Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49547 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Eighteen

Matt, Sawyer and Rhett came to the rescue and stopped the verbal combat that had started between Mark and Ryder over Anastasia. Not used to receiving so much attention, Anastasia felt like disappearing from the scene. She was sure by now that the news would spread like wildfire all around Fordsville. It was a small community where everyone knew one another well. Anastasia could see the angry look in Mark’s mom's eyes as she glanced at her. She thanked God that she wasn’t interested in her son! She didn’t look like she approved of her either. 

At last, she sat with Rihanna, trying to hide out of embarrassment but everyone seemed to be too lost in their own worlds to care much. Mark and his parents had left the party and it was only Matt who followed Renée around like a lost puppy. Sawyer was angry with her and she was too engrossed in trying to make him happy that she forgot all about Anastasia. 

“Will you dance with me?” asked Ryder, holding out his hand for Anastasia to take. However, before she could decline, he caught her hand pulled her to her feet. 

“Ryder, everyone is looking at us. I can’t dance with you,” she whispered shyly but Ryder stubbornly led her to the dance floor. 

“No one's looking and even if they did, I don’t care,” he announced carelessly. His arm snaked around her waist and just as the slow music started, the lights were dimmed. Anastasia felt herself crushed against the warmth of his hard chest, as he  swayed slowly, sensuous to the romantic music playing in the background. Anastasia could see Adelaide too dancing with Rhett while Renée’s parents too danced in one corner. Renée’s granny and grandpa too danced as well as her uncles and aunt’s. No one had the time to look at the other. She sighed and leaned into Ryder, inhaling his intoxicating smell. She could get used to being held this way. 

“Wrap your arms around my neck,” whispered Ryder, picking up her arms and placing them around his neck. “Like this,” he said with a satisfied smile on his face. Anastasia relaxed and caressed the hair at the nape of his neck, making him close his eyes. “Don’t, Annie, I might lose control and whisk you away to a secluded place and keep you with me there, forever,” he whispered into her ear. Anastasia smiled inwardly. She would love that actually. It would free her from her dismal life, from her parents, from Madame Slovene. She could spend her whole life with Ryder. What? Why would she want to spend her whole life with Ryder? 

‘Please God! Don’t make me fall in love with him? I can’t afford to fall in love,’ she thought in her mind. But she dreaded the truth knowing deep down in her heart that she already had fallen in love with Ryder.  No amount of warnings had any effect upon her heart. She was in love with the infamous Ryder Wilson whom all the girls of Fordsville crushed on. She had no idea how long his interest in her last but she knew that she had to kill her feelings before they started to grow. Her future was already paved for her and there was no place for love in it. 

“What’s wrong, Annie? Aren’t you feeling well? Aren’t you enjoying with me?” asked Ryder, seeing her frown and look worried. 

“I need to go home, Ryder. It’s getting late, “ said Anastasia. Ryder sighed. He didn’t want this evening to come to an end. He hardly could get enough of her, he wanted more but she was right. It was getting late.

“You could stay over and then go home tomorrow,” suggested Ryder. Anastasia shook her head. If her mom called, her grandparents wouldn’t be able to explain her absence. She would be furious and would come here to get her. 

“No, please, I promised granny that I would be back. They’d stay up for me,” she said. The music ended and Ryder released her reluctantly.

“Fine, I’ll drop you off,” he offered. Anastasia looked around but couldn’t find Renée around so she just left the party with Ryder. The other’s were all busy and she didn’t want to disturb anyone. The whole way Ryder wanted to ask her out on a date but couldn’t get the perfect opportunity to do so. She kept on talking about the party since it was the first party that she had attended. Apart from the homely birthday get together of Renée’s friends in Fordsville, she had never been to parties. At Las Vegas, she led a very strange kind of lifestyle where her mom took Madame Slovene’s permission for everything regarding her. 

Finally they arrived at her house and Ryder’s wish to ask her out stayed inside his heart. Anastasia climbed down from his Black Chevy Silverado. Her heart was anxious wanting to see Ryder again, wanting to spend time again just like she did tonight but she knew that she shouldn’t. “Bye, Blue,” she breathed. Ryder looked on helplessly wondering whether he should just ask her out without thinking of the consequences. This was a different side to him, something he himself had never experienced before. Love had made him apprehensive, it had made him start thinking of consequences before taking a plunge. He was scared of offending Anastasia! Yet his heart pushed him to ask.

Anastasia waited for his response anxiously but when he didn’t say a word, she gazed into his eager eyes. Did he want to say something that he was indecisive about? “Will you go out with me, Annie? Just give me one date, please,” he asked, his eyes searching hers. Anastasia gazed into the emotional upheaval going on in his eyes. She wanted to say yes. She wanted to go out with him. Her heart was powerless to resist what it wanted the most. She forgot about her resolution to curb the feeling of love that had started growing in her heart for Ryder. She forgot her sh*tty life, she forgot her parents, she forgot her situation, she forgot everything. One look into Ryder’s expectant eyes and she nodded willingly.

Ryder was excited beyond words. “Tomorrow evening?” he asked hopefully. Anastasia nodded again, already at a loss of words.

“Great, be ready by 6 o’clock in the evening,” he said with a small smile if happiness on his lips. Anastasia nodded again. “Wear casual,” he said.

“Okay. See you then,” she said breathlessly, her heart beating faster at the thought of going out on a date with him. She was already looking forward to it. Ryder blew her a flying kiss and then drove away. Anastasia walked towards her house with a giddy smile on her face. Her grandparents were indeed waiting for her. They finally went to sleep seeing that she was back intact and before time. 

“Was it Ryder who dropped you home, dear?” asked granny. Anastasia nodded, her face glowing, her eyes twinkling with happiness. Nothing went unnoticed by granny. She had never seen her granddaughter this happy since the day she was adopted. Her old, experienced mind realized the cause of it all. Maybe Ana was in love with Ryder! He was a charming guy after all and anyone would fall for him. 

“Go to bed, dear. Your mom had called twice and she was upset when she heard that you went to attend Renée’s party,” said granny. Anastasia’s face fell instantly. 

“Why is my life so bad, granny? Have I done something wrong that God’s punishing me this way?” asked Anastasia, her eyes filling up with tears. 

“Don’t blame God when humans are at fault. Maybe time will improve your life or maybe some day, they will realize the wrong that they’re doing to you,” said granny. Granny hoped that someday someone would have the guts to go and fight the world for her. Would Ryder do it? Would he save Anastasia? She suddenly started pinning her hopes on the impossible and desperate boy! 

Anastasia sighed at the impossibility of her situation. “I don’t think that’s possible, granny,” said Anastasia looking crestfallen. 

“Don’t lose hope, my dear. God blesses all souls who are true. So be true to everyone around you and never stop believing in the Almighty. If you’re chosen for something, do it with a smile. It’ll help you stay happy,” said granny. Anastasia nodded. She knew what she would do. She would follow the path chosen for her with a smile. As for her love for Ryder, she wouldn’t deny it any longer. The few days she had with Ryder, she would live her lifetime with him. 

She would make memories with him. At least she would have something to fall back upon all her life. “You’re right, granny. I’ll keep that in mind in everything I do,” she swore. 

“Good to hear that, dear,” said granny, kissing her forehead. “May God give you the strength,” she said softly. “Good night, my dear.”

“Good night, granny,” said Anastasia, with a serene smile on her face.

continue: Chapter Nineteen


2022-02-18 12:12:14

I have tears in my eyes


2021-11-13 19:46:03

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
