Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49567 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Fourteen


It was evening and Renée was about to get ready to go to Anastasia's house when she saw an excited Ryder, striding out of his room wearing his favorite tee shirt. 

"What? You're not ready yet? Hurry," he said, pulling a strand of her hair as he walked past her. 

"Where are you off to wearing that?" Asked Renée curiously. 'Please God! Don't make him come along with me,' She prayed in her mind. 

"Why? Didn't your friend tell you that she's invited me too?" Asked Ryder with surprise. Renée's jaws dropped. 

"No way. You might have invited yourself over, " shrugged Renée, walking towards her room grumpily. Ryder chuckled but didn’t tell her the truth. Since Anastasia had requested him to keep it to himself, he’d always keep his promise to her. 

"Whatever, I'm going. Be ready in five minutes. We'll go together, " he yelled after her, going to the living room to wait for her. 

Afterwards when Renée walked out of her room, she saw Sawyer standing broodingly, leaning on the doorway to the dining room. With the whole family going out to dinner Renée didn’t want to go, leaving him alone at home. There were people to look after the pregnant horse, Ebony because of whom he stayed back. She walked up to him instead of following Ryder out. "Come  with me Sawyer? Even Ryder's going, " she coaxed him.

"I don't want to be an unwanted guest," he told her softly. 

"You won't be. We'll be picking up some gift for her from the marketplace. Just give her a little gift and she'll be happy, " said Renée, catching hold of his hand to pull him along.

"Ma, I'm going with Ryder and Ren," he yelled as they left. "Are you sure that you want me to go with you? I'm not adequately dressed, Ren. You'll be ashamed of me," he said, looking at his jeans and plain white tee shirt. 

"Shut up Sawyer. You look good in anything you wear," she said with an eye roll. 

"You too are coming along, bro?" Asked Ryder with a grin. He was relieved to have another guy since Anastasia might be inviting only her girlfriends.

"Yeah, I forced him to come along. He'd be bored all alone at home," said Renée with a shrug. Renée sat at the back seat while Sawyer sat with Ryder in front. They first went to a gift shop to buy something for Anastasia. 

After buying gifts, they reached Anastasia's house in a few minutes.  Ryder parked his truck and Renée jumped out, trudging all the way towards Anastasia's front door. However, before she could knock, the door was flung open and Anastasia came out to hug her. 

"At last, she arrives! “said Anastasia, rolling her eyes. "What took you so long?" She scolded her best friend. Then her eyes went towards Sawyer and she widened with disbelief. "Are you two together now?" She whisper asked. 

"Not now, shhh," said Renée, looking embarrassed.  She just hoped that Sawyer didn't hear her. Anastasia grinned at her in response. 

"Hey, Anastasia, happy birthday!" Said Sawyer, handing his gift out to her. She grinned happily accepting the gift. 

"Thanks Sawyer, " she said, taking the gift. "Come on inside," she said, looking towards the garage as if expecting someone else.

"He's here too," chuckled Renée knowing fully well that she might be looking for Ryder. 

"I know, I saw him," said Anastasia with a shy smile. Ryder walked towards Anastasia with a lazy grin in his face. His eyes scanned her from head to foot, loving the way she looked wearing the dress he had bought for her. He could imagine how she’d look in her wedding dress! Ryder groaned inwardly at the direction his thoughts were going towards. How could he possibly even think of such a thing? He had never thought like this for any other girl before!

"Happy birthday Annie," said Ryder with a grin. Anastasia looked at him shyly. She had noted the way his eyes had checked her out. She had noted the faraway look in them. Did he like the way she looked? Did he find her attractive? She had no way to know. How could she ask him? 

"Thanks," she told him. "What have you got for me?" She asked as they all went inside. 

"See for yourself," said Ryder but Anastasia's grandparents came forward to welcome them into their house. Sawyer had also met them before so no introductions were necessary. They sat at the reception room talking to one another. Strangely Anastasia hadn’t invited any other friends. 

"See your gift," prodded Ryder. Anastasia unwrapped the gift that he had bought for her. It was a small teddy bear holding a heart. Anastasia gasped and held it to her chest making Ryder feel instant jealous. 

