Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49558 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Twenty-Five

After that chit-chat with her, David Farrell got busy convincing a stubborn Anson Farrell to come home for dinner. “You don’t need to talk to Vida Slovene, just show your face, eat and go. I’m also going to do the same,” said her dad into his phone. Anastasia was surprised to see her dad talk so much. They had never interacted this much before as he was always away on work. For the first time, she saw him relaxed and talking so much with them. Her dad disconnected the call at last and turned towards her.

“I’ve done my job. Hope he turns up. Let’s go home,” he said, getting up. They climbed into the car and her dad drove her home. 

“Dad, you’re looking very relaxed. I like you this way,” she said quietly. Her dad smiled.

“I resigned from the job yesterday,” he said with a smile. Anastasia was surprised. 

“Oh, why? But you don’t look sad at all,” she said, looking puzzled.

“I’m not sad at all. I’ll start my own consultancy. They were sending me to Canada permanently,” said her dad. “Don’t tell your mom. She doesn’t know yet. I’ll tell her when the time's right,” he told her.

Anastasia nodded. “Trust me, dad. I won’t tell anyone,” he promised. Her dad smiled appreciatively. 

“I knew that I could count on you,” said her dad. They reached home which was a posh apartment in an upscale condominium in one of the most coveted areas of Las Vegas. Anastasia settled in her old room. It looked as if nothing had changed much here. After lunch the chef and his team arrived to prepare dinner for Madame Slovene. As the time progressed, Anastasia’s heart constricted with a feeling of dread, a fear at the prospect of meeting her mom’s mentor. She had met her a few times before and although they hadn’t interacted much, Anastasia hated the older woman. She didn’t seem to have a heart being  stone cold and too professional. Her mom seemed to be a slave of Madame Slovene and she behaved very rudely with her mom, making her always shed tears always after she left. 

Anson hadn’t come home even after her dad’s call and it didn’t look like he would. Anastasia wasn’t affected at all. Anson was a rebel and although he didn’t take any interest in any of these matters, he always smiled at her whenever they met. He never talked to her as he was always in combat with his parents. The little time he spent at home went into fighting and warding off his mom. It has been the same scene since he was 15. Prior to that he was in a boarding school and hardly came home. 

Anastasia stared at the dress that her mom had sent for her. It was an elegant royal blue, sleeveless, Mikado dress with a v-neckline. It was very pretty indeed but still Anastasia had no wish to wear it. Her phone buzzed and she jumped up. Was it Ryder? She had been waiting for his answer the whole day but he hadn’t even checked his mobile phone. She rushed and picked up her mobile phone to check. A happy smile broke on her lips. It was indeed Ryder. He had replied to her.


Sorry, I couldn’t see you for the last time. Can I call you now? – Your Blue


The smile on her face widened and she just messaged him back.


Yes. – Annie


The phone buzzed immediately with Ryder’s incoming call. Anastasia accepted his call. 

“Annie, this is so sudden. How can she take you away so soon?” asked Ryder, sounding anguished. 

“She had been calling me for a day but I didn’t accept her call. I wanted to enjoy with you at Renée’s party. I thought that I would deal with her later,” said Anastasia, her voice cracking after hearing Ryder’s voice after so long. Ryder sighed.

“I had planned to visit you in the morning today,” he told her. 

“You wouldn’t have me still. We left at 4:30 in the morning,” she told him with a sigh. 

“I’m sorry, Annie. I couldn’t see you before you left. Sawyer left home last night and the whole morning we were looking for him. The police were here. Everyone at home is shattered. We have no idea if he has been abducted or not. A man had been stalking him for the last few days. Sawyer had told me. I was busy with the statements and cops the whole day,” said Ryder. Anastasia gasped with horror.

“Oh my God! How’s Ren?” she asked with concern. 

“She’s shattered, she wants to go look for him but granddad has appointed a PI also to look for him although the police are doing their job,” said Ryder. 

“I hope they find him soon,” said Anastasia.

“Yeah, so when will you come back again?” He asked hopefully.

“I don’t think I’ll be coming back, Ryder. I told you that mom has plans for me. I’ll complete my studies here and then leave for LA immediately,” she said in a sad tone.

