Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
195 71698 42  ( Completed )

Chapter Thirty-Two

"What money are you talking about?" Asked Adam's dad, frowning at his wife.

"I gave her the money to pay the event management company we hired for the last party," said aunt Kelly.

"Yes, she handed me the money before leaving for home on the last day of work," said her husband.

"Why did she hand it over to you? She could have paid the people concerned. I'm now having doubts. I think, she stole the money and disappeared and you're trying to cover up for her," she shouted at her husband. Adam frowned and looked at his dad with accusing eyes.

"She didn't disappear aunt Kelly. She died. You overworked her so much that she died," said Nelson in a grave tone. Everyone stared at him with shock.

"She knew that she wouldn't be able to return to work. That's the reason why she might have returned the money before leaving," said uncle David, quietly. There was silence in the room. Adam rolled his eyes heavenwards at his mom.

"Really mom? Shouldn't you know you're facts better before jumping to your conclusions?" Asked Adam. His mom scoffed and stormed out of the room. Alanis was about to follow her out when Adam stopped her. "Stop Alan, we're not done with you, " said Adam.

"Whose baby are you carrying? I want the truth," gritted out Adam as his dad watched with a weary expression.

"I'm not bound to answer you, Adam. It's none of your concern," said Alanis.

"Of course it is our concern," said her dad. Carter and Levi walked out of the room and went outside to wait for Nelson.

"I want you to give it to me in writing that your illegitimate child isn't mine and that you had framed me with your fake reports, else I'll take action. Adam I'm serious. I'll slap charges on the pathological lab as well upon Alanis," threatened a furious Nelson.

"Do whatever you want son, just keep me out of it," said Adam's dad, walking out of the room while Alanis's eyes widened with fear.

"Yeah and me too," shrugged Adam. Alanis started crying.

"I'm sorry, Nelson. I'll give it to you in writing please," she said.

"Give it to me then, right now, " said Nelson.

"I beg of you Nelson. Please I'm not in a mental state to write it just now. Can you come tomorrow please," she said.

"Fine," said Nelson, turning to leave.

"Sorry dude. Do forgive me for everything that I said to you," said Adam.

"You should have thought about it before saying those things, Adam. I can't be friends with you anymore," said Nelson from the door.

"Just forgive me, Nel," pleaded Adam.

"Okay, I forgive you, " said Nelson. Adam smiled.

"Thanks," he said, relieved. Nelson walked out of the house with some relief. That went better than he had expected.

"So?" Asked a curious Carter. Nelson updated them on what happened after they  left. 

"You should have taken it in writing from her now, Nel. She'll keep harassing you for it. Mark my words," said Levi.

"I know but I just couldn't force her on that after she broke down, " said Nelson with a sigh.

"Oh that was all fake. You cornered her into admitting," said Carter. "What now? Are you coming with us?"

"No you guys go ahead. I'll go to Annalise's house," said Nelson, going towards his car. He drove off, worrying all the way about Annalise. Would she listen to him? He stopped on the way and bought a ring for her. He would propose if she listened to him and he was able to woo her back. He stopped and parked his car in front of her house. Going up to the main door, he pressed the doorbell and waited anxiously.  The door was opened by a woman who looked too sophisticated to be their housekeeper. So it had to be her aunt. He realized that it implied that her aunt was back.

"Yes? Whom do you want to see?" She asked with a frown, looking him up and down like he was a piece of trash. Nelson took an instant dislike to her.

"I'm Nelson Taylor. I wish to see Annalises. She knows me," said Nelson confidently. Aunt Emily scoffed at him.

"So you're the filth that my niece was after? Look Taylor, she's moved on from a low-life such as you. She's agreed to marrying a billionaire's only son and if you dream of interfering, I'll hand you over to the cops," threatened Emily Martin with a scowl.

"I don't believe that she has agreed of her own free will. You must have compelled her to. I could report you for blackmailing your neice who's an adult and has every right to choose her own life partner, " threatened Nelson. He wasn't backing off. Annalise's aunt didn't scare him. He was determined to get to Annalise and talk to her.

"Don't be oversmart, young man. You think Annalise is waiting for you here? No, she's moved into Colton's house, far from your reach. So stop wasting your time, here, " said aunt Emily. Nelson's face fell. He paled at the information. His Annalise had moved into Colton's house? How could she?

"I don't believe you, " said Nelson.

Emily Martin chuckled. "Come inside then. Search the house, " she challenged him. Nelson looked at her malicious face and just walked dejected to his car. He drove away to Annalise's college but to his utter disappointment, he found out that Annalise hadn't attended college for the last few days. He drove to Carter's house and slumped into a couch in his room.

"What? Did you two talk?" Asked Carter. Levi was sitting at Carter's laptop. He turned to look at them with concern.

"No," said Nelson. He updated them on what Emily Martin told him. "I don't believe her. She's a witch," said Nelson, covering his face with his hands. He was at his wits end and didn't have any idea how to with this.

"Go home dude. I'll find out this Colton guy and his house. I'll check if she's really living there but you have to have patience. It'll take a day or two," said Levi.

"Our whole family's planning a trip to our Houston lake for a picnic. Nick's staying back since he's upset that his girl's leaving Houston forever. Mom strictly told me that I have to accompany her and I don't want to go," said Nelson.

"Go dude. You can't do a thing now. You don't want to land up in jail, do you? If her aunt sees you again, she'll get you arrested. Let us find out the real scenario and then we'll plan after that. You go with your family," said Carter.

"What about that written proof that I need to collect from Alanis, tomorrow?" Asked Nelson. He was not in the state of mind to go and enjoy somewhere.

"I'll collect it. You're way too soft to extract it out of her," said Levi. Nelson nodded. There wasn't anything he could do under the circumstances than go with his family.

He drove home with a thousand questions on his mind. The rest of the day he couldn't do anything productive. Annalise's phone was permanently switched off and strangely so was the phone that the twins used. It was like the three of them had suddenly disappeared. He wanted to wait in front of her house and check if she really left or not but decided against it. He didn't want to be arrested. It was dinnertime and Nick had locked himself in his room. He was heartbroken and didn't want to interact with anyone and neither did he want tp go with them to the two-day outing.

"Nick's not coming along?" He heard his mom say with disbelief. 

"Let him be Pauline. He'll come along if he wants to," said his dad. 

"I need to talk to him," said his ma.

"You can talk to him tomorrow. He doesn't want to talk now, " said his dad. Nelson had informed them and thankfully they left Nick in peace. However Nelson shared a different level of bonding with his twin. He knocked softly in his door later. Nick opened the door to see Nelson, standing there.

"What do you want Nel?" He asked in a sleepy voice.

"Are you okay? I can't sleep without knowing how you are," Nelson asked with a worried look on his face.

"I'm fine don't worry, " said Nick. 

"Are you coming along with us tomorrow?" Asked Nelson. 

"No Nel, you'll go ahead. I'll go and stay with Darren," he told them. Darren was Nick's best friend. Nelson nodded.

"Call me if you're feeling too down. I'll come home," said Nelson. 

"Sure. Don't worry," said Nick. Nelson hugged him and went off to his room. 

The next morning, he left with his parents by 6 o'clock in the morning. Throughout the trip he kept to himself and hardly could take part in the crazy fun all around him. Carter and Levi yet didn't find any breakthrough and he was worried.  Did Annalise already marry Colton? Was there no hope left for him?

continue: Chapter Thirty-Three


2021-02-10 09:57:36

Awesome ch, update soon.😀


2021-02-10 01:59:55

I wonder what’s actually happening at Annalise’s place
