Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
195 71692 42  ( Completed )

Chapter Twenty-Six

"Alise," he whispered hoarsely, when his mouth left hers.  It had been awhile and he was on fire, not getting enough of her. She moaned  when his hand touched her breasts from beneath the top, the heat from his hand seeping through the thin material of her bra. "I want to taste them, please?" He pleaded. Annalise nodded and he pulled the top away from her. His nimble fingers expertly undid the clasp of her bra, easing it out of her. His eyes widened and his breath was stuck in his throat as he watched her. His fingers touched the taut peaks, teasing them all the more as a moan escaped her mouth. The sound of it seemed to arise him even more and he latched onto them, sucking and stroking both of them.

The sound of the front door opening brought them to their senses and they jumped apart. Annalise panicked and quickly wore her clothes. "See, I told you," she said accusingly.

"Mom never returns so fast. She must have liked chatting with you, so she just dumped her cake and came back," groaned Nelson. Annalise chuckled with disbelief.

"Really? I'm honored, " she told him.

"Shut up. I'm doomed. It would be difficult to whisk you away," said Nelson, unlocking his door and opening it wide incase his mom wanted to come in.  He showed her his closet and then his study desk when his ma came into his room.

"That desk is just for show. He's not studying these days at all. His exams are coming up. Put some sense in him, dear," said his ma. Annalise chuckled at Nelson's expression.

"Ma, why didn't you have coffee at Mrs Higginson's house?" Asked Nelson.

"She wasn't at home. Why am I disturbing you?" She asked and Annalise blushed.

"Not at all ma. I will be leaving now, Nelson, " said Annalise.

"Have some coffee with me before you go," offered his ma. Nelson gave her a 'I told you so' look and they went downstairs.

"Let me make the coffee, ma," offered Annalise.

"Aren't you a darling?" Said his ma, sitting at the sofa and relaxing while Annalise made coffee for all. Nelson was busy walking back and forth between the living room and the kitchen. He wanted to be at the kitchen but his ma called him to say something or the other and so there he was like a ping pong ball already between the two women in his life and he wasn't even married yet! At last the coffee was made and Annalise carried the cups to the living room.

His ma took a sip. "Delicious. You make very good coffee," said his ma.

"Thank you, ma," said Annalise.

"Yes, I love your coffee and ..," he looked at his ma watching him with amusement.

"Forget it," he mumbled and they both chuckled. Thank God he caught himself before he could say what was on his head. "I love your coffee and you. I could have both all my life." It was better to keep mum and let them do the talking. He sighed and watched and sipped his coffee and the cycle repeated. How on earth his ma and Annalise could talk do much was beyond him. He felt a little jealous.

"Okay. C'mon, Alise. I'll drop you home," he said, getting up to take his cup to the kitchen. After fifteen minutes, finally Annalise climbed into his car and he drove away towards her house. The last house on their street was Carter's and he pointed it to her.

"That's my best friend Carter's house," he told her. Annalise looked at Carter's house and nodded.

"That's uncle Henry's house, Drake is his youngest son," said Nelson and Annalise nodded.

"And that's Nate's house. He's my uncle Benjamin's youngest son, " he informed her.

"Wow. Everyone lives just a walk away from yours," she said.

"Yeah, it's fun," agreed Nelson.

"You see that field? We play there, football, basketball, volleyball, anything and everything, " said Nelson. Annalise was so glad to be able to get a glimpse of him, a part of his life which he hadn't shown till date. She liked his ma immensely and his house felt as if it was hers too. It was so welcoming.

"We'll go and meet them later. It'll get late, " said Nelson.

Annalise agreed. He dropped her home with a kiss on her forehead. "See you tomorrow, " he said.

The next few days passed by with Nelson taking Annalise out every now and then after work. Susan had given in her resignation and Annalise went to see her nearly everyday.  They went to the shopping mall to buy the wedding dresses. At the home front, nothing changed though. Her aunt hadn't returned and neither did she call them. Annalise was guilty as ever for breaking up a family but she had no choice. If she were alone, she would have gone away to stay at her dad's house but Aries and Alexis were too young and she didn't have much money to bear the cost of their education. Her uncle Edward hired a middle-aged efficient housekeeper to deal with everything and Annalise was relieved since after attending college and a job, she was unable to manage. 

