Everlastingly Yours (Eternal Love Series Book 3)
Everlastingly Yours (Eternal Love Series Book 3)
1 35933 20  ( Completed )

Chapter Eleven


Betty left as it was getting late. Rosalie sat in the living room and watched TV as she waited for Jaden to come home.

Jaden came home late. He was upset. He was just dragging himself on. Rosalie's words rang in his ear day and night. He was an unwanted mistake in her life. He wanted her and his baby to stay with him forever, but he would take it slow with Rosalie. When he left Houston after that night and came home to Travis Springs, he was upset. He wanted to rethink how to win her over. His house was completed and it needed his attention. So he came home and got busy having it furnished with Karen and Jade's help.

His dad wanted him to take over the finances of their company. So he started working as a CPA at his dad's law firm. Jayson handled the legal side with his team of lawyers while he handled the finance.

He realised that she was scared to break off the wedding. So he was rethinking how to take matters on his own hands when uncle Edwards came to his dad to seek help. He was glad that he had permission to do what he wanted to do from day one, abduct her and hide her away from Mr McAllister. He wasn't scared to face him or Jennifer but he didn't want Rosalie to be stressed in her delicate condition.

When he came home, he found her asleep on the couch in the living room. The TV was on, so he switched it off. He carried her to her bedroom and laid her down. She stirred a little and went back to sleep.

Jaden went away to the adjacent bedroom where he had been sleeping. He freshened up, went downstairs to have dinner and then came up to sleep. 

The next morning, he went downstairs to get his coffee and saw Rosalie drinking milk. "Good morning, you're up so early?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was hungry," she said, looking down. She wanted to say so much, yet she didn't know where to start.

"Oh, wait, I'll warm the breakfast that Betty made last night," he said, as he went to the refrigerator and peeped inside. There were cheese and apple grilled sandwiches as well as chicken sandwiches. He warmed them a little and served it on a plate.

"Here,  choose any and eat," he said and Rosalie picked a chicken sandwich. 

"Thanks," she said as she munched the delicious sandwich. Jaden too helped himself to the sandwiches and sipped his coffee. "Jaden, I also wanted to thank you for saving me. I didn't know how to escape Mr McAllister.  If he knew about our baby, he would have forced me to get it aborted," she said as two fat teardrops fell from her eyes at the thought. 

Jaden got up and went to her. He picked her up and sat down with her on his lap. "Shh love, you and our baby both are safe with me. I will protect you both with my life," he said and she put her hands around his neck and her face on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry to say all those things to you, Jaden. I didn't mean a word of them.  I was just scared that if Jennifer found out she would harm the baby, you and me," she said sobbing.

"Don't cry, love. I understand. I'm not mad at you," he said gently, stroking her soft silken hair. She calmed down and awkwardly tried to get up from his lap, but he just tightened his hold. He missed her with every cell of his body. With every breath that he took, he thought about her. 

"Jaden, Betty would come in any minute," she said shyly. 

"Let her. I missed you so much," he said as he turned her face towards his and claimed her mouth. He kissed her hungrily yet lingeringly, savouring in the feel of her. He was happy that she didn't mean anything she said that day. He wanted to show her how much he missed her. He deepened the kiss when he felt Rosalie responding and kissing him back. She might have missed him too. Excitement coursed through him at the thought.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, please continue," said Betty as she came in and suddenly went out of the room. Jaden reluctantly broke the kiss.

"You can come in now Betty, " he said loudly for her to hear. He placed Rosalie down on her chair and then went back to his to resume eating as if nothing had happened. 

Betty came inside with flushed cheeks and went on with her work. Rosalie sat with pink cheeks, finishing her second sandwich. 

"These are delicious, thanks Betty," said Jaden and Rosalie too agreed. Betty smiled happily. 

Jaden's mobile phone rang and he took the call, whispering to her, "Your dad on the line." He switched the speaker on.

"Yes, uncle Edwards. How are you and how's everything there?" Asked Jaden as Rosalie listened intently. 

"Not so good Jaden. Yesterday night there was a huge brawl at Go Organics, Rosalie's workplace," her dad informed as Rosalie stopped munching and sat straight to listen intently to what he was saying. "Allen and his men threatened Allison outside the office. She called her boyfriend Stuart Taylor and he beat the shit out of them all. Mr McAllister is in the hospital," he said and Jaden held his head with concern and shock.

"Oh, I hope he isn't serious. Stuart is a 5th Dan in taekwondo and kickboxing. How did things get so serious?" Jaden asked. 

"Allen threatened Allison and she gave him a piece of her mind. Allison told him that Rosalie hated him and that she loved someone else. She also told him that Rosalie would never have married Allen. She also told Allen that he should be arrested for human trafficking, for buying a wife against her will. She told him that Rosalie was expecting her boyfriend's baby, " said her dad and Rosalie sat with her hand on her head. 

"Oh, " was all Jaden could say.

"Allen was wild with anger. He and his men smashed Allison's car panes and she video recorded it. She called her boyfriend Stuart Taylor and he alerted the police. He came and dealt with it his way before the police came and arrested the men and admitted Allen to the hospital with two broken ribs and other minor injuries," said her father.

"Oh," said Jaden, then thinking a little, he asked,"Did they arrest Stuart?" 

"No, thankfully he was let off with a warning after they showed the police the video clip," said her dad and Rosalie heaved a sigh of relief.

"Ok, so now, what next?" Asked Jaden. 

"Don't know. Let Allen get released from the hospital," said her dad.

They disconnected the call as her dad was at his office. Jaden kissed Rosalie's forehead and went up to get ready for office. 

Before leaving he gave strict instructions to check before opening the main door and to call him if anything looked suspicious. He left a spare mobile at home for their use and went to work.


continue: Chapter Twelve