Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
Love Struck (The Taylor Brothers Book 4)
195 71701 42  ( Completed )

Chapter Twenty-Five

At last Colton and his parents went home and Annalise wrapped up the work. Dean helped her clean up. "Where's aunt Emily? Don't lie to me, Dean. Tell me what happened, " said Annalise. Dean sighed and looked away without answering.

"She's left home, " he said quietly. Annalise's jaws dropped at his words as she stood horrified.

"Why?" She asked quietly.

"Mom and dad fought badly after you left. She wanted you to cook for Colton and after you left she started shouting out accusations at you. Dad scolded her and they argued a lot. She got angry and left home," said Dean.

Tears fell from Annalise's eyes. "She left home because of me. I'm feeling terrible, " said Annalise as uncontrollable sobs escaped her.

Dean hugged his sister. "There's nothing to feel guilty about, Anna. This isn't the first time mom's left home. She'll come back home in a month or two," informed Dean, wiping her tears.

"I think we should go back to dad's apartment. Coming here was a big mistake, " said Annalise, drying her hands after the work was finished.

"No one's going anywhere. You have every right to stay here. This is your grandfather's house, " said uncle Edward who had come into the kitchen. "Your aunt left of ger own free will, she'll return of her own free will. No need to feel guilty," said her uncle sternly, before leaving to go to his room. Dean and Annalise exchanged glances and sighed. These fights between parents were so stressful, if only they would realize it themselves.

Annalise went upstairs to her room. Alexis came into her room and lay her head on her lap. Even Aries came into her room and sat down beside her. "Where's aunt Emily, Anna?" Asked Aries.

"She fought with uncle Edward and left home," said Annalise.

"Can we go and live with Nelson, please, Anna?" Asked Alexis.

"It doesn't happen that way, Alex. He needs to propose first. We need to get married and then if he offers, only then you could go and live with him, " said Annalise. "He hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend." They sighed and after talking about school a little, they went to their room.

The next day, Annalise got ready for her lunch date. At twelve, Nelson arrived and she climbed into his car. "Hi, missed me?" Asked Nelson.

"Not much," said Annalise. Nelson's face fell.

"Seriously?" He asked and she smiled.

"Of course I missed you silly," said Annalise. "Where are we going?" She asked expectantly.

"You'll see," he told her. He drove her and she looked out to see where they were off to.

"So, how did your dinner with Colton go?" He asked her curiously.

"Bad. Aunt Emily left home," said Annalise.

"What? Why?" Asked a shocked Nelson.

"Yesterday, she didn't want me to go out. She wanted me to stay home and cook for Colton. Uncle Edward supported me and after I left they fought and she left home," said Annalise unhappily. "Now I feel responsible for all this."

"That's a terrible thing to happen. Hope she returns soon," said Nelson.

"Dean said that this wasn't the first time that she left home," said Annalise.

"Then you don't need to feel so guilty, " said Nelson.

He parked in front of a sprawling three storied house with a big garden and a huge front yard in front of the porch. It wasn't grand like her uncle's house was. This house looked happy, lived-in and charming. "Where are we?" Asked Annalise. Nelson smiled and opened the car door for her, helping her down.

"It's my house, " said Nelson. Annalise looked at him with disbelief. He brought her to his house?

He led her to the front door and rang the doorbell. Annalise's heart beats increased rapidly. She was scared to meet his family although she liked Nate and Drake a lot.

The door opened and Pauline Taylor smiled at the beautiful girl standing at her doorstep. After breakfast when Nick had left to go on a date with Iris and his dad had gone to his restaurant, Nelson asked his mom for her permission to bring home a special girl for lunch. His mom understood his implication and eagerly agreed. Nelson never brought anyone home, so this girl had to be too special for him to even consider bringing her home.

"Hello dear, I'm Pauline Taylor, Nel's ma. Come inside," said Nelson's mom.

"Ma, this is Annalise Martin," introduced Nelson, leading Annalise inside.

"Such a pretty name for a pretty girl," said his ma. Annalise blushed.

