Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
Stay (Love In Montana Book 5)
133 49560 60  ( Completed )

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Ryder came down and flopped into a couch nearby. He was already wearing his favorite black tee shirt and pair of jeans. Everyone always complimented him whenever he wore this particular tee shirt. He draped a leather jacket to go with it. It was his favorite macho look and if never failed to impress girls. His glance went again and again to the main door but there was no sign of Renee’s elusive best friend. She should have been here by now. Had she canceled her plans?

"I'm ready. How long would the others take?" He asked, wanting to know more about Renée’s best friend specifically. Eyeing the breakfast table, he realized how hungry he really was. "Shouldn't we pack up some food too?" He asked, getting up to go to the table to pick up a burger for himself. 

Ryan came out of his room too and they all waited for the others and sat down at the table to have his breakfast. Finally the main door opened and a cute seventeen year old girl peeped inside. Ryder’s eyes immediately flew towards the door. Of course he knew that vou. It called out to him in his dreams. It was the only one that called him Blue! It was the only one that teased him in his dreams. It was Anastasia’s voice! So she was the elusive best friend to Renée? He had guessed right after all. 

"Is Renée at home?" She asked Rihanna.

"Anastasia?" Asked Rihanna. 

"Yeah," said the girl with a shy smile seeing so many strangers staring at her. Her greenish-blue dress matched with the color of her eyes. Her eyes straight went to Ryder who froze with the burger in front of his open mouth. It was the same reaction he had the other day when she entered the shop. He had frozen with the pizza in front of his mouth! 

Anastasia blushed furiously seeing him. ‘Blue? What was he doing here?’ She thought looking flustered and confused. Rihanna checked what made her color profusely and giggled away seeing Ryder's condition. 

"Bro, either eat it or give it to me," she said to him. "Ryan, go and inform Renée that her friend's here," said Rihanna, getting up to help the shy girl. Rex came out of his room with his bag and looked at Anastasia. Ryder gestured something at him and he started grinning. 

"Come inside please, Anastasia. Renée will be here any minute. I'm Rihanna, her cousin, that's Rhett and Rex, my siblings. That's Ryder, Renée's sibling. You saw Ryan her other sibling, who's gone to fetch her," introduced Rihanna. Anastasia’s eyes widened hearing Ryder’s name. Rhett smiled and waved at her. 

"Did you have your breakfast?" He asked politely. 

"Yes, thank you. It'll take sometime to remember each of your names, though," she said apologetically but her eyes again landed on Ryder. To her, he’ll always be Blue but she had to admit that he looked hotter in black. Ryder raised an eyebrow at her, and she looked away.

"That's okay, you'll catch up," said Rihanna as she packed food for their trip. Renée rushed out to greet Anastasia. 

"Hey Anna, I'm so glad that you could make it. Where's your bag?" She asked. Anastasia face palmed and went outside to the porch where she'd left her bag. Once she returned they started discussing their plans. Adelaide came in just as Sawyer came out of his room and they were all set to go. 

"I'll go with Renée and Anastasia," said Sawyer.  

"I'm coming along too, bro," said Ryder, immediately on alert. He wanted to talk to her again without drawing much attention of his family. Renée glared at him trying to warn him of her friend but Ryder grinned back shamelessly. He would pay any attention to that warning! 

“I'll drive Adelaide," said Rhett and they all smiled knowingly. His cheeks colored a little. 

"I can drive Rihanna and Ryan, " said Rex. 

"Done, let's get going then?" Said Sawyer. They kissed their granny and waved at everyone else and loaded their stuff into the cars. 

Ryder arranged their bags as well as the necessary fishing equipment in Sawyers car when Anastasia came up shyly to deposit her bag. “Hi, Blue! I didn’t know that you were Renée’s brother!” she exclaimed. 

“Strange isn’t it? As if we’re destined to meet again. I’m Ryder by the way, in case you didn’t catch my name,” said Ryder, straightening up to his full height and staring i to her vivid eyes and full pouty lips. Her sun-kissed look, her long shining hair made her look all the more stunning in the outdoors. She took his breath away already! 

“I caught your name,” she told him.

“Really? Then what will you call me today? I’m all black!” he winked. Anastasia shook her head. 

“Blue, it suits you,” she said, dumping her bag inside the car.

