Lost You (Forbidden Love Series Book 9)
Lost You (Forbidden Love Series Book 9)
2 87634 46  ( Completed )

Chapter Twenty-Five


The next day an excited Arianna woke up early and went downstairs for her coffee. The whole family was up too. They laughed and joked and ate breakfast. Then Arianna went to take a luxurious beauty bath. Isabella helped dry her hair afterwards. She and aunt Henrietta started getting Arianna ready. They worked on her hair and makeup first.

"This is hurting Isa, keep it simple please," said Arianna.

Isabella obliged to her and tied her hair up in curls to a beautiful bun at the nape of her neck and fixed it with a stone encrusted comb. "Perfect," said aunt Henrietta, admiring her creation. The Isabella started her makeup.

Afterwards, Arianna slipped on her beautiful wedding gown. It was a pearl beaded lace appliqued dress with a round illusion neckline and a mermaid silhouette. It hugged her curves making her look gorgeous and beautiful. Isabella fixed the diamond earrings and bracelet that Laurence bought for her. They matched with the dress so well.

"We haven't been able to come up with any wedding gift dear. So we have deposited 5k dollars into your account. You can use it for your education or anything else as it's quite a lot. It's from all of us, even Isabella, Hudson and Weston have contributed," said aunt Henrietta.

Arianna hugged her touched by her kindness. "Thank you aunt Henrietta. It's a lot of money, I don't want to inconvenience you all," she said feeling guilty.

"It's for emergencies dear and since all of us have contributed none of us have been inconvenienced," she told Arianna.

"Thank you so much, " she said looking at Isabella and her aunt. They fixed her veil which was simple and light.

"You look so enticing girl. Your Laurence wouldn't be able to keep it in his pants for so long, " Isabella whispered into her ear when her aunt had gone out of the room.

"Shut up and get ready," said Arianna with crimson cheeks. Did she have to spell out what was in store for her tonight? She knew that it was her wedding night and Laurence wouldn't control himself anymore. He would make complete love to her tonight.

Isabella grinned knowingly and quickly got ready. Arianna noticed that she didn't put much effort into her look. Maybe since Weston wasn't around, she didn't want to dress up much. "You can always look hot and take a selfie and post it on your Facebook account. When someone sees your hot pic I'm sure that he'll come running down to meet you," said Arianna with a wink. Isabella's face brightened and she started putting an effort to get ready. Arianna smiled. Troy would surely be bowled over by her. Maybe Isabella could use it to make Weston jealous.

They were all ready finally and they left for the church. "Nervous?" uncle David asked her on the way.

"Yeah, a lot," said Arianna, trying to compose her jittery nerves. She just hoped that nothing went wrong.

"Just take deep breaths dear, everything will be alright," he comforted her. They reached the church and uncle David helped her get down the car. They all proceeded towards the church entrance.

The decorations were kept to a minimum. An all white floral garland covering the pillars and the arch above. White tulle cascaded down to the floor tied with a floral garland. Ornate brass huge candlesticks were placed on either side to make it look romantic. White rose petals were strewn across the aisle and there were small white pew bows decorating the interiors. Similar ornate candlesticks were placed inside at strategic positions as well as at the altar.

Troy and Lisa came forward to greet her. They hugged Arianna and she led them towards her family.

"Troy, Lisa, meet my family, that's my uncle, David Gray, my aunt, Henrietta Gray and this is my best friend Isabella Harrington, " she introduced them. "This is Laurence's sister, Elizabeth and this is his best friend and best man, Troy Wagner, " she said.

"Hello," said uncle David, shaking Troy's hand. They talked to one another while Aunt Henrietta hugged Lisa who was wearing the dress Laurence and Arianna had got for her.

"It's beautiful Arianna, I love this dress," she gushed at Arianna.

"I'm glad that you like it, " said Arianna, giving her an indulgent smile.

"You're looking so pretty, Arianna. I like your look," said Lisa looking at her appreciatively.

"Thank you dear," said Arianna.

"What will you get me from Italy?" She asked her eagerly.

"Whatever you want, but tell Laurence. Since he knows the place more than I do," said Arianna. Lisa's eyes shone with excitement. She hugged Arianna like a child for the first time.

"You're the best sister-in-law Arianna. I love you already," she said. Arianna smiled and hugged her back.

"Thank you dear. I love you too," she said.

Troy approached Isabella and had a talk with her too. He then went back to get Laurence from the men's dressing room as they were about to start the processional walk down the aisle.

Fr. Bernard who would officiate their wedding arrived. They all greeted him and uncle David talked to him. Laurence appeared and saw Arianna. He stared at Arianna as if he was spellbound by her. Arianna saw how dashing he looked in a black tuxedo with a white hydrangea boutonniere. He winked at Arianna with a smile to relax her. Arianna blushed knowing that he was reminding her about their wedding night.

The music started and Isabella handed Arianna's bridal bouquet to her. It was a beautiful white bouquet made of avalanche roses, white rannaculus, snow berries, astrantias and brunias interspersed with greenery from dusty miller and eucalyptus leaves.

Fr Bernard walked inside followed by aunt Henrietta. Then Laurence followed with Lisa after him. Isabella and Troy walked in after them. Uncle David smiled at her and offered his elbow for her to take. Arianna took a deep breath and he led her down the aisle towards her groom who was waiting eagerly at the altar.

He placed her hand into Laurence's. "Take good care of her son," he said. Laurence clasped her hand into a firm yet gentle grasp,"I will always," he promised. He led her towards the altar while uncle David went to take his seat.

Fr Bernard started the wedding ceremony. "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all."

Everyone chorused," And also with you!"

"Welcome, all of you. We are gathered here today for one of the happiest occasions in all human life, to celebrate before God the marriage of a man and woman who love each other. Marriage is a most honorable estate, created and Instituted by God, signifying unto us the mystical union, which also exists between Christ and the Church; so too may this marriage be adorned by true and abiding love," said Fr Bernard, starting the ceremony.

One after the other the ceremony proceeded as they stood with solemn expressions to unite in the eyes of the Almighty Lord. It was time for the exchange of vows.

"Arianna and Laurence, as you dedicate yourselves to one another, we are mindful of the presence of God around us," said Fr Bernard.

Laurence and Arianna held each other's hands and slid the ring half way on, then repeated the vows after Fr. Bernard.

"I, Laurence, take you, Arianna, to be my wife, for better or worse, sickness and health, in plenty and want, to stand together in our times of joy and sorrow, always to be faithful to you. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. I love you," vowed Laurence.

"I, Arianna, take you, Laurence, to be my husband, for better or worse, sickness and health, in plenty and want, to stand together in our times of joy and sorrow, always to be faithful to you. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. I love you," repeated Arianna. 

The rest of the religious proceedings followed, the lighting of the Unity Candle, the Communion, Prayer Service and Sign of peace. "Arianna and Laurence, in so much as the two of you have agreed to live together in Matrimony, have promised your love for each other by these vows, the giving of these rings and the joining of your hands, I now declare you to be husband and wife," said Fr Bernard.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift up his countenance unto you, and give you peace," he continued as everyone waited eagerly for the pronouncement and closing of the ceremony.

"Congratulations, you may kiss your Bride," said Fr Bernard and Laurence dipped her and crashed his lips to hers. Someone clicked a picture of them and Arianna was sure it was none other than Isabella. After a thorough kiss he straightened her and smiled at everyone.

"I present to you Mr. Laurence Lennard and Mrs Arianna Lennard, " announced Fr Bernard.


continue: Chapter Twenty-Six