Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49473 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Four

Anastasia blinked and staggered backwards, affected by his nearness. Her eyes went wide hearing his words. Dues? What dues were he talking about?

“Every shopkeeper gives suggestions to boost their sales. Therefore I owe you nothing, Blue,” she shrugged, her eyes challenging him to defy. Ryder wasn’t giving up. He again closed the distance between them. 

“Do they extract entangled hair from zippers as well?” He asked, staring into her eyes. The look from his blue crystalline eyes was intense and hypnotizing. Anastasia’s head reeled and she looked away. ‘Run, escape, Ana. He’s asking for se*ual favors that start with a kiss and end on the bed!’ warned her inner mind. 

“It was just a gesture of help. I’m sorry that I asked you. In future, I’ll steer clear of you. even if I need help I’ll ask a stranger on the road rather than you. Tell me how much I owe you and I’ll pay for your services,” she said, taking offense and walking towards the house. Ryder caught her hand.

“I wasn’t asking for any monetary fees. All I need is a kiss,” he told her, his eyes flashing with a strange emotion. Anastasia's jaws dropped and she gaped at him. It was such an awkward moment. Did he really ask her for a kiss? She shook her head vehemently.

“Are you crazy? Why should I kiss you out of all the people in the world?” she asked, looking horrified at the idea. Ryder was taken aback by her behavior. He was such a handsome hunk of a guy! All the girls would have been overeager to kiss him while this slip of a teenager looker appalled at the idea? As if he had a contagious disease! She brushed past him and this time ran towards the house leaving the topic hanging in the air. Ryder plunged to catch hold of her but she was really fast. For the first time he was stunned at a girl’s reaction to him. She ran away at the mention of a kiss? He walked towards the cabin, suddenly feeling a little blue. 

It became a challenge for him now. ‘Show her your worth, Ryde. Compel her to kiss you,’ said his inner voice. He walked into the house with a scowl to see Renée and Anastasia already at the dining table, attacking their plates that were heaped with delicious food. 

“Ryder, do you want your lunch now?” asked Rihanna. Ryder nodded and walked to the kitchen to see what she and Adelaide had cooked. 

“This looks delicious. I’d better eat now before it disappears,” he said, picking up his plate and serving himself the delicious looking beef stew and the bread rolls. He walked towards the table where Renée and Anastasia were sitting down and whispering amongst themselves in hushed tones. Ryder wondered what they were discussing. Was Anastasia complaining about his demand for a kiss? Heaven forbid! He sat down opposite them and Renée groaned. 

“Ryde, why are you following us?” she groaned, looking pissed off.

“I’m not! What? Can’t a guy eat in peace?” he asked, rolling his eyes at them. The three of them sat in silence eating. Every time Anastasia looked up, she found Ryder’s gaze upon her. 

“Bro, you’re staring at my bestie. Don’t you have anything else to do?” complained Renée after a while. 

“Why should I? You’re imagining stuff, Renée Wilson,” said Ryder, picking up his plate and going to the kitchen for a second helping. The truth was that he was pissed off at Renée’s constant interference. Why did Anastasia have to be Renée’s bestie? They were so stuck to each other and it was getting impossible for him to even talk to Anastasia. 

“Why are you scowling, Ryde? Is the food that bad?” Asked Rihanna, seeing him help himself to more. 

“No, I’m just pissed off,” he told her.

“Ignore them, Ryde. See if she wants to talk to you. Why do you have to fall all over her?” asked Rihanna in a hushed tone. Ryder gaped at his sister. What she said made sense. He should see if Anastasia seeks him out. He had clarified his interest in her till now. He will ignore them from now on! It was easier said than done with her looking so enchanting and pulling him like a magnet. 

“You’re right. Thanks Anna,” he said to his sister with a grin, walking away with his plate. He sat down at the table and concentrated on his food. There was a complete silence at the table. Although he was dying to look up, he didn’t give in. Renée cleared her throat yet Ryder ate in peace. 

“What’s wrong with you, bro?” she asked. Ryder looked up at her but not at her bestie. 

