14 Days With You (Forbidden Love Series Book 5)
14 Days With You (Forbidden Love Series Book 5)
3 67308 25  ( Completed )

Chapter Nineteen

Sera had just gotten Zion ready when her mobile phone buzzed with Rihanna's number flashing on it. 

She accepted the call,"Yes Rihanna, tell me," she answered the phone. 

"Sera, come home as soon as you can. River, Rhett, Rex and Zachary are after each other's throat. They're fighting like little children, that too over you," she informed Sera. 

"I'm coming," said Sera, disconnecting the phone. 

She stuffed her mobile and Zion's essential items in a big handbag. She picked Zion up and went out, locked her apartment and went to River's car parked downstairs. She drove to granddad's ranch in twenty minutes. 

Parking the car, she got out with Zion and her bag towards the house. The door was open and she heard River and Zachary arguing with each other.

She went inside and saw an angry Zach shouting at River while he was being held back by River's uncle Kennedy. Rhett and Rex were also held back by River's dad and uncle Kendrick. Rihanna got up and took Zion from Sera's arms and took him to her room. Zachary, Rhett and Rex,  each nursed bruises in different parts of their bodies. They might have been fighting like cats and dogs.

"Zach, what are you doing?" She asked,  going towards him. He looked at her and suddenly his face brightened. 

"Good that you came here, Sera. Now tell everyone that you don't love Rhett," he prompted and she looked at Rhett and River. They both looked at her expectantly. 

"I don't know what to say," she mumbled,  looking down at her feet.

"Just the truth, Sera, " said Rhett softly.

"The truth is, Rhett, I don't love you and neither can I ever love you in that way. I'm sorry. You're a good friend of mine, just like River is. I'll forever be indebted to you for everything that you've done for me and Zion," she said, feeling bad for saying such a thing to the person who's done so much for her.

"No problem. The truth is I don't love you too ," said Rhett to her relief. 

"She loves me," said Zachary with jealousy. 

River glared at him,"Where were you when she needed you?" She asked, with an angry frown.

"I told you I couldn't leave Vegas and pursue her," said Zachary, in an equally angry tone.

"I'm disappointed in you Zachary, " said River shaking her head. 

"It wasn't in my hands. I went to Huntsville but you two weren't there and no one gave me a forwarding address, " said Zachary looking at Sera. Sera stared at him in surprise. He went in search of her?

"Lame excuses, " muttered River. 

"Not at all. I've come for two days to take my family back with me," said Zachary. 

"I'm still engaged to Rhett. I can't go with you," said Sera. 

Rhett cleared his throat. "Actually, I wanted to talk to you. Sera, you're a friend I care about but now the woman who I love, Adelaide has come back to me. I don't think I can do justice to our engagement anymore. Under the circumstances we should cancel our wedding. What do you say?" asked Rhett and River frowned at Rhett and Sera. 

"Agreed," said Sera and Zachary grinned.

"That settles it then, granddad and grandma. I don't have a lot of time at hand and I need to get back as soon as possible. I will be taking Sera and Zion back with me to Vegas tomorrow, " said Zachary and Sera stared at him in disbelief. 

So soon? She had just found a good well paying stable job. "What's the hurry, Zachary?" Glared River.

"Dad's unwell. I can't leave him alone for long. Your brothers and Maxwell are taking care of everything in my absence," he informed her.

"Your mom can look after him for a few days," said River. 

"My mom's no more. She died last year of a severe brain stroke, " he informed and Sera stared at him. She had no idea he had gone through so much.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know," muttered River apologetically. 

"What happened to your dad?" Asked River's dad.

"He had a heart attack twice after mom's death. He's paralysed to some extent too. He has a 24 hrs nurse to help him with his day to day activities. His medicines, diet and sugar levels need constant monitoring," he informed him as Rihanna came back with Zion. 

"I'm so sorry son. I didn't know. No wonder you are in a hurry to return. It's best to take responsibility for your family now," said River's dad. Everyone said their goodbyes to Sera and Zion as they got up to leave.

"I'm sorry Zachary. Friends?" Asked River.  

"Always, " said Zachary, smiling. 

"I'll also be going to Vegas with you guys. I want to look after the hotel business there with Russell and Rowland. I'm bored of the monotonous work here," said River. "Please, mom and dad?" She pleaded. 

"Fine," said her dad with a smile. And River finally grinned happily. 

"Zachary, get tickets for me too. Inform me the details and I'll pack and reach your apartment on time to leave together," said River. 

"Sure, pack and be ready. We'll leave tomorrow morning after breakfast. I'll send you the details, " said Zachary and River nodded happily. 

They came back to the apartment and Sera deposited Zion on the bed with his toys to play with. She caught Zachary's hand and made him sit on the bed too. 

"Sit here," she ordered, going into the ensuite to get a first aid box. She came back and sat down beside him. 

"Why did you have to fight?" She asked as she cleaned his wounds with antiseptic. 

"I will if I get you as the prize," he said, staring intensely at her face. Sera didn't look into his eyes. She would be lost if she did. She averted her eyes from his piercing gaze and concentrated on her job. Her fingers trembled at their nearness and she quickly finished and got up.

Zach's hungry eyes followed her, he watched her sway of hips which had widened after childbirth. He loved her figure more and wanted to hold her, feel her in his arms, mould her soft curvy body into his. 

She came back to the bedroom. "Start packing. I'd asked my PA to get our flight tickets, he's got them. Our flight's tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning. Inform River,  she should reach here by 7 o'clock in the morning," he said, picking up Zion and playing with him. 

Sera didn't argue. She understood that he needed to return home to his dad and he wouldn't want to go back without his own family. Zion had naturally bonded with him and she didn't want to deprive him of his father's love. From what Zachary went through in the last two years, maybe he really didn't get enough opportunity to pursue her. 

She packed up whatever she had unpacked. Most of her stuff was still in a packed condition as she didn't have much time to unpack ever since she shifted. She emailed her resignation and prepared to vacate the apartment by tomorrow. 

The three of them slept together, with a happy Zion in the middle although Zachary wasn't very happy with the sleeping arrangements. 

The next morning, they loaded all the stuff into River's car. Rihanna offered to drive them to the airport. Rihanna and River had also arrived early to help Zion get ready. They all finally left for the airport, ready to start a new chapter in their lives.


continue: Chapter Twenty