Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49555 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Thirty-Eight

After dinner, Ryder helped her clean up despite being tired. “Go to sleep, Annie. It’s a long day tomorrow. Good night,” he said, going to his room abruptly. Anastasia was a little disappointed that he didn’t show any interest in sleeping with her. After sleeping with him last night, she sort of wanted him to beg her to let him stay in her room.  But he didn’t do anything of the sort. In fact, he hadn’t even kissed her at all. She dragged her feet to her bedroom, feeling a little dejected and lonely. 

Ryder stripped off his clothes and wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tee-shirt he went off to sleep. However, he lay awake staring at the ceiling thinking of his promise to Anson that he would protect and care for Anastasia as long as he was alive. He would fight for her, he would save her from her mom and Madame Slovene. He had asked for Anson just a year’s time to complete his education. After a year, he would be back to ask for Anastasia’s hand in marriage. Until then he would not touch Anastasia. It was a promise that he had solemnly made to her brother as they sat beside her dad’s bedside at the hospital. He didn’t mention anything to Anastasia so that she could concentrate on her studies instead. 

Ryder sighed trying hard to go to sleep. He wanted her so much, he wanted to cuddle her in his arms, feel her soft body pressed to his, wanted to kiss her passionately but his promise to Anson stopped him from doing so. Yet he couldn’t sleep, twisting and turning on the bed. 

He was about to get up to get a bottle of water when his door creaked open and Anastasia peered inside. He sat up and stared at her longingly. “Umm, I brought you a bottle of water and a duvet, in case you need them,” she said shyly, her cheeks flushed with color.

Ryder nodded and she walked inside to place the duvet on his bed. “Thanks, I was about to go in search of water,” said Ryder with a smile. Anastasia handed him the bottle, his fingers connecting with hers. A brief spark of electricity transmitted from his body into hers. 

“Good night, then,” said Anastasia with a sigh, going towards the door with her shoulders drooping. She took slow steps in case Ryder stopped her but he didn’t. Disappointed, she turned to give him a last look before opening the door to her room and saw that he sat with the bottle of water, watching her instead of drinking the water. 

“What happened? Drink up?” she urged. 

“I can’t sleep,” said Ryder, his voice hoarse and his eyes full of hope.

“Why?” asked Anastasia in almost a whisper. 

“I need something to sleep,” he said, in the same tone.

“What? Hot milk?” she asked but he shook his head. “Another pillow?” she asked but he shook his head. Anastasia’s heartbeats increased as she stared at him, feeling the heavy air full of tension around them. “Then?” she whispered.

“Your warmth,” he said, staring into her eyes. Despite the dim lights it was strange that their eyes could still connect with each other. Anastasia retraced her steps back to his bed. 

“I thought you’d never ask. I can’t sleep either,” said Anastasia with a bright smile on her face as she climbed into the bed with him. Ryder grinned with relief and drank the water that she brought him. 

“I’ll only cuddle and sleep with you. I won’t be naughty at all. I’ve promised Anson,” said Ryder, lying down and pulling her closer to himself. Anastasia’s eyes widened with realization. So that was why he was staying away from her. 

“I don’t believe that he has extracted such a promise from you,” said Anastasia with disbelief.

“It’s okay. I understand,” said Ryder. 

So they talked for a while and then dozed off to a blissful sleep. Ryder didn’t tell her about his talk and promise to Anson. Neither did he touch her apart from just cuddling her to sleep. The next morning he had already gone to the hospital before Anastasia even woke up. She freshened up and made a quick breakfast before Anson returned home. 

Later when Anson returned home he told her that their dad had gained consciousness once but they would keep him under observation for a day or two. He went to catch up on sleep while Anastasia went to the hospital with Ryder’s breakfast. She met her dad who smiled at her weakly. 

“Dad, I love you. I’m so glad that you’re fine. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if anything happened to you,” she said with tears in her eyes.

“Don’t cry, Ana. Be a brave girl, now. Nothing has happened to me, see? Now smile and show me your happy face,” said her dad. Anastasia smiled and kissed his cheek softly. “It’s not your fault at all. If anyone is at fault It’s me. I shouldn’t take your mom's words to heart knowing that she doesn’t love me anymore,” said her dad, with a sad smile on his face. 

“Yes, dad. You have me and Anson to love you,” said Anastasia.

“And your Ryder as well. I know that he’s done a lot for me,” said her dad smiling at Ryder. Ryder caught his hand gently in his.

“I love you too, uncle David. Get well soon and come back home,” he said and her dad nodded. 

Her dad was better and that night Ryder stayed at the hospital at night while a tired Anson returned home from the restaurant and hospital to sleep. Her dad was released the next day and they brought him home. Ryder spoke to Rowland who recommended a kind nurse to them. They appointed Ms. Sarah Browne who was a thirty-nine year old woman whose husband died a year after her marriage. She was very kind and dedicated to her job. 

Anastasia knew that now with everything settling down, Ryder would leave for Fordsville soon. She was actually dreading the day when he would have to return. Two days later, Ryder announced that his flight had been booked and he would leave by evening. Anastasia was very upset the whole day, her mind was restless and she made mistakes in everything she did. She didn’t get a moment alone with Ryder the last few days to bid her goodbyes. She had no idea whether they would ever meet again. She hadn’t gone to college because of Ryder and after lunch when Ryder was busy packing, she walked into his room. Since her dad was asleep and Anson was at his restaurant, she saw it as the best opportunity. Ryder looked up on seeing her walk inside the room. He opened his arms with a sad smile on his face. Anastasia ran into his arms and he crushed her to his body, feeling her melt in his arms. 

“I love you Annie, always remember this. Never lose hope on me,” he whispered into her hair. Anastasia clung to him more. She wouldn’t. He was like a breath of fresh air in her life. How could she not breathe him in? 

“I won’t. I’ll forever wait for you,” she told him. He smiled with relief.

“Next year is my final term at college. I might not be able to come to see you but I’ll keep in touch. Take care of yourself, okay?” he said gently. Anastasia nodded.

“Yes, and you take care of yourself too,” she told him. 

“Now give me a kiss,” he asked longingly, releasing her and holding her cheek to claim her lips in a sweet and passionate kiss. It was gentle, probing yet lingering, as he plunged his tongue into her already parted mouth. Anastasia’s arms snaked around his neck and she kissed him back just as passionately as he had. They both moaned with pleasure and released one another to catch their breaths. 

“I’ll miss this so much,” said Ryder. Anastasia sighed. 

“I’ll miss you more, Blue,” she said, pulling him for another soul-stirring kiss, maybe the last one for years. 

Ryder left after an hour leaving Anastasia unhappy and sad the rest of the day. She tried hard to keep herself busy but she just couldn’t stop thinking about Ryder. Life went on without Ryder. Her dad was better in two weeks and Ms. Browne left. Anastasia continued with her studies as before however this time something changed inside her. She developed a deep hatred for her mom and Madame Slovene, a hatred that made her want to defy them and their demands. Thankfully they left her in peace. Ryder called her every once in a while and they caught up with each other’s lives. It was what she looked forward to. 

Life went on and another year passed by. Anastasia sailed into her third year at college when her mom and Madame Slovene appeared at their doorstep.

continue: Chapter Thirty-Nine


2022-02-18 20:12:04

Why do these two crazy women always appear unannounced and unplanned !!


2022-01-04 08:25:25

Awesome ch, update soon.👍
