to the dining table to have dinner. Ryder couldn’t wait to complete his dinner and sneak into Anastasia’s room. Now that he had the permission fro, aunt Vida, all he wanted to do was whisk her away to Fordsville. His whole body was alive with excitement and he just couldn’t control himself any longer. This was a moment he had waited for a long time. 

Throughout the meal, they talked about everything, wedding plans, the business, moving to Fordsville, updating David Farrell. At last Anson retired to his room and Ryder waited for a few minutes for him to fall asleep. Later he sneaked into Anastasia’s room. In the dimly lit room, he could see Anastasia on the bed, fast asleep. He climbed into bed with her and lay down gazing at her. She looked so exhausted and haggard, having lost a lot of weight. He wanted to take care of her. He wanted to give her a life filled with the happiness she deserved. Aunt Vida’s words echoed in his mind. Yes she indeed was selfless, a quality very rare these days. 

Many times he had been angry with her for not taking a step towards him but now he realized why. She was selfless and placed her own feelings and happiness in the least of her priorities. His heart filled with more love for her and he just pulled her into his arms to sleep. Tomorrow he would plan a better tomorrow with her. He would take her back home!

continue: Chapter Fifty-Five


2022-02-20 16:50:26

That was unexpected and very touching. Never imagined Vida Slovene to turn out this way.. Awesome!


2022-02-16 20:43:33

Awesome ch, update soon.😀


2022-02-16 18:46:14

This Ch is the best Ch as everything is falling at its place. WOW, I was astonished of Aunt Vida's reaction, how she knew everything. I can't get enough of this Ch n I surely need story of Anson n Freya too. It seems he's taking interest because of her. Now Annie can return to Fordsville where she wanted to go


2022-02-16 18:46:04

This Ch is the best Ch as everything is falling at its place. WOW, I was astonished of Aunt Vida's reaction, how she knew everything. I can't get enough of this Ch n I surely need story of Anson n Freya too. It seems he's taking interest because of her. Now Annie can return to Fordsville where she wanted to go


2022-02-16 18:46:00

This Ch is the best Ch as everything is falling at its place. WOW, I was astonished of Aunt Vida's reaction, how she knew everything. I can't get enough of this Ch n I surely need story of Anson n Freya too. It seems he's taking interest because of her. Now Annie can return to Fordsville where she wanted to go


2022-02-16 18:46:00

This Ch is the best Ch as everything is falling at its place. WOW, I was astonished of Aunt Vida's reaction, how she knew everything. I can't get enough of this Ch n I surely need story of Anson n Freya too. It seems he's taking interest because of her. Now Annie can return to Fordsville where she wanted to go