The other’s walked inside from their fishing trip with their catch. Everyone were busy eating, chatting, teasing Rhett and Adelaide and Ryder soon detached himself from them and joined in the fun. Anastasia watched his changed demeanor with curiosity. She had no idea why Blue suddenly started ignoring her. Was it a momentary interest on his part? She was utterly disappointed. Blue’s interest in her was something new for her. She had no idea how such a gorgeous guy followed her around, it made her heartbeats accelerate uncontrollably. His attention, his blue eyes always fixed upon her made her feel like the most beautiful girl on earth but then suddenly he stopped paying her attention. He stopped even looking at her. She fidgeted with her fingers feeling guilty for ignoring him a little. Should she seek him out and talk to him? What round Renée think of her then? It was clear that she didn’t want her to have anything to do with her brother. 

"Where are we going after lunch?" Asked Ryder.  

"We'll tour the Clark Canyon reservoir, Lemhi pass and the Pioneer Mountains Scenic Byway," informed Rhett. They finished lunch while discussing the places that they could go to. At last they were all ready for their tour. Rhett and Adelaide went as expected while Ryder climbed in with Rex, and Ryan. Rihanna went with Sawyer, Renée and Anastasia who looked a little disappointed at the arrangement. The views were amazing and so was the experience. They stopped at the tourist spots to take pictures and get a feel of the place. 

Sawyer stopped on the dirt road of the Lewis and Clark Highway to see the panoramic views of the Lemhi pass. They all clambered out of his truck to take pictures. Rhett's car too pulled up after them and they got down too. Anastasia looked beyond but there were no signs of Rex’s car. What was holding them up? They took pictures and waited for Rex to catch up. After ten minutes, Rex drove up and stopped his truck behind theirs. They all climbed out to stretch their legs. 

“What took you so long?” asked Sawyer. 

“We stopped many times on the way,” said Ryan. Rhett drove away with Adelaide while Sawyer walked towards his truck. “Are you girls coming or what?” he yelled after them. Renée rushed after him while Ryder pulled Ryan towards the edge of a ledge.

“Take a picture of me here, Ryan. I’ll pin that as my dp. The girls at college will go crazy,” he said, giving Anastasia a brief glance. Anastasia’s jaws dropped hearing his statement. She was right after all. Renée’s brother was a playboy. She should stay away from him. 

“Have you gone crazy? I don’t want to fall and break my leg. Coach Harrison will go nuts,” pointed out Ryan. Coach Frederick Harrison who was  their football coach at college was a tyrant in the true sense of the word. He made them practice so hard as if they were in the military preparing for war rather than just a college football tournament. 

“Then I might as well take a selfie,” said Ryder. Rihanna glared at him.

“Ryde, do you have a death wish? Spell it out before you go there,” she scolded him. Ryder grinned.

“C'mon Anna, don’t be such a spoil sport,” he said walking away towards the ledge. Rihanna stomped away towards Rex who lay sprawled on the driver’s seat to rest his tired muscles. 

“Is he crazy? Can’t you stop the mule?” she gritted out. Rex gave her a lazy grin. 

“Let him live, Anna. He’ll be fine,” he said, closing his eyes and going back to his dreamland. 

Anastasia went after Ryder before he could reach the ledge. She caught his arm, her slender fingers unable to grasp his muscular biceps fully. 

“Don’t go there, Blue. It’s not safe. I can take a picture of you from here with the same background,” she pleaded with him. Ryder stopped dead in his tracks, his heart beating wildly in his chest. Could he hope that she cared? ‘C’mon Ryder, give in already. This was what you wanted, didn’t you? You wanted her to prove to you that she cared,’ said his inner voice.

He slowly turned around to face her. “Why do you care?” he asked, staring into her eyes. 

“I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all,” she told him, releasing his arm and walking away towards Sawyer’s truck. Ryder stood stunned for a moment and then a happy grin broke out on his face.

“Hey Anna! I’m going with Saw in his truck,” he announced rushing towards Sawyer’s truck. 

continue: Chapter Five


2022-02-15 21:05:44

Ryder is so childish 😄


2021-10-13 18:26:27

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