Ryder was disappointed but he just laughed. “That’s no problem at all. I’ll come down to Vegas after my graduation. I’ll settle down wherever you are,” he said making Anastasia smile.

“Really? You’d do that?” she asked with disbelief.

“Yes, Annie. I would. It’s not that easy to get rid of Ryder Wilson, you see!” he said with a faint smile on his lips. 

“Anastasia, are you ready?” her mom’s voice echoed from outside her room and Anastasia panicked. 

“I’ve got to go, Blue. I’ll call you later,” she told him, quickly disconnecting the call and rushing into the washroom. Her mom came into her room and knocked on the door of the washroom. 

“Hurry, Anastasia. Madame Slovene is on the way,” she said. 

“I’ll be there in ten minutes, mom,” said Anastasia. Her mom left the room and she came put, quickly wearing the dress. She combed her hair and tied it up in a bun. Then she applied some makeup just as Vida Slovene preferred and then walked out of the room, her heart thumping with apprehension. She has no idea what lay ahead for her tonight. 

She saw her mom looking nervous and she checked up with the chef and his team. Her dad sat in the living room wearing a crisp white shirt and well-tailored trousers, looking more nervous than her mom. Anastasia knew that he hated these dinners as Madame Slovene judged him all the time and he felt insulted. Anson hadn’t yet arrived and her mom was cribbing about it every now and then. Anastasia failed to understand what the big deal was anyway. Why did they create such a tense ambiance? Was it worth it? What harm could Madame Slovene do? 

“Sit in one place, Anastasia. I don’t want you to look like a golliwog. You don’t need to do any work now,” said her mom. Anastasia stopped in her tracks, she was feeling hungry and had wanted to sneak a few treats out of chef Delaney. The middle-aged chef was a regular at their home and liked her tremendously. Pouting, she walked back to the living room and sat down beside her dad with a sigh. The doorbell rang and her mom jumped immediately. Her dad opened the door and Anson peeped inside first to check if the coast was clear for him to enter.

Her mom immediately attacked him, seeing his worn out pair of jeans and dirty tee-shirt. “Anson, go and change immediately,” she yelled at him, clutching at her heart. Anson grinned. 

“Chill, mom. Nothing to get so worked up,” he said, walking in. 

“How do you manage to get this dirty? I sometimes wonder if he’s actually my son!” said his mom with disgust. Her dad curbed a smile while Anson grinned.

“I know right?” he said, making her mom fume. 

“Shut up and go,” said her mom. He shrugged and walked inside, leaving dirty footprints on the floor. Her mom was about to faint when her dad summoned one of the kitchen helpers to clean up the mess. Anson took off his shoes and looked at Anastasia and grinned as he walked towards his room up the stairs. Finally all was under control and they sat like robots waiting for the elusive guest to appear. 

Her mom’s phone buzzed with an incoming call and she started pacing the floor in a frenzy as she spoke on the phone. It seemed like Madame Slovene was held up at an event and would arrive late. She wouldn’t be able to stay for dinner but just would come down to talk to Anastasia for a few minutes. Anastasia and her dad shared a look of relief. She jumped and rushed to the kitchen to fill her grumbling stomach first. 

Her mom sagged into a nearby couch and massaged her temples. “Why do you get so worked up, mom,” said Anson, wearing a fresh pair of jeans and tee shirt. He hated to dress up for Madame Slovene and always did the opposite of what his mom asked. His mom looked at him and frowned. 

“You won’t understand. It’s good that she isn’t coming to dinner with you wearing this,” said his mom. 

“Why? What’s wrong with this? Don’t expect me to doll up just for some mentor of yours,” he shrugged, walking up to the refrigerator to get himself a can of beer. 

“She’s not any mentor. She has brought me up, made me what I am, Anson,” she said, looking hurt. Suddenly the doorbell rang and they all froze, looking at one another with horror. Anastasia was about to pop a meatball into her mouth, Anson with a can of beer in his hand was busy fighting with his mom while their dad was at his mobile playing stick sports to calm himself down. Now who could have arrived at this hour?

continue: Chapter Twenty-Six


2022-02-18 15:40:56

Madame Slovene must arrived to catch them unaware


2021-11-28 07:46:32

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
