Sweep You Off Your Feet (Eternal Love Series Book 1)
Sweep You Off Your Feet (Eternal Love Series Book 1)
2 64129 20  ( Completed )

Chapter Seven


Two weeks passed and still Karen didn't find any way out. Scarlett and Chase's wedding was in six days and they would have to go to the wedding venue which was a little on the suburbs of Travis Springs.

She was packing up for the day when Jayson came into her room. He was away for ten days, fighting a case in San Antonio. "So, how have you been, Karen?" He asked her. Truth was he had missed her more than he had imagined he would. The moment the verdict was out, he packed his stuff and came back straight to office to see her. He knew that it was crazy, but yes he had become crazy. He had to see her today.

"I've been ok. When did you return?" She asked him. She had grown so used to seeing him everyday that she missed talking to him. He was so caring towards her.

"Just now," he said. She saw that he looked too tired. Maybe he came directly from the court.

"You need rest Jayson. Go home and sleep," she said and he just stared at her.

"What?" She asked.

"Come home with me Karen. I n need you," he said, his eyes cast downwards. Her heart went out to him. He must be very lonely. Maybe he needed her support.

"Ok, you go ahead. I'll follow you," she said as he nodded and left. She locked her chamber and followed his Mercedes to his home in her car.

Parking her car, she followed him into his house. His shoulders were slumped and he somehow dragged his feet into the house and slumped onto the sofa. She went up to him and asked,"What's the matter? Anything wrong?"

He just put his face in his hands. Karen wanted to just go and hug him. She had never seen him like this. Something was bothering him.

She kneeled in front of him,"Tell me Jayson," she said as she pulled his hands away from his face and held his cheek to force him to look at her.

He stared at her for some time and then simply picked her up and placed her on his lap, straddling him, embedding his face into her neck. Karen was a little taken aback by his abrupt behaviour, still she stroked his hair to comfort him.

He looked up into her eyes, "I've lost a case today. I couldn't save an innocent man. He has small children and he has been framed badly. I couldn't save him, Karen, " he said, looking like a lost soul.

"It's ok, it was his destiny Jayson. You tried your best, didn't you?" she asked, placing her hand on his cheek. He leaned into her touch, his eyes searching hers."You can appeal to a higher court. Don't give up if you feel so bad for him."

Jayson nodded at her supportive words. There was another thing that was eating him alive. If only he could tell Karen. Suddenly aware of her position on his lap, she said,"I think I'll go home, " she said trying to get up but he held her tightly to him.

"Stay," he said, his hot gaze taking her in, her eyes, her parted dewy lips, his nose inhaling her scintillating strawberry and vanilla scent. Desire to kiss her played with his senses as he stared at her lips, mesmerized by them.

"I can't," she said trying to get up only to be more tightly held than before. She could feel his hard chest beneath her soft ones, his hard arousal pressed into her soft core.

"Why?" He whispered as he lowered his head, too lost in her wet dewy lips to think straight.

"Jayson, I, " he swallowed the rest of her words as his mouth claimed hers in a passionately hungry kiss, his tongue plunged into her already parted warm, soft mouth. He was a lost man. A month's frustration and desire went into the kiss that he had dreamed of every minute of his day. He thought about her first thing in the morning, watched her the whole day, went to sleep with her thoughts and dreamt of her at night. He might have gone crazy or he was in love with her. Yes, he indeed was in love with her.

He explored her mouth like a man whose only mission was to taste her sweetness. After overcoming the initial shock of the sudden kiss, Karen responded to him. His warm, passionate kiss left her a throbbing mess. She didn't want him to stop. Her arms went around his neck as he groaned in pleasure at her caressing his hair.

He broke the kiss to take a deep breath and again crashed his lips to hers. He couldn't stop at one kiss. He wanted more. His hands moulded her body flush against his. She fitted him perfectly as if she was made for him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll come later, " Sally's voice had them jump apart. Karen fixed herself shyly as she sat beside him on the sofa, her cheeks red as a tomato.

Jayson looked at Sally and said, "Yes Sally, do you need something?"

"No, dinner is ready. Shall I serve it?" She asked in an embarrassed tone.

"No, thank you Sally. We will manage that. You can go home if you want to," said Jayson as Sally nodded happily and left.

"I'll leave too Jayson, " Karen said, getting up.

"Join me for dinner. Please," he said, holding her wrist to stop her from leaving.

"Ok," she agreed shyly.

They laid the table and sat down to eat. "So is your former office problem solved?" Asked Jayson.

"No," she sighed, "Roland Farrell emailed me which specified that as per the deed of agreement signed between the company and me, I couldn't resign from the company before five years of service since they needed to recover costs of training me. If I did resign, I would have to pay the company a sum of $100,000.00 within two months from the date of resignation. "

"I know I haven't signed any deed ever. Also they never gave me any training so what training cost?" She said, agitatedly.

Jayson listened to her patiently. He knew that Roland Farrell was just trying to get his way.

"I'll take up your case, free of cost, but I want a favor in return," he said, staring at her for her reaction. 


continue: Chapter Eight