"Thank you Mrs Taylor, " she said.

"Ah, call me ma," said Pauline. She liked the girl who looked simple and kind. Her big innocent eyes looked scared. Although she had not a single touch of makeup, yet her skin glowed. She was very beautiful indeed. No wonder her son got lovestruck by her. Pauline Taylor chuckled seeing Nelson looking at Annalise obviously too lovestruck to know what was going on in his mom's mind.

"So where do you live Anna?" Asked Nelson's ma, sitting at the huge sofa in the living room. Nelson and Annalise sat beside her.

"I live in River Oaks," said Annalise. "At my uncle and aunt's house."

"Oh, you don't live with your parents?" Asked his ma.

"We used to live with them but they expired last month," said Annalise and Pauline Taylor looked at her with surprise. The poor girl was so young and she lost both parents just a month back!

"I'm so sorry to hear that dear. What happened to your parents?" Asked his ma. Annalise told her everything that happened and his ma listened intently.

"How old are your siblings?" Asked his ma.

"They're ten," answered Annalise.

"They're too young," said his ma and Annalise nodded. They talked about what she studied and about her internship at their restaurant. Pauline Taylor was very impressed with her. She was so young. There was noone to guide her. Although she lost her parents and had the added responsibility of two young siblings yet she was brave and strong.

"So you love to cook and bake?" She asked Annalise with interest.

"Yeah, Nelson told me that you too love it," said Annalise, looking at Nelson for the first time since she met his ma. He was staring at her with hooded eyes. She blushed crimson and tried to gesture to him to stop staring at her in front of his ma.

Pauline Taylor loved their cute interaction. "I'll serve lunch dear," she said getting up.

"I'll help you," offered Annalise. Nelson too followed them like a lovestruck puppy. He too helped lay the table and his ma was very impressed.

"Nelson told me just two hours back dear. I made whatever I had at home," said his ma. There was pasta, meatballs, potato wedges, a delightful mixed salad and home made brownies.

"This already is too extravagant, ma," said Annalise. Nelson rolled his eyes. They were so busy with one another that they forgot his very existence. Hello, it's because of me that you two met! He wanted to scream with frustration. The meal was very delicious.

"I love your cooking ma. It reminds me of my mom's food. She was a very good cook too," said Annalise.

"Thank you dear. Come often. You haven't met Nelson's dad and his twin," said his ma.

"Sure, ma," said Annalise. They cleaned up after lunch and Nelson's ma had to leave to deliver her red velvet cake to the house at the end of the block.

Nelson took Annalise to his room after his ma left. "I think I should go home," said Annalise, shyly.

"What's the hurry? You ignored me the whole time you were with ma. It's time to pay back," said Nelson as he closed the door.  His room was very neat and spacious but before Annalise could explore his room, he caught her and pulled her in to his body. Sitting at the edge of his bed, he pulled her along into his lap, with her straddling him.

"What are you doing? Ma will return any time, " she said with apprehension.

"Nope. She'll sit and enjoy coffee with them before returning, " said Nelson. His mouth went to her neck, sucking it like he had lost control. Annalise's whole body ignited with a passion which had been dormant since the day they returned from Jones Creek. He brought his hand to her face, cupping her flushed cheeks and angling his head to capture her lips in a fierce and possessive kiss. His tongue slid into her hot and sweet mouth as her mind lost control and a hungry desire to feel more of him took over her senses. Nelson's hand went to her hips and pulled her closer to his body, nearly molding her to him. His breathing erratic, he kept tormenting her with his hungry mouth eliciting an equally hungry response from her. They kissed and kissed, hands exploring each other's body. It was a kiss that both longed for but couldn't have in the closed environment of the restaurant,  with ears always alert outside the office room.

continue: Chapter Twenty-Six


2021-02-06 06:16:14

Awesome ch, update soon.😀👍


2021-02-05 23:16:43

Waiting for Nelson to propose 😄


2021-02-05 21:52:33

Hoping to see more scenes of Anna with Nelson's family😍😍


2021-02-05 21:51:43

Loved the chapter❤❤