"Is that yours Ryde, " whispered Sawyer, gesturing towards the heart and nudging Ryder. Ryder grinned.

"Obviously, " he whispered back.

"It's so cute. Thanks Ryder. I love it," she told him.

"Next time I'll gift wrap myself and land up at your doorstep," he told her. Renée laughed heartily while Sawyer chuckled. Anastasia got up to get some drinks for them, her face flushed with embarrassment. The guy had no filters to his mouth! 

She emerged after a few minutes with her granny carrying a tray full of mouth-watering appetizers and drinks. "Yummy, did you make them all?" Asked Renée. 

"Umm, no we got it. I only made the brownies,” said Anastasia, glancing briefly at Ryder. 

"I’m a little unwell, so we couldn’t make anything this time," informed her granny. “But Ana made the brownies today in the morning,” added granny. 

"This is awesome, " said Sawyer, devouring a brownie. 

"Thanks. I'm glad you liked them so much," she said to Sawyer. Ryder ate quietly without saying a word. What was wrong with him? Renée too licked her fingers clean.

"Heavenly, teach me how you made this brownie, Ana, " she  asked her.

"Sure," said Anastasia. Her granny left the room to make arrangements for the cake cutting. 

"You didn't like the brownies that I made for you?" Asked Anastasia, looking a little hurt. Sawyer coughed up a storm.

"You made them all for him?" He asked with his mouth hanging open. Anastasia looked stunned and clamped her mouth shut. Ryder got up from his seat and walked towards her. Renée chuckled and rolled her eyes. Heaven save her from reckless Ryder!

“I’ll help you,” he said, walking up to her and staring at her. Anastasia nodded and went to the kitchen to check out what granny was up to. The doorbell rang and granny and grandpa’s friends came over as well. Anastasia welcomed them and served them drinks and appetizers. Granny went to meet her friends leaving Ryder with Anastasia in the kitchen. 

Anastasia unpacked the cake and placed it on the serving tray. She could feel Ryder’s presence behind her but tried her best to ignore him till she could feel his hot breath on her neck. 

“You’re looking good in this dress,” whispered Ryder, inhaling the fresh scent of lavender on her. He loved the way she smelled too but preferred not to tell her yet. Anastasia blushed hearing his husky whisper. She licked her lips nervously. 

“Thank you,” she said breathlessly. 

“Where’s my return gift?” he said, going a little closer to her. She was attracting him like a magnet and he was powerless to resist her. Anastasia trembled when his hard chest brushed with her back. His arm went to the counter top and it seemed as if she was in his arms. His husky whisper and the warm breath fanning her neck made it difficult for her to even think of an answer. 

“Later,” she whispered back. Ryder touched her bare arm, his fingers trailing slowly up the soft, creamy skin.  

“When?” he prompted, his voice a hoarse whisper. 

“Umm, Ryder please, everyone is waiting for the cake,” she reminded him breathlessly. Suddenly footsteps could be heard approaching the kitchen and Anastasia picked up the tray and walked out, leaving Ryder behind. Renée walked inside and stared at her suspiciously. 

“I thought that you needed some help,” she said awkwardly, glancing at Ryder suspiciously. Ryder gave her a look of exasperation and walked out of the kitchen leaving them there. 

The cake was cut followed by the delicious dinner that Ryder had brought. Finally Ryder and Sawyer went home, leaving Renée to enjoy her night stay with Anastasia. She was a little upset when Ryder left abruptly without even informing her. She had no idea what happened all of a sudden, Renée had just announced that she would be staying over and the boys weren’t included in the plan when Ryder left along with Sawyer. She sighed and helped Renée paint her nails and listened to her gossip about the her other friends.

"Ana, tomorrow's mom and dad's 25th anniversary. We're having a party. I want you to come over," she told her. Anastasia's eyes sparkled with interest. 

"Sure. Why don't we go together from here? After lunch? I could help with the preparations that way," asked Anastasia. Renée grinned.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," she agreed. 

Anastasia's heart started beating faster with excitement. Tomorrow she will get to see Ryder again. 


continue: Chapter Fifteen


2022-02-18 00:37:01



2021-11-05 21:21:21

Awesome ch, update soon. 😀