Five days before the wedding Trent emailed his resignation and said their goodbyes to everyone at the restaurant. After a teary farewell, Susan and Trent left Houston forever and went off to Jones Creek. Nelson, Annalise and Greg would join them on their wedding day.

"Did you inform your uncle about our trip?" Asked Nelson. Tomorrow they would need to goto Jones Creek to attend the wedding to held the next day.

"No, I'll talk to him, tonight, " said Annalise.

"We'll leave after work, say around 4 o'clock in the afternoon. So pack your stuff and bring it to the restaurant with you," said Nelson. Annalise nodded.

"I'll leave my luggage in the car and go in for work. Sammy can drive my car back home later," she said.

"Yes. I can't wait to go with you," said Nelson, feeling already excited at the prospect of being able to spend more time alone with her.

"Me neither, " said Annalise shyly. He kissed her and she went home.

Nelson packed himself an overnight suitcase and informed his parents of his plans. His phone buzzed with an incoming call from Carter. "What happened?" Asked Nelson.

"Do you remember what day it is today?" Asked Carter.

"Yes why?" Asked  Nelson, groaning.

"What's four days later?"asked Carter.

"Your birthday,  what else?" Said Nelson as if he'd let him forget.

"Be here at 6. I'm throwing a birthday bash. All are invited. I'm not gonna say it again, you better remember, " threatened Carter and disconnected the call. Nelson chuckled and called Levi. He groaned hearing about it.

"He's called me hundred times to remind me. Please give me a break," groaned Levi.

"What are you gifting him?" Asked Nelson.

"Vodka, that's all he loves," said Levi. "And you?"

"I'll give him a dog," said Nelson.

"What?" Asked a stunned Levi.

"He needs a loyal friend and he loves animals, " shrugged Nelson. They chuckled.

"You know about Adam's sister, right?" Asked Levi.

"Yeah, she's back," said Nelson.

"Not only that. She claims to be pregnant, " said Levi and Nelson's eyes widened with shock.

"Whose illegitimate child is it?" Asked Nelson.

"She claims it's yours," informed Levi. Nelson flopped into the bed with horror.

"What the f*ck! How can she say that? I haven't even seen her in the last two years, " said Nelson. "Who told you all this?"

"I know. She's trying her best to frame you this time, Nelson. She has bigger plans on you. Be careful. Nina, Alanis's best friend is my cousin's girl. She told him and he told me," said Levi. They discussed the situation some more and Nelson disconnected the call, seething with anger at the fake allegations. He tossed and turned on his bed, thinking of a way to teach her a lesson and prove himself innocent. Finally, he fell asleep when his brain couldn't produce any way out of this mess.

The next morning, Nelson was busy wrapping up his work to be able to leave early. He hadn't been able to meet Annalise too since she was also busy wrapping up her work in the kitchen. Even Greg was busy but he couldn't leave before six as Trent wasn't there.

After a brief lunch in the kitchen itself, Annalise continued. Last night, she had told her family about Susan's wedding and her uncle had given her permission to go. Her aunt hadn't answered her uncle's call last night and everyone felt that she was dragging the issue a bit too far this time.

At last it was time to leave. She went to Nelson's office room to find him wrapping up his work and shutting down his computer. "Done?" He asked her with a smile.

"Yeah, what about you?" She asked him.

"Done, let's go," he said, leading her outside the restaurant. She loaded her luggage onto Nelson's car and handed her keys to Sammy. Finally, they drove off to Jones Creek.

continue: Chapter Twenty-Seven


2021-02-06 22:45:41

Trouble in paradise?


2021-02-06 19:27:22

Awesome ch, update soon.πŸ˜€πŸ‘


2021-02-06 16:29:56

I am guessing that Anna will believe Alanis and agree to marry Colton. Thats why Nelson has to abduct her.πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€”πŸ€” I am not sure though😜😜


2021-02-06 16:28:00

Ohh... plot twist😱😱
