Love Is You (Destiny Series-Book 5)
Love Is You (Destiny Series-Book 5)
0 52451 24  ( Completed )

Chapter 2 - A Surprise Meeting

Claire’s POV 


I closed my eyes as I steadied my breath. Of course, I knew who he was. He was my childhood crush, the one, and only Jason Crawford! Although he had changed, I would always recognize him even with my eyes closed, but what shocked me was what was he doing here? I didn’t know that he lived next door to Aunt Emily. Aunt Emily told me that the house was vacant for a long time. Then when did he buy it? I groaned with embarrassment, wondering why he had to be the one to see me in this state of undress. How will I ever face him again? I stayed hidden in my room to get a grip on myself.

Since I last saw him, he had become more mature, more sinfully gorgeous. His lanky frame had filled up nicely and had grown more muscular, making me drool. He seemed to have grown much taller than before, more manly than ever before. A tremor of excitement went down my spine. I realized maybe he didn’t recognize me. After all, I was just a gawky twelve-year-old who had a crush on him when he last saw me. My throat felt choked with panic and I suddenly wanted to go home to mom. However, I couldn’t stay hidden for long as Aunt Emily called for me and I quickly wore a pair of denim shorts and a blue tank top. I went downstairs to the kitchen to make myself coffee, but Aunt Emily was nowhere around. Where did she go?

“Are you making one for me, too?” I spun around, surprised at the deep baritone voice with a husky edge to it. I froze, knowing exactly who it was. His manly scent, his warmth, seeped into my nose and body and I couldn’t think straight. 

“N-no, you’re in the wrong kitchen,” I stammered as I stood there awkwardly, so close to him. When he had crept up into my personal space, I didn’t know. I was about to go get my coffee when his arm caught my waist, pinning me to him.

“I think I’m where I belong,” he said, staring at me with a look I couldn’t decipher.

“I also think you’ve grown up nicely for me,” he said as his hand stroked my arm, causing goosebumps to erupt all over.

I rolled my eyes. “Excuse me? Why should I grow up for you?” I spat, extracting myself and concentrating on the coffee instead. I was angry at the audacity he had. After years of ignoring my very existence, how can he just appear out of nowhere only to tease me?

“I like the sass. It makes you more interesting,” he whispered, his mouth grazing the sweet spot below my ear. It caused an electric current to course up my body and I was powerless to resist it.

“Leave me alone, Jason,” I said as he grinned, tightening his hold on me.

“I’m honored that you remember my name. Do you still have that crush on me like you used to?” he winked at me, making me seethe at his taunting remark. 

“No, you’re not worth it and I’ve moved on.” I lied to save my self-respect, although I knew I was still stuck with a hopeless crush on him! Why did he have to be so damn good-looking? It would have been so easy to get over him if he had braces and bad breath, thinning hair, and a potbelly! He seemed angry at my retort and released me immediately while I scooted to the far end.

“It seems you two have met each other,” chuckled Aunt Emily as she entered the kitchen. 

“Honey, get coffee for all of us please,” she said to me and I nodded, relieved of her presence. I couldn’t tolerate Jason a minute longer within the small confines of the kitchen.

Finally, we settled down at Aunt Emily’s small breakfast table. I came to know that Jason was Aunt Emily’s best friend’s son. He bought the house two days back and shifted today at noon, but why would he want to live here in such a row house? I didn’t have any answer to that. He was a billionaire based in Los Angeles and looked after his father’s shipping business. As far as I knew, billionaires never lived in row houses!

I took the cups to the kitchen to rinse, but to my dismay, Jason followed me. He stood behind me, breathing down my neck, and placed his cup in the sink, his face inches away from mine. I could feel his hot penetrating gaze burning a hole there and did not dare to turn to look at him. This Jason was dangerous. I was fine with the younger Jason, who used to ignore me. “You didn’t answer me truthfully. So, who did you move on with?” he whispered as my eyes widened and my cheeks flooded with color. I knew what he was talking about, but would never admit it. He knew I was lying, and that I hadn’t moved on from him.

“Noone yet. Just with my career goals,” I admitted. It was the truth anyway. His face seemed to relax, liking my answer immensely.

“That’s interesting to know, but a beautiful girl like you surely must be having a lot of suitors. Don’t you like anyone amongst them?” he asked curiously while I gaped at him with shock. Did he just call me beautiful? Did he really consider me beautiful? My heart skipped a beat at the thought. Then came the realization that he knew about the guys hounding after me. Who might have told him? Dad or Aunt Emily?

“Please, Jason. Can we not discuss this? It’s personal,” I pleaded, and thankfully he didn’t prod further.

“So, is this a pleasure trip? How long are you staying here?” he asked with interest. 

“I have come here to complete my studies,” I said as I dried my hands and turned around to leave, only to come face to face with Jason. My eyes widened, thinking about what he wanted from me. Why was he following me around? 

“Okay, I’ll see you later.” I tried to go past him, but he stood like a pillar in front of me, blocking my way. 

“Can you stop following me around?” I finally asked, unable to take in any more.

“I can’t. I have come here only for you,” he said as he just walked away with a smile on his lips, seeing my jaw-dropped look. What did he mean by that? I was too confused to even think of the possibilities. If Dad knew Jason was here for me, he would kill me first with his gun. He wouldn’t believe that I didn’t lead him on. I came out of the kitchen deep in thought, but noted that Jason wasn’t there anywhere around. Did he leave? 

“He’s gone to his parent’s house for dinner,” said Aunt Emily and I blushed at being caught. 

“I wasn’t looking for him,” I lied, but Aunt Emily chuckled. I escaped to my room to check out my courseware.

After dinner also, I sat down at my desk to study. Aunt Emily came up to give me a glass of hot chocolate, my favorite, then she went to sleep. By midnight, I closed my books and prepared for bed. As I was about to climb into my bed, I heard the muffled soulful sound of a guitar strumming, along with Jason’s deep voice, singing, ‘Perfect’ by Ed Sheeran. It was the most touching song I ever heard as if he meant every word he sang. It brought tears of longing to my eyes. Lucky was the girl for whom he had such deep feelings.

The song ended, and I went to bed, twisting and turning as sleep eluded me and Jason’s voice kept playing inside my head. This was torture, being so near the guy who meant the world to you. Why did he have to come back into my life? That to as my neighbor? How would I survive this every day, him being near me, loving someone else, maybe marrying her too? I had to keep my distance from him.

So I did exactly that and avoided him like a plague. I closed all the doors and windows of my room and drew the curtains in. I went down at odd hours to eat. Aunt Emily thought I was studying for the upcoming classes that I missed, so she didn’t question me much. This worked for the entire week and I didn’t see Jason. I started going to college in the last few days and liked the atmosphere there. I didn’t make any friends, but that didn’t bother me, as I was a socially awkward person.

I spoke to Stefan over the phone, and the situation at home had cooled down. Dad collected my transfer certificate from my previous college and had it submitted to Santa Monica College. No wonder they did not demand it from me. Mom also talked to me. She cried when she heard my voice. She promised to come down and see me when she could, yet I was restless and I didn’t know why!

continue: Chapter 3 - He Knows Everything About Me