Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49517 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Twenty-Two

“Please granny, don’t take the call. I know what mom wants to say. I want to attend Renée’s birthday tomorrow. I’ll call mom after the party, please?” Begged Anastasia. She knew her mom would ask her to return home right away, maybe next week itself. She wouldn’t listen to any excuse and would definitely be furious if she heard that she was going to a party. Granny sighed and refrained from taking the call. The phone rang thrice and finally stopped. 

The whole night Anastasia had a fitful sleep, waking up every now and then with fear. So when it was morning, she overslept. Granny didn’t wake her up since she knew that once her mom took her away, she wouldn’t be allowed to return back to them. They would be so lonely without her. 

It was 8 o’clock in the morning when Anastasia woke up to the sound of her mobile phone vibrating. She sat up startled and checked her phone. It was indeed her mom calling again. She quietly sat and watched the light flashing on the screen. After two calls, thankfully her mom gave up. Anastasia freshened up and went downstairs only to be greeted by a grave looking granny and a sad and melancholy grandpa. 

“Good morning, dear,” said granny, handing her a mug of warm milk and cookies. 

“Good morning, granny, grandpa! What happened to you both?” she asked, feeling worried. 

“Your mom already called twice. I think she wants you back urgently. I’m just dreading this,” said granny. Anastasia sighed. 

“She called me as well. Don’t worry, granny. I’ll call her back after the party tonight. I don’t want to spoil my mood now.” She told them. The rest of the day, they went about their usual work but Anastasia couldn’t stop her heart from beating faster at the thought of meeting Ryder, maybe for the last time. Granny and grandpa were melancholy the whole day and Anastasia felt bad for them. They were lonely and she was the only one who cared for them. 

“Cheer up, Ana, I’m sure you'll be able to come and see us sometimes,” said granny. Anastasia smiled sadly. She knew how dictating her mom and Madame Slovene could be. 

“I’ll try, granny. I’ll try a lot,” she just said softly. It was evening and time to go to Renée’s house. After closing down the bakery shop, they all got ready to go. Anastasia wore the beautiful midnight blue dress that she had bought for the party. It clung to her curves making her look grown up and extremely beautiful. Granny approved of her look and grandpa drove them to Renée’s house. When they reached, the party had already started and everyone had already gone to the venue. 

Anastasia entered the place decorated lavishly with balloons and glittering streamers, in shades of purple, lavender and berry. Her eyes searched anxiously not for the birthday girl but for her Blue. Renée seemed busy getting ready in her room while Rihanna and aunt Helena came forward to welcome them. Her granny was whisked away towards granny Jenny, who was Renée’s grandmother. Her grandpa joined the men and soon they walked towards the appetizers, helping themselves already. 

Ryder watched her from the back door of the venue, he knew that her eyes were searching for him. He was waiting to catch her eye. He wouldn’t show his eagerness for her, he was only a friend to her after all! The last few days he had been battling with himself trying to reason in his head that she didn’t want a relationship with him. You cannot force someone, can you? His heart couldn’t accept it and he was having a hard time restraining himself. The best way to restrain himself was to stay away from her and he was doing just that, yet it wasn’t working. Everyday, he watched her from afar, working at the bakery, smiling at everyone around her and his heart grew restless but he had promised her that he would be just a friend to her and he maintained that promise. 

At last her eye met with his and they brightened up. She smiled and walked up to him. Ryder stood straight, his heartbeats accelerating as she approached him. He saw how gorgeous she looked, almost like a fashion queen, a diva. No wonder she had no interest in a small town cowboy like him. She might be destined for bigger things, for fame, for stardom, for success! 

Sighing he smiled sadly at her as she stood in front of him, her eyes shining with excitement. “Hi!” she said breathlessly. Ryder’s eyes roamed all over her face taking in the eyes, her quivering lips, her flushed cheeks, her silky long hair longingly, trying to memorize every detail. 

“Hi!” he said softly, waiting for her to say that she missed him, waiting for her to tell him that she didn’t want to be just friends with him any longer, that she wanted more. However, to his disappointment, she said nothing of the sort. 

“Where’s Renée? I got late at the bakery,” she said more breathlessly. Ryder nodded.

“She’s getting ready, should be here any minute. Can I get you a drink?” he offered. Anastasia nodded and followed him to the drinks counter. He picked up a can of beer for himself and a fruity drink for her since she insisted on having something non-alcoholic. 

They sat down near the entrance while the party had already started inside. “Why's Ren taking so long?” asked Rihanna, going to the house to check. Anastasia turned to give Ryder a look as she sipped her drink. He seemed exceptionally quiet. 

“Are you avoiding me, Blue?” she asked at last with a sigh. Ryder turned to look into her eyes. 

“No, I’m here with you. Does it look like I’m avoiding you?” he asked in return. Anastasia nodded. 

“I think you are. You haven’t even come to talk to me, you don’t spend time with me like you used to. I think you don’t want to be with me,” she blurted out. Ryder finished his beer at one go. He needed it to answer her question. 

“I’m just staying away from you to restrain my feelings for you, Annie. I’m having difficulty just being friends with you. But you don’t want us to be anything else, what choice do I have? Every time I see you, I want to kiss you, every time I talk to you, I want a relationship with you. I know it’s a one sided thing and I’m trying not to force my feelings on you, that’s all,” said Ryder, his voice cracking a little. Anastasia gazed at his sad face wanting nothing but to hold him in her arms and confess her own feelings for him but her phone buzzed with an incoming call from her mom. Ryder was brought out of her reverie and looked at her agitated face with concern. 

Anastasia didn’t want to take the call. She would talk to her after the party but not now. “ Who’s calling you? Won’t you accept the call?” asked Ryder with curiosity. Anastasia shook her head. 

“It’s mom. She’s been calling me since last night. I’ll talk to her after the party,” said Anastasia. Ryder nodded.

“When are you leaving?” he asked with a sigh. 

“I have no idea, maybe next week. I’ll let you know. Will you come down to see me before I went away?” she asked hesitantly. 

“Of course, I will,” said Ryder. They saw Renée rushing towards the venue with Rihanna.  Ryder got up and so did Anastasia.

“Ana? When did you come? It seems I’m the last one to arrive at my own party,” chuckled Renée. 

“Happy birthday, Ren,” said Anastasia, hugging her best friend and handing her gift to her. Renée looked excitedly at the beautifully wrapped gift. 

“Thanks but what is in this?” she asked eagerly. 

“You can check later, everyone’s waiting for you, Renée,” said Rihanna. They all rushed inside and the whole family yelled out, wishing her on her birthday. 

“Let the games start, followed by dancing and then the cake cutting,” said aunt Kathy. Everyone took part in the games and it was fun. Anastasia was stunned to see that Ryder was her partner at every game instead of Renée. Being his partner was actually exhilarating since their hands touched all the time, their arms brushed, sending electric currents through their bodies every time. At one point of time when Ryder’s arm went around her waist, she looked up at him helplessly unable to control the longing in her heart. Ryder pulled her concentrating on the tug of war instead. It was sheer torture as she tried to restrain herself from blurring out that she loved him and wanted to be more than just friends with him. Their team won the game and Ryder’s hold left her waist as abruptly as he had held her. 

He and Ryan walked over to serve themselves some appetizers while Anastasia sat with Renée’s cousin, Raine. Ryder didn’t once glance in her direction and continued to enjoy with his family. Anastasia lost her appetite but Rihanna brought a plate full of appetizers and forced them all to share. “These are the last ones left. They’ve gobbled up every single piece,” complained Rihanna. 

The cake cutting ceremony started and Renée excitedly cut a huge three-tier cake amidst lots of cheering and singing. Later they all dispersed and walked towards the buffet table that was laden with food. Ryder sat at the far end of the room while Anastasia ate with the girls. She looked at Ryder but found him lost in his own world, as if he had completely forgotten about her. 

“I’ll leave immediately after dinner, Ren. It’s getting late,” said Anastasia. Renée nodded knowing that her grandpa had to drive back. However, Ryder seemed to have other plans for her, unknown to her. 

“Annie, will you dance with me?” asked Ryder, walking up to her.

continue: Chapter Twenty-Three


2022-02-18 13:17:37

I’m scared her mom may land up next morning itself


2021-11-21 18:08:43

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