“Interesting! I’d love to know more about you,” he said, stuffing his hands into his pocket. Anastasia smiled and turned to go. 

“Some other time maybe. There’s nothing to know about me,” she said with a shrug. 

“Annie, at least tell me your full name,” he asked after her. 

“I love the name. I’m tired of being called Anna. I’m Anastasia Farrell,” she said and walked away with Ryder helplessly gazing at her. He wasn’t done yet. He wanted to know more about her, he wanted to say so much to her. 

Rex drove off and Sawyer started the ignition, waiting for the others to climb in. 

“Ryder, what are you doing there, bro? Hop in,” yelled Sawyer, peering out of his car at him. He nodded and was about to dash into the back seat after Anastasia but it seemed as if Renée had other plans. She climbed in and they sat with each other at the back. So Ryder climbed into the passenger seat reluctantly. “All set?” asked Sawyer making the girls nod excitedly at him.

“Let’s gooo,” said Renée making Sawyer smile as he started to drive. The drive was a scenic one and Ryder wished that he could drive Anastasia instead. 

“Why are you sulking, bro? Aren’t you enjoying yourself?” asked Renée worriedly. 

“I’m okay,” he said grumpily. 

“What music do you enjoy, Ryder? I could play it for you,” offered Anastasia, making Ryder’s whole body tingle with excitement. The way she said his name, it sounded almost like an endearment. He could hear her say it all day! He whirled back and gazed at Anastasia. 

“Give me your number. I’ll send you my Playlist,” he said with a mischievous smile on his face. Renée groaned. 

“Bro, stop it. You don’t need her number. I’ll play his favorite song, Anna,” said Renée. Ryder smacked his head with despair. Sawyer chuckled and patted Ryder’s knee, completely understanding his plight. 

“Renée, stop interfering. I don’t want to listen to your songs. Let Annie play it,” he said in a pissed off mood.

“Annie? Who’s Annie?” asked Renée curiously. 

“I am,” said Anastasia, shyly, blushing to the roots of her hair. Renée mouth hung open and she looked at her brother and then her best friend. 

“Am I missing something here? Do you two know each other already?” she asked suspiciously. 

“Yes,” said Ryder. 

“No,” said Anastasia with horror. Sawyer chuckled while Renée looked at them with more confusion etched on her face.

“You both first decide amongst yourselves,” she said, raising an eyebrow at the two of them. 

“Nothing much to tell. Anastasia came to aunt Charlotte’s shop to buy a dress and I was there that time. So we just talked a little, that’s all,” said Ryder. 

“I didn’t know of his name. Neither did I know that he’s your brother, Ren,” said Anastasia. Renée chuckled. 

“Oh, I thought there was more to this,” said Renée. 

“There is,” said Ryder.

“There isn’t,” said Anastasia looking horrified. 

“Of course there is. You didn’t tell your friend what we did in the trial room,” Ryder pointed out. Anastasia was dumbstruck by his words. Renée gasped and stared at the two of them while Sawyer chuckled more. 

“What did you do in the trial room, dammit? I’m dying of curiosity. How could you hide such things from me, Anna? I’m your best friend!” said Renée, looking offended. Anastasia looked horrified while her cheeks turned crimson with embarrassment. 

“There’s really nothing to tell. My hair got entangled with the zipper. Ryder helped me, that’s all. Really, Ren, please believe me,” she said anxiously. 

“There’s more of course. You didn’t tell everyone the sweet nickname that you gave me,” Ryder pointed out. Renée looked at her friend, aghast that she had hidden all that from her. 

“Stop Ren, he’s teasing you two,” said Sawyer. 

“No I’m serious,” said Ryder. 

“What nickname did you give my brother, Anna?” asked Renée with an eye roll. Anastasia covered her face with shame, her cheeks flushed crimson. 

“Yes, Annie, please tell everyone!” prompted Ryder, thoroughly enjoying himself. 

“Blue. I called him Blue because he was wearing blue that day,” said Anastasia. Renée and Sawyer chuckled while Ryder watched Anastasia, wanting to pull her into his arms and tell her not to get so worked up. He was just messing with her head! 

continue: Chapter Three


2022-02-15 17:29:40

Totally cute 🥰


2022-02-05 21:19:36



2021-09-25 19:10:47

Awesome ch, update soon.😀